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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Have I done a what ??? Please explain, I'm curious.
  2. Building rollcages takes forever, so I build one and saved it as a subassembly so I don't have to rebuild it every time. Testdrive, the car is so light it's superfast and drifts like crazy. It can't be flipped, I'll make a video later, having some trouble with adding music to my videos on Youtube...
  3. That Spitfire looks amazing ! I'm building a rollcage using 52 ! antennas:
  4. Today I've learned how to recolor the new RoverWheels fenders, I'm so happy... I might make a mod with more colors, let me know if you are interested, cause it will take a lot of work to make more colors. Which I'll probably end up doing anyways..
  5. @DoctorDavinci I MADE IT WORK ! Finaly I've found a way to paint the Roverwheels, it's not the right color yet, but I know how to do it now. Happy Happy Joy Joy I'm not a modder, mostly I don't know what I'm doing with KSP files, but it is always nice to see something work. I'm kinda proud of myself. EDIT : FIXED. Man, this looks cool...
  6. Now that I'm using Tweakscale, I can work on some specific detailing, like seats: Saving it in subassemblies saves me time. They look like movie theater seats. Looks like Val got some sun this summer.
  7. I see some hackers released some of my stuff early ? Anyway, this is amazing . . .
  8. THE RESULTS: The first race was won by nobody.The TARDIS was making 'woosh woosh' noises, but took 10 seconds to disappear before reappearing AFTER the finish line, never crossed it. The Flux Capacitor car reached 88 MpH before the finishline and disappeared, only to return at the startline going 88 MpH. Want to hear about race #2 ?
  9. Today we worked on our shaping skills: It's not great, but it's also not bad. I'm new to using TweakScale on my stock parts. The dragrace will come later and the results of the Tardis - Flux Capacitor race are here : The first race was won by nobody.The TARDIS was making 'woosh woosh' noises, but took 10 seconds to disappear before reappearing AFTER the finish line, never crossed it.The Flux Capacitor car reached 88 MpH before the finishline and disappeared, only to return at the startline going 88 MpH. Want to hear about race #2 ? More upcoming, a video and a download for my new driftcar. TBC
  10. Cool ! The whole mission was done in 1:30 minutes. Respect to the rescue team.
  11. The guy is Paul Walker, main character in the first "Fast and Furious" movies. He killed himself in a car accident. My point was he was real and Han solo is a fiction character. You are not a car guy are you ? Disney killed Star Wars for me, I'm o.k. with that, the story had a beginning and a end. I enjoyed to prequels, but 6 episodes where enough. On topic: My dash :
  12. I like were this is going. Step into "my office" About to install the telemetry. TBBC
  13. TIME MACHINE DRAG RACE TIME ! Yeah... It's a thing. TARDIS vs. Flux Capacitor. SO WHO WILL WIN ? Leave a comment for who you think will win and why. Results will be in later, let's see who got it right.... *Tardis original design by @SaturnianBlue
  14. TIME MACHINE DRAG RACE TIME ! Yeah... It's a thing. TARDIS vs. Flux Capacitor. SO WHO WILL WIN ? Leave a comment for who you think will win and why. Results will be in later. *Tardis original design by @SaturnianBlue
  15. Today's visitor, Doctress Who . . . 'Woman can't park' jokes in 3, 2, 1... Tardis original made by @SaturnianBlue , thanks dude, great design. source: https://kerbalx.com/SaturnianBlue/TARDIS
  16. Installed a Flux Capacitor. Kessel run in 12 parsecs ? I'll do it in no time. Bring it on Solo... * If I die: Han shot first.
  17. Installed a Flux Capacitor, I mean, why not. Not many miles on this car yet, it has only been driven from time to time...
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