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Everything posted by Triop

  1. I've updated the thread: - Use mods or make it stock, it's up to you. - You can use electric, jet engines, both if you like but no flying (that also means don't use jet engines while jumping). - Minimal 1 Kerbal, so no drones. - No saving during stages. - When a stage is finished you can save and start the next stage when ever you like. - If you crash during a stage, and you can't repair you have to restart the complete rally. Hope this make things more clear, sorry about the messy rules....
  2. Thanks, I will. The numbers are not official but they make the car look Dakar style. I installed Bandicam and made a testvideo (this is all new to me). It's a bit long and starts boring but you can see the car performance.
  3. Today, we tested our new cars for the KD2017
  4. I'm thinking of going for the team challenge; 4 cars, total time. #1 and 2 are ready. Sadly I gave @SpannerMonkey(smce) #703 So my entree numbers will be 701,702,704,705. I'm taking this way to seriously.....
  5. I also made a "Red Kull" sticker. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh8zktaqyq2z3md/RedKull.png?dl=0
  6. Missed your post, here you go, 703: https://www.dropbox.com/s/txu0hs56w19jbep/nummer703.png?dl=0
  7. hehehe, https://www.dropbox.com/s/9xakk5djkbvcuja/number 757.png?dl=0 Here are some more sticker ideas for sponsors: https://www.google.nl/search?q=dakar+sponsors&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiA5uu49rfRAhVHPRoKHXNNDzEQ_AUICCgB&biw=1920&bih=947
  8. The 7 in 701 stands for 2017, is it ok if I make it 757 ? Edit, here you go 757: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9xakk5djkbvcuja/number 757.png?dl=0
  9. Go to NEBULA/decals/textures, there you will find the images. Open 1 in paint, delete the image and insert your own, rename the save. Then go to NEBULA/decals and open the config file with notepad. search for this: textureNames = dcl;nebula;esa1;esa2;eustars;squad;iss;nasa1;nasa2;roskosmos1;roskosmos2;energia1;euflag;usflag;ruflag;ruflag2;rusroundel;nummer // Add your texture name at the end of the above line with a semicolon before it. // Copy your texture in the GameData/NEBULA/decals/textures/ For the number image I added ;nummer Done. Should I make you a number ? 702 ?
  10. I've downloaded the NEBULA decals mod, I have sponsors now and a startnumber.
  11. You mean my youtube tumbnail ? It,s a VW Beetle rat rod papercraft I re-designed years ago: http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p143/Triop/CIMG9077.jpg http://www.papermodelers.com/forum/design-threads/9760-beetle-hot-rod.html I need to get back to that hobby...
  12. That is sad... Not a single entry in this competition is the same, categorizing is going to be hell for me at the end of the month...
  13. Listen 6:10 - 7:00...fairly coherent. But what ever, he is gone and my "little insulting" challenge is still going.
  14. Wauw, as I hear from you some people are taking it very seriously... I can not check if people use indestructible parts or quicksave/load, I let it up to you how you want to experience the 7 stages. It's about designing and driving, testing yourself. To be honest after a stock run of the complete course I've started to use modded parts and cfg editing myself, I have (car) body parts with a higher crashtolerance and faster wheels, but still I don't make it further than stage 3... Many discussions on the rules, mostly by people who haven't even driven a single stage... Don't let people judge you on how you do it, that's my job. Just have fun Magzimum, good luck.
  15. I know, it sucks, had my fun with it and moving on....
  16. Nope, but apparently I need a new supplier.... Will you send them to me ?
  17. Has been ? Don't think so , UPDATE: So right before the finish the same thing happened to Ribsen: lost a wheel just before the finish on flat terrain (Kraken ?) Anyway, one of these cars is gonna be a donor for the other, so no worries. Both cars are still in the race since they both made it to the finish. We will have to wait till daylight for repairs... To be continued.
  18. We just heard that Ribsen had two flat tires, but he was able to fix them: He's continuing the stage as we speak.
  19. Oops, I'm cluttering my own thread.... Owwww well, let me finish the story. So not only did I forgot a ladder, I also forgot the tools. We heard that our team mate Ribsen Kerman is about to start his run and he has tools on him. The plan is to wait for him and take on off his wheels (cause I also forgot the spare) It's getting dark... He just finished stage 2 and last we heard he's willing to drive further in the dark so we hope he's about to start stage 3 to get to us.
  20. On our way ! Forgot the ladder.... To be continued....
  21. So i went for it... Should I send a team for repairs or just blast through the next stage ?
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