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Everything posted by Triop

  1. I only did BDA simulations, having both settings equalized as default, with exception of firing interval setting to 1. Your F-2 does better here. How is my F-17 holding up there ? is it any good ?
  2. My new toy, thinks it is a VTOL... https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ytetkj3ju76w0n/Super-G%20BD%20%28cobra%29.craft?dl=0 @drtricky Can you improve this ? After some tuning it did this, shot down the enemy and landed (had to shut of the engine cause stupid a.i. don't do that)
  3. That thing is brutal...I remember this 10 engines .... Still a beast, still playing with it, great toy
  4. "unable to maintain effective control" Yes, it's perfectly normal... Sorry, I just had to post this... here, have a treat : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftrymjgiymw3hxb/A-4%20SkyHawk.craft?dl=0
  5. Your upload is a very nice Raptor, did you build that ? I luv this thing !
  6. F-2 vs. F-3 : 1st fight: Yes, the F-2 spontaneously exploded.... 2nd fight: Love Jeb's face I've runned the simulation some more times, the F-2 is better than the F-3. I must say, first thing I do when I download a fighter I rip off the flight computer and weapons manager and replace them (with only setting the weapons manager firing interval to 1)! ...And be sure you have the latest version of BDA
  7. Owww, more toys and it isn't even my birthday Thanks man, i like this. I will try to design something to shoot your baby down
  8. So my topic moved to "The Lounge". . . I didn't even knew it existed . . . Very Twin Peaks . . .
  9. Yes, the YF-17 (base was the F-5, my favorite fighter (also the base for the X-29 and the F-20) Thanks for the idea, I actually changed it's name. Here's more candy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pc7t124ou59pjx2/K-16.craft?dl=0 The K-16 didn't win here against the K-17 Picture: [inserted picture removed by Kerbel Dynamics]
  10. Thanks, found out what L.A.V.A. stands for: Liquid And Very Aggresive !
  11. Today we tried a new fuel called L.A.V.A. Bad idea....
  12. No, but this happened sometimes: Not in gun range...just exploded. Don't know what it is, cause it does not happen when I view it from your F-2 point of view... Thanks for this b.t.w :
  13. Owww, toys to play with ! Here, have a K-18 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/l9h6r1uw6zs5yfp/K-18.craft?dl=0
  14. O.k, you are in...But I still have no clue how you or JW2016 did it. I use no mods so your pictures don't tell me anything. But I must say I am impressed..
  15. Nope, does not fly, this one does:
  16. No, I got it from KerbalX. Don't remember...
  17. F-18 I found . . . Still flies great though !
  18. Owww, I'm just trolling... The temper of you space guys.... Oops, I did it again.... See you later SPA
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