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Everything posted by Triop

  1. All the files I delete are non pollution, so no problem here.
  2. @ SasquatchM I know, hard to tell who is "Top Gun" ....But you have to admit it, the fighting between our planes is epic ! Your take off speed is incredible btw..... I will set your planes minimum altitude to 150 and simulate some fights tomorrow. Edit I did set your minimum altitude to 150, I didn't have a chance...But I have more planes I would say you and I are now the #1 to beat. Edit: I'd like to videorecord some battles, what free program is best used, Bandicam ?
  3. VTOL ? Awesome, would you share the file ? I'd like to fly that.
  4. I always thought it would be a good idea for the craft files to be submitted as private messages to the tournament-holder. Feel free to put pictures in the thread, but once the craft are posted, everyone starts tweaking their designs against the submissions. You get planes designed to beat certain other planes, not designs that stand on their own. I agree, but I have to say, fighting against planes from people who posted them here is a great learning process *Let me take a selfie*
  5. I can't beat that, tried all my fighters Back to the drawing board... Update: GOTYA ! I wish I recorded the fight, I saw you explode 4 times before your plane gave in...Excellent challenge Your plane is awesome, here is my fighter file, do some simulations and let me know how it went down, I need to know how it runs https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0e0cu2h4k59rec/SuperFly%20II.craft?dl=0
  6. Awesome...Sorry BlueCanary, I loved your plane... Over in 4 seconds . . . R.I.P.
  7. Ok, so I don't feel like going all out on the first date, so I will start simple and small. I present to you : --------------SUPERFLY------------ *** WARNING ; THIS FLY WILL KILL YOU ! *** Points- 42 4x Aim-9 = 24 1x Vulcan Hidden = 7 1x Flares = 3 2x ammo can = 8 100% legal, no messing with config files, overclipping, doubleclipping or what so ever. Craft file :https://www.dropbox.com/s/1x9uvivvnuriv9s/SuperFly.craft?dl=0 UPGRADE ! https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0e0cu2h4k59rec/SuperFly%20II.craft?dl=0 SuperFly II: It's ugly, but it gets the job done (for now) Points- 41 2x Aim-9 = 12 2x Aim-120 = 8 2x Flares = 6 2X Shaff = 4 1x Vulcan Hidden = 7 1x Ammo Box = 4 Let's get it on !
  8. So...Anybody played it ? http://www.simpleplanes.com/ Is it for KSP players ? What is your opinion ? Edit: Southpark said I am a ad, but trust me I am not...
  9. What is something you did that was last minute ? Going to the toilet during a mission ?
  10. From what mod these parts come from ?
  11. I'm in, need to read the rules again and check if my jets are legal first. Question, if I upload my fighter here, everybody can download it and use it to finetune their fighter before entering, how is this solved ?
  12. "Mountlookitthat" lol, never knew that, I only know it as K2. But I am a bit of a newbee....only be playing for a year now
  13. NICE, you just went to the top ! I like the way you did it to, very creative And I'd like to take a look at that wheel part, I like to compare it with mine to learn more about config files.
  14. I build some micro planes and I'd like to show them to you. First up: Val in her "Butterfly". It is very maneuverable. FS1LEG Lancaster Engine...Very fast take off ! Wieeeeeee ! And the last one "Da Bomba". Some size comparison. Let me know if you liked it.
  15. Nothing wrong with my fighters, I'd bet they would kick your ass
  16. Yes, good idea, 50 m/s = 180 kph. Still busy with building buggys, trying to go smaller.... And yes, this lill' thing can do speeds higher then 100 m/s
  17. I keep getting strange outcomes with my AI fights depending on startingpoint/viewpoint, I can't find a way to make fights fair...
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