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Everything posted by Triop

  1. O.k, designers, show us your art. Build this and post a picture, simple not ? Images for inspiration: https://www.google.nl/search?q=Viper+Jet+Mk2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8vKDe-YfLAhUEbhQKHYb2AmMQ_AUIBygB&biw=1920&bih=947 My judgement so far: 1: RixKillian 2: Val 3: Mordecai_Ender 4: Chocolat Oreos 5: ihtiot 6:
  2. Well, that's 1... I'll keep him there for now, he needed a vacation anyway.
  3. I love the X-29, did you know it was build around a F-5 airframe ? Here's a pic of mine Next the Horten Ho 229 ?
  4. Triop

    You have closed my topic "parts I hate" because:

    "This is not a constructive topic guys, closing down, sorry."

    I do not want a ban, but could you please specify that ?

    I seriously want to know, because we have a right to be critical on KSP here no ?

    Just that freedom of speech is important to me you know.

    Once again, no trouble maker, just want a explenation.


    William Brands (Triop)

    1. sjwt


      You are not being banned, but the users who were attracted to the post started making trouble by posting personal attacks against specific mod makers, so it was not good to let it continue. 

      A more positive wording of your post might work better, such as "Parts that I feel could be improved" but just by specifying hate it has attracted those who have strong feelings and wanted to attack others. 

    2. Triop


      I see, thanks for the clarification.


  5. O.k, designers, show us your art. Build this and post a picture, simple not ? Visitors can judge the pictures with likes and comments, have fun ( I made one but I am not going to show it ....yet.) Honda Jets so far:
  6. "Manouaaueuverable" ...Nope, still can't do it, but my Mig can ! Edit: Try it !
  7. Not fast, but very manouverabellele (I probabely spelled that wrong, just like this ) Craftfile, all stock, no mods: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lq6cavho44yts9d/1%20Mini%20MiG%20-%20%2015.craft?dl=0 Enjoy !
  8. Callsign "Lucky Luke" Cause he's faster than his shadow... Edit; Yes, that is the X-29......W.I.P at the moment...
  9. Not a crash, but a take off Edit: Didn't make it trying to fly under the bridge b.t.w....
  10. @ Snark I didn't use the part because, well...duh
  11. Took a dive in the pool . . . I wuz thirsty to . . . Edit: Hit the bottom of the page to...
  12. Mk1 Crew Cabin. Hatch Obstructed. . . Why, KSP...why ?
  13. I did a roll while flying under the bridge high speed... and got away with it ! Want proof ? ...You try pressing F1 taking a screenshot while doing that !
  14. MACROJET ! . . .Cause size matters . . .
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