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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Thanks, guys. I'm planning on replicating my rides when the new DLC is out, so I can share them as stock on X-factor Kerbal-X If I knew how to program servos I could make swings. Many more ideas for rides, I have...
  2. Over-engineering can be good sometimes I want to add moarrrr, but my computers say no...
  3. Today, I made a machine that fits my avatar.
  4. Yeah, I'd love to make a AT-ST walker, but I can't figure out the servo functions on IR. I'll just wait for the new DLC.
  5. Interesting stuff, I'll work on that. But for now I'm still hooked on designing rides...
  6. What does torque do ? I'm a noob. Yes it is, I bought you a ticket as well.
  7. Ho Lam Kerman. Oh, wait. He misspelled his own name already....
  8. Electrophysiological.
  9. I don't know. Picture kerbiloid in a pink skirt ? Hahaha, what has been seen . . .
  10. " I looked and looked but I didn't see God. " - Yuri Gagarin
  11. I'm not supposed to be here... Usually I get banned after being here in my happy hour... Aint that right @Gargamel
  12. That.....Is awesome. Keep me posted on this project please. Cool planes, I might "borrow" that...
  13. I tried some things, but the motorized washers just seems to weak to get us airborne... I guess I'll wait for the new DLC to do this project, too complicated for me now.
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