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Everything posted by Triop

  1. I lost a Kerbal... Do you see Sigrie Kerman ? It's a total mystery for me . . . ( careermode 1.7 )
  2. Today, I lost a Kerbal... Do you see Sigrie Kerman ? It's a total mystery for me . . . ( careermode 1.7 ) EDIT UPDATE: The mystery continues, I did the contract hoping it would be a glitch... The contract is not completed, but where is Sigrie ? ? ? I haven't lost a Kerbal, so WHERE IS SHE ? ? ?
  3. More, and more, and then some more tourists.... WHERE DO ALL THESE KERBALS COME FROM ???? TBC *shoutout to Bartbart Kerman, coolest name ever.
  4. Keep 'm coming I've got 60 science points from my last 30 tourists. so I'm not complaining. TBC
  5. Sucking up some contracts: Done. My little travel agency is a success ! Moarrrr Kerbals want me to take them into space. TBC
  6. It's pretty easy, just get them above 70.000 meters and don't open the parachutes too late soon. I've upgraded the airfield and the SPH: Going to do 3 survey contracts now: TBC
  7. I'm still working on my career, just finished 30 tourist contracts in 4 flights. I've got a contract to test the small hardpoint, that's great cause now I can use droptanks on my jets. The tree so far : TBC
  8. *Bonk* We lost the ball, repeat, we . . . . TBC
  9. I was trying to get tourists to man the seats, but they all look like astronauts. I found this, but it's gone too... https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbalizer I really would like a mod where a Kerbal can wear casual clothes.
  10. Testing my new ride, I like this robotics stuff, great fun !
  11. Small contracts: Moarrrr tourists. Too easy, enough career for one day, I'll do this tomorrow. I'm going to play with some robotics now. TbC
  12. Let's do 8 in 1, they don't need to orbit, above 70.000 km is enough. On to the next batch. CBT
  13. 2nd attempt, new keyboard. First contract was easy, 'below' as I like to call it, on to the Southpole. Contracts done, science gathered. Time to go home. Dive in landing. Touchdown. And shopping, we have some tourists waiting to go to space.... TBC
  14. I was just thinking, how many of us are going to watch KerbalX closely to see the first cool robotics crafts ?
  15. Yep, on my way home, full report later. What a view... It must be scary for pilots flying over the open ocean at night, but what a view.... TCB
  16. Today, got science from the Southpole.
  17. VIDEO TIP OF THE DAY I like to watch YT videos when doing these boring flights. This one is full of amazing stuff : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkQewh8BT6s&t
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