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Everything posted by Triop

  1. You know I'm allergic for everything above 70.000 km, right ? I was actually seriously thinking about that for a moment... But I would revers it then, go from the highest point to the deepest. It does make sence somehow imo.
  2. @Jacke Why not both ? Ok, let me rephrase it, which one first ?
  3. Going down 51 m/s . . . Checkpoint 39 It looks like my life is going to be easier from here, no more wibbly wobbly. TBC
  4. Let's continue. Looks like a golf course . . . We've crashed, AGAIN. I'm getting used to it. Checkpoint 38 TBC
  5. We made it, the bridge is 55 km long . Checkpoint 37 I managed to take a screenshot showing the range of bridge #2: TBC
  6. If he doesn't jump, I will. Got stuck again, I don't have enough power to climb this curb. I need to roll back and adjust that bridge part. FULLFORCEREVERSE Now just plug that wheel back on and get the hell of this bridge.
  7. "It's a railed bridge, what can go wrong ?" Lost another fuelcell and solarpanel. These "speedbumps" are killing me....even got stuck for going to slow . . . Edberry had to go out and push...And forgot the handbrake. TBC
  8. OFFS ! There goes my fuelcell . . . Well, that is only the beginning of my problem, I can't just push the Tumbler back on it's wheels on the bridge, it's like ice. I tried pushing it up the curbs but nope.... Only thing I can think of is take off the wheel, roll the Tumbler over and attach the wheel back on. The Tumbler is half sunk into the bridge. I knew it was going to do that. Best I can do for now: . . . . . . AM I GOING THE WRONG WAY ? ? ? TBC
  9. Haha, indeed, it's kinda like a pitstop for me, I should time it next time (and we all know there will be a next time. ). Yes, I've learned the hard way. The mod let's you build the whole bridge under 1 group, but when you drive beyond the range your rover just falls through the bridge like it does not excist. But when you fly over the bridge with a jet you can only see the parts in range. So for my longest bridge I had to build 2 connecting bridges. This might not make much sence, but it's hard to explain. When I come back craft that are parked on the KK part will jump up, that's why the Tumbler was upside down and I now fear for my jet. I told him that if he wants to he can jump, but he has to swim 20 km back to shore. Well that changed his mind.
  10. Don't do it Ed . . . I'm going to make a new group from here and continue bridge building. TBC
  11. Rebuilding the engine, AGAIN. I hope the Kraken isn't planning on flipping my jet now it's parked on the bridge. Next up, uhhhhhh we have a problem.... I can't build the whole bridge in one Group, it will go out of range and my Bugger will sink right through it. (It's hard to explane) I need to try some things . . . TBC
  12. Parts 'r us is on it's way. As you can see rebuilding the bridge has begun, it's halfway now. Why are you upside down Ed ? TBC
  13. We still have a plane with parts on the South Point base. It seems we have plenty of parts left, which is good news. So we are about to take off and go see Edberry. TBC
  14. DAY 12 Off course I had to screw it up somehow . . . I didn't look where Edberry parked the Tumbler and I accidently build my bridge on top of it . . . I had to delete the bridge to save poor Eddy. This doesn't look good. I reloaded and the game reseted the front axles, but we lost the engine. Placing back the backwheel is no big deal. We have some power left in the command pod, but we need new parts first, I'll worry about the bridge later. TBC
  15. BRIDGES 'N STUFF. Ok, I'm terrible at tutorials, but I'll do my best to explain how to use Kerbal Konstructs + Kerbin Side.
  16. Yeah, sorry, and I regret I can't make video's at nighttime, a lot of crazy crashes happened that you will never see. But like you say, I can't just warp ahead for daylight screenshots, It will be lost time. Kerbin reality sucks. I'm 45 years old, people around me are too busy with politics and climate change . . .
  17. Thanks for the support, it really helps. People around me IRL think I'm crazy for playing this game. Nice to know some people on this forum actually like what I do.
  18. I was there when my mother died (she died of cancer) and I couldn't be there when my father died 2 years later (also cancer). I still blame myself, but I think he would understand why I wasn't there then. Video games don't have to be a curse, it's a way of getting away from reality from time to time that can also be helpful. Just don't loose tough with the living.
  19. I know, times will be hard, be strong. I wish you all the strength you need for these times. You are not alone. I will rename a Kerbal to Kevin Kerman and make him do great things in his honour. Good may come from this, his name made me giggle, he must have bin a fun guy.
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