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Everything posted by Triop

  1. Just returned from my double survey contract, I guessed right, one and a half hour. Hot Dogs are sold out, we'll buy Jeb a pizza.
  2. I promised Jeb I'd buy him a Hot Dog when he get's back. He better hurry though, they might be sold out by the time he gets back. 48 minutes into the mission:
  3. I'm about to fly a very boring double survey (above 18.000 meters) contract, I guess it will take me one and a half hour.
  4. I just came up with a new (for me) wing design, I like it a lot, very simple but looks smooth.
  5. Today I got a contract to test the TR-2L wheel, but I'm not going to test it, I'm going to use it for my survey contracts. Thanks game, you just saved me 550 science points.
  6. Cool, I saw this on Reddit before, mesmerizing. Today, Hot Dogs sales are up...
  7. CRAFT FILE : https://kerbalx.com/Triop/Bavaria
  8. Sorry to see this thread got destroyed, the idea was good, I liked it. 1. start again.
  9. Ow boy, you are way off, I never go into space...
  10. 8/10 I've quoted this fellow before
  11. Banned for being on the forum without actually playing the game.
  12. Nope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluebird_K7
  13. My other hobby: LEGO I'll let myself out now . . .
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