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Everything posted by Triop

  1. I'm in my game file cfg file right now, but I can't find DT_PHYSICS_FRAME_LIMIT . . . I did managed to paint my shuttle, looks are everything. To be honest I don't want to change cfg files, we will take it, everything the Kraken throws at us, we will take it, we will TBC I've managed to find the physicsframethingy and it is set to 0.04 here aswell (I'm playing 1.6.1.)
  2. So I just sank into the ground . . . Ok, the Kraken obviously want's me to fail . . . But I'm not gonna give up. Tomorrow I will fly a new buggy to checkpoint 4 and continue my trip. I've been fair with the game, the game was not fair with me . . . I have no idea yet who will drive the buggy...
  3. That makes 2 of us, I was born in 1973, you ? It's not a dilemma, I was the same when I was 19. I feel you, My mother died of cancer in 2007 and my dad died 2 years later also with cancer. It's hard, you are forced to think about life and that it's mostly hard and not fun. Games like KSP keeps me going when it comes to the fun bit, I can always be sorry later.
  4. Man, I hate that song, but you made me look up the lyrics and you are point on. Lyrics: And still, I'm happy to pay all her bills just to make her life easier. Us dads are good guys.
  5. Hahaha ! That's an amazing analyses, you should be my live sports commentator. I'm not going to put fins on this thing, it's balanced perfectly for me. There is always a risk of crashing/flipping, I'll take it any day. *And paint it red. Because red ones go fasta!* Painting is something I might do later . . . CAPTAIN'S LOG, STARDATE 6 DAYS AND THEN SOMETHING: So we are about 50kms away from cp 3, so we set up Checkpoint 4. TBC
  6. My daughter came by today, she is 19 now and she has school/job/social life so I don't see her as much as I used to. It's funny, when kids are young you wish they would get out of your face. And then they grow up so fast that they don't even have time for you.
  7. @Vanamonde You should close down this sillyness.... Btw, y o u a r e t a g g e d
  8. I guess not . . . @Jacke is also a cat.... Miauw ?
  9. We are now near the place where Jeb took his final toilet break (see page 1). RIP Jeb, you have all the privacy you need now in heaven. Next up: It's getting dark...I hate driving in the dark. My buggy doesn't have lights because having lights on while driving slows down my graphics. TBC
  10. You mean this route ? : I remember the first part from doing the Kerbal Dakar in 2017, you have to cross through the mountain in the first part which is pretty tricky, but it can be done. Checkpoint 3 This time we didn't forget to take a screenshot of Bill having his moment.... We do a little test on our retractable solar panels (I completely forgot I had those...). TBC
  11. Setting the flag for checkpoint 2 ( I plan to place a flag every 50 kms ) I have no screenshot of Bill placing the flag, I forgot... Here you can see the terrain I'm driving on : The marker for Rolas and Edberry just popped in, 99.0 kms to go, it's more really, I can't drive there in a straight line. TBC
  12. Yeah, but that doesn't look cool enough so no. Edit: I think the buggy is to close to the ground making the rear parts slam into the ground.
  13. We've lost another part: R-12 "doughnut" external tank...
  14. Yes he is, and he is not coming back, my settings won't allow it. I also can't quicksave, this is all real (Kerbal) time, real life. . . Me in Februari:
  15. Good for you, now drive it all around Kerbin. What ? No ? I dare you. What inspires me: When I'm driving around Kerbin I like to watch video's on my laptop to pep me up. This is what I like to watch when driving. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5e3_7I6mxg
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