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    Curious George
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    On escape trajectory out of the universe
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    Pushing the limits

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  1. Install literally any Kopernicus mod that doesn't change the Jool system (such as OPM). Since Principia doesn't use Kopernicus, Kopernicus will override it when setting the parameters of the different bodies.
  2. I can see that now. I suppose I should alter some config files then.
  3. I seem unable to extract any metal ore for my Minmus base. The info card for my drill is saying "Metal Ore full," even though I have two large empty containers specifically for metal ore. I also checked the resource map to confirm that there's plenty of metal ore in the region. I'm not sure if this is an Extraplanetary Launchpads thing or a K&K thing, but any assistance on the matter would be appreciated. Edit: for context, here's my full mod list.
  4. So far, I've had this problem only when the orbital lab is involved. Basically, if the orbital lab is involved in the rendesvous at all, everything will shift around wildly when RCS or any type of thrust is used. EDIT: I stand corrected. This happens without the orbital lab as well, but seems to stop when you quickload with just a kerbal on EVA and a single vessel.
  5. Is kethane a finite resource? Like, can you extract all of the kethane from a given location? Some elements of the mod seem to imply this, though I can't seem to find any actual information on the matter.
  6. Can someone explain to me why there are two engines that require liquid deuterium to function, and not a single part that actually contains the stuff? Just to clarify, I do have Community Resource Pack installed. Edit: I also can't find anything with fusion pellets, which seem to be a requirement for the SRX Flux II Bell.
  7. In terms of radiation belts, is there any plan to implement compatibility with extrasolar planet mods? I've been told that the radiation belts of exoplanets face Kerbol, despite the fact that they're nowhere near Kerbol.
  8. Is there support for the Breaking Ground DLC (like surface features that interact directly with the DLC)? And if not, is there any plan to add such things in the future?
  9. I know I can probably find out by playing, but I'd like to be informed of this ahead of time: with the new ignition limit feature (which wasn't a thing the last time I played), is there a general average limit for most engines? Also, what engines, if any, still have unlimited ignitions?
  10. New Horizons, a planet pack by @KillAshley, is my all-time favorite mod in Kerbal Space Program, as it completely revamps the Kerbol system into something completely new, giving many new bodies as well as rearranging the old ones. Unfortunately, KillAshley seems to have vanished over a year ago, and unfortunately, this means that no new updates have been made to the mod. I myself am illiterate in the way of KSP modding, so I cannot do this myself, but would someone else maybe be willing to pick up the torch and make sure that this amazing mod doesn't die?
  11. Could you release version compatible with 1.7 soon? Because Kopernicus requires your mod, and I therefore can't use any planet packs (my favorite kind of mod) until it's updated.
  12. Is it possible you could add a contract that's like the space camp, but for kolonists from MKS? Basically, instead of requesting a 40-day orbit around Kerbin with 12-16 kerbals, and giving you a pilot, engineer and scientist, it would request a long-term orbit around another body (probably Duna, since it's the kerbal analogue of Mars, the real-life most promising planet for colonization) with around 30-40 kerbals, and give you around 1-3 of each type of astronaut from that mod. Also, the prerequisites would obviously be different. I've been trying to make one myself, but I don't know how to get it to work.
  13. Sorry, guys. I haven't worked on this in quite awhile due to other things stealing my attention. I'd really like to get back to it, but I'm currently dealing with college, writing projects, D&D campaigns, etc.. I have not fully abandoned this project, but progress will be slow until I can pour more of my time into KSP. P.S. I am well aware that the patch for the Jool System only works with no other planet packs. I'm still trying to figure out how to edit the configs in such a way that the changes will actually be applied (the normal config format doesn't work for some reason).
  14. Is it possible you could edit the way magnetospheres and solar panels work to make them compatible with multiple stars?
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