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Everything posted by DDE

  1. I wonder how many people will be getting this reference.
  2. Word is the entire sprawling Rostech has serious cash flow problems - companies are being pressured to deliver despite not getting paid on time. That said, Soyuz-6 is a semi-private enterprise that plays sevond fiddle to Soyuz-5, which requires the full-size RD-171MV.
  3. In honor of today's Starship hop
  4. Look like AI Dungeon is going to crash and burn. The devs nuked all social features of the game (the 'Explore' tab) for an indefinite period They then poorly implemented an input filter for unseemly content (of the kind unmentionable on this forum) To compensate for the poor nature of said filter, a story caught in it will be flagged for manual review for compliance with TOS, including private stories. Other stories in your account can be inspected as well The devs have had two data leaks that made said stories publicly available, within the span of a month Throughout all this, they've either been utterly mute, or made non-committal posts full of corporatespeak This brouhaha also made a lot of people notice the sharply declining quality of the AI itself
  5. It's considered a legitimate strategy. There are better materials than glitter, though, like Vual'. https://thespacereview.com/article/3536/1
  6. "...and the actual assault team comes from the other side while everyone gawks."
  7. They end up unemployable, perhaps. Earlier today, I flunked a job applicant who wasn't able to complete even a third of our up-front finance-themed online test; this evening, his resume finally showed up in the system. Fresh engineering design BSc grad from Baumann, and yet he's clumsily knocking on doors in banking and finance instead. I hope he's just covering his bases, rather than this being an indicator of Russian manufacturing being all the way down in the excrementster.
  8. Oops. https://falsesteps.wordpress.com/2017/08/13/sidebar-the-tupolev-oos/ You were saying?
  9. Molten down? Not with much efficiency. But much of it are oxides of iron and silicon, so they can be broken down into the two contituents to produce low-performance chemical rocket fuel.
  10. I know there were a few during the early dockings. Beregovoh messed up and approached his target upsidedown because he read those lights wrong.
  11. You're trying to make sense out of a system that doesn't make sense. I think u/Senno_Ecto_Gammat on r/space used to have a canned rant about how the Shuttle was constantly used for missions and tasks that made zero sense, just to justify its continued existence. Compared with those experiments, a visit to Mir is tame.
  12. Brace yourself. You know Tolkien, LoTR, that sort of stuff? Well, he takes a rather... compromise position. First, the world was flat. But then the equivalent of Atlanteans decided to acquire immortality from the gods by force, and the flat world was made a sphere. https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Change_of_the_World
  13. As I keep repeating in this thread, it's also incredibly amusing to see the fruits of the labor of actual science consultants stucking out from beneath the dreck. Someone told them about orbital propellant depots, and a Lunar slingshot to match velocity.
  14. I've noticed they mentioned an "industrial" module.
  15. Wait... is it the transfer compartment to the Soyuz port aft, or the spherical unit fore with three ports? Fantastic, I was thinking about the wrong leak location all along. Thing is, I now understand even less how it wouod separate the ISS in two. It'd just cut off one of the Soyuz docking ports.
  16. So, for once in its entire existence the ISS would perform its original envisioned role as a shipyard. Three - Nauka, Zvezda, Zarya.
  17. I'm guessing we have klimbim to thank for that little alternative fact.
  18. Valentin Glushko has entered the chat
  19. There were handwave lines about that in some draft of Episode 4. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/220-SIG_Tactical_Sensor_Jamming_Device
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