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Everything posted by DDE

  1. Timur Faizutdinov, Dinamo SpB junior team captain, 19, hockey puck to the temple
  2. "My telescope is a lake" https://baikalgvd.jinr.ru/
  3. This has been spotted on eBay, new owner unknown:
  4. Not enough boosters. Feels like it's an attempt at one or perhaps both of the following: Chinese funding of the Yenisei, and Kremlin funding of the Yenisei (because let's ne honest, the current funding is barely enough for Powerpoint slides), likely due to the political embarrassment from, and Amrican terror at, the prospect of Chinese funding of the Yenisei
  5. Apparently they were more relevant - relevant enough to give the CIA a serious scare when the Zonds began broadcasting the recordings during their Lunar flybys.
  6. I've seen way too many act people surprised when faced with utterly predictable things... often, bias is to blame. Especially when the standard cliche of propaganda is that the adversary is somehow simultaneously pathetic and a universal threat.
  7. The mantra of anyone unwilling to let this pesky fact get into the way of their claims is that the documents have long since been purged and doctored. Everyone does it, from the people who don't find Stalin's bodycount to be high enough, to those who claim the Secret Protocol to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is a CIA falsification. Lack of evidence of a conspiracy is evidence of a conspiracy, of course. /s
  8. So... remember that thing about the threat of Soviet rocketeers running loose that got the ISS funded? Soviet SLBM rocketeers.
  9. According to unreliable sources, an An-124 has been used for an airborne hockey match, ice rink and all. https://t.me/moria40k/7655
  10. There isn't an actuarial table thick enough to stop the torrent of grieving families that will want someone, anyone to blame.
  11. I think all of this is beside the point. Neither the driver nor the car manufacturer would be willing the bear liability for the AI's missteps.
  12. I think I know who might end up stepping on that rake. https://pesllxi2efslnagci7isbbdh3y-adwhj77lcyoafdy-www-asn-news-ru.translate.goog/news/75273
  13. Took the first Sputnik jab. Mild drowsiness, maybe a fever. Can't tell if it's the vaccine or a Friday.
  14. But, importantly, they were just the medical tests, and the whole affair had no NASA backing. They were utterly unsolicited volunteers. Let's avoid bringing known Culture War bait onto this forum, please.
  15. https://selenianboondocks.com/2010/02/mhd-aerobraking-and-thermal-protection-part-i-introduction/ "Equipment"
  16. Old customer checking in
  17. I'm not sure about the US-made series of bullrts, but the effect on the Shkval is sometimes said to be artificially enhanced by injecting some of the rocket exhaust through the forward nozzle.
  18. Well, one of the most potent oxidizers ever known is ClF5, which was explored as a rocket propellant.
  19. And now in a less ironic response, this is basically what Ashurbeyli seems to have had in mind for Asgardia. "Asteroid defense platforms". That's what you get for jumping onto a hype train run by the ousted CEO of Russia's foremost SAM developer.
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