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Everything posted by DDE

  1. Well, heck, all I can now do is post the Mi-32 study:
  2. They're making the leap straight to proton-boron fusion, too.
  3. A fun exercise: try to guess what these are before clicking on the link.
  4. If so, we get to point and laugh: Yes, the source did claim heavy remastering.
  5. Freshly unearthed Gagarin video: Krikalev thinks it's a stellar April Fools: https://ren-tv.turbopages.org/ren.tv/s/news/v-rossii/818870-kosmonavt-krikalev-usomnilsia-v-podlinnosti-novogo-video-s-gagarinym
  6. If only that reminded me of something.
  7. Hey! The lack of evidence for my claims are because They covered it up, and any evidence against my claims are Their machinations! Who's They?
  8. That's just how things always are in Hollywood Soviet Russia. Different kind of bad, just as widespread.
  9. Item 1 should be familiar to our little club: But my money is on №3.
  10. Now-now, they haven't broken out "fusion" and "quantum". There's this one self-gratifying NBC article by an ex-CIA type that gets reposted all over the place. I imagine they used it as the sole source.
  11. That's exactly how a BWC verification mechanism would work... and exactly why it can't. Well, they have two narratives to counter that: 1. Accusations of deliberate dispersal at the World Military Games in Wuhan; 2. Claims that COVID-19 spread through the US for much of 2019 while being dismissed as "a mysterious vaping-related illness" Which, for one thing, is a fascinating bit of projection right there from Comrades Arrest-The-Whistleblower.
  12. At this point, I think they should just spray the whole transfer compartment. It's the only way to be sure.
  13. Sometimes they don't get the chance. 2021 seems to have something against Russian junior leagues. Nikita Sidorov, 18, drops dead in the middle of footie due to a brain aneurysm.
  14. I'd say that's evidence neither for nor against. Would mean more intermediate species, whether in the wild, or inside a lab.
  15. AFAIK it is official. Vault-Tech actually has a space colonization-themed exhibit at the Nuka-World theme park from the last FO4 DLC. However, don't be surprised the Fallout lore is a disjointed mess. FO4 also includes an engine for the US manned Mars mission being tested. There's no evidence that an Ark was ever anywhere near being built - claims to the contrary seem to come from the lore to the abortive "Van Buren" version of FO3.
  16. Aaand you've stepped right into the acrid puddle of trying to separate biodefense research from biooffense research, which is probably a futile effort. It's one of the reasons why the biological weapons ban has no verification mechanism - it's damned near unenforceable. That which has the power to save almost always has the power to kill.
  17. Funnily enough, I don't buy into that conspiracy theory. Unless COVID is made by Amazon, in which case all bets are off ) Jeez, that explains why I'm seeing mentions of donuts in the context of COVID recently. I thought they were about vaccine donuts or something.
  18. So, I'm having a fun gaming-related quandry today. The next DLC for Stellaris is coming April 15, so I decided to make a modest sacrifice of cash to Moloch, especially since I had cash in the Steam Wallet from my Halo refund. Then I noticed that Surviving Mars also has a neat "paid mod" pack, and I decided to buy that as well (altogether they'd cost me aboit as much as a cup of tea at a downtown cafe in Moscow). And then I realized I can't pay for it. Due to certain regulatory shenanigans both Qiwi and Yandex can no longer wire payments abroad right now. So I'm going to have to refund the Stellaris DLC to get enough cash to pay for the Surviving Mars DLC here and now. Should go without a hitch, but a story nonetheless. Update: I now understand that the restrictions are due to the crusade against online casinos.
  19. I still have something to aspire to
  20. I'm not willing to utterly discount it. Too many nasty coincidences, from the "perfect storm" of initial occurence in Wuhan just before Chinese New Year mass commutes, to how it somewhat inexplicably savaged Iranian politicians very early on. As to how it ended up mauling the purported culprits, well... I will, however, concur that there's not a shred of evidence, or will likely ever be.
  21. Fascinating. Three weeks ago at 15:00, the vaccinatiom wing of my hospital was barely even half-full. Today, at 16:00 it was chock-full. Is it the spring? Is it the Evil Bald Man finally taking the jab? Perhaps they should have enticed people with ice cream... *munches on a McFlurry*
  22. LMAO, mine is also mad about potatoes and beans. I think ultimately it's just curiosity and smells. Meanwhile, the "cats love fish" stereotype is actively harmful - kidney stones are the result of such a diet. Still ended up, ahem, getting volunteered to share a piece yesterday, right in front of my face.
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