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Posts posted by RaendyLeBeau

  1. On 1.6.2016 at 5:57 AM, Bonus Eventus said:

    It's getting there. The reverse animation needs some work, for some reason it's not playing the animation in reverse but rather going to the first frame. Still I'm happy that I actually can animate the IVA, wasn't sure it would work. I was surprised to see that even the kerbal was scaled as a child of internal model. Since this is just a part made to test the code I didn't do a proper animation. Only thing left now is resource consumption, then more refinement and optimization.


    if I understand correctly, there is only one additional configuration. or one needs but a plugin that?

    I'm looking for some time for a similar solution for one of my parts (see picture , inflating and rotating part - on the middle)

  2. at the occasion I would like to ask for technical support for a project team partner to complete project. essentially it's all about the technical setup configurations to put together. - If anyone knows the German language, he is welcome.......

    bei der Gelegenheit möchte ich nach einem Projekt teampartner für technischer Unterstützung anfragen, um Projekt fertigzustellen. im wesentlichen geht es nur noch um das technische Konfiguration Setup zusammen zu stellen. - falls noch jemand zusätzlich die deutsche Sprache kennt ist er willkommen !


  3. hi all ,

    at moment work on some bugfixing and Recalibration of all engines, especially the :

    - ANCPE-3000_Achilleus-Nuclear-Core-Propulsion-Engine

    - ANPSM-2000_Achilleus-Nuclear-Propulsion-Service-MODULE


    PS. no release date at the moment !

    thank you all for the understanding

  4. 2 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

    @RaendyLeBeau SInce this is on hold, and there has never been a release available, you might want to ask the moderators to lock this thread until you returnn, to keep people from posting, over and over again: "Where's the download link?...", "Are you ever gonna release this?...", "When are you gonna finish it?...", etc..


    yeah, if it bothers you so, I will remove this thread


  5. Dear community ,

    after i realised a 3D deep-scale Modell of the Dragon CRS [* see below thread link] ( Deep-scale Dragon-CRS Model Study )  i have to start a KSP Game kompatible (low memory footprint) Model

    here is the first result. i think that i go later to implement this model for the game. (maybe this winter)

    yep - another Dragon-CRS model :)

    this 3d-model weight now 2.2MB memory







    >  obviously integrate of full Imgur-photo albums dont works more -  does anyone know why? <

    ok whatever here the link 4 the full album

    cheers, Raendy


    [full initial thread link]


  6. On 19.7.2016 at 3:13 PM, aniron said:

    I might be missing something, but where is the download link?

    I can't find it either in this thread, the Rocket factory thread nor on CurseForge.


    I'd love to try out that Sigma pod, the hab module and various other bits, as now that the Taurus HCV is no longer being supported my planned Mars mission is short one capsule.


    hi @aniron

    sorry mate, but i have actually stopped my work as modder.  - i have to many other hobby-activities with more R.O.I. 

    pls. consider this last thread  - thnx ! cheers !


  7. 13 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:


    I hear what you're saying. Modders are incredibly skilled individuals (usually:P) who do what they do with little to no reward. Many who use their mods do not even say thank you to those who give so much to create them.

    I try to say thank you at the very least, and moreover, to provide support, feedback, bug reports and enthusiasm when I can. I believe modders should be compensated for their time when and where possible, but sadly, I cannot really afford to donate myself, having been out of work for over a year and unlikely to be able to work any time soon due to health problems.

    People treat KSP as just another game, but to me, it's medicine, as I'm quite sick in real life. Without KSP to distract me from my health issues, I'd go mad, honest truth. The thing is, the stock game isn't the greatest (my opinion), but the mods out there - this one included - are phenomenal (as is the modding community). KSP is a playground for mods - buying the game is buying a ticket to install mods (my opinion) and modders like you help make that a reality. Flat out, without people like you, doing what you do, I could not get through my day. Thankfully, there are people like you (quite a number in fact), but they are still rare.

    Maybe this post will motivate you, maybe it won't. I know this post won't help pay the bills, or feed the kids.

    But all the same, thank you.

    Do what you feel you need to do. If you love doing this, then continue. If not, then don't. :wink:


    (In 1.0.5, I actually used this mod quite a bit. In fact, I cloned every single part in it (rewrote/customized the configs entirely). I especially liked the pods - I had big plans for the Voyager pod. For whatever reason, I stopped using it when 1.1 rolled around, and I forget why.)


    thank you ! you're too kind to me.



  8. 19 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:

     I have only received three donations to date. One was from an unknown person, the other two were from friends here on the forums to go towards new hardware that I needed. To (mis)quote

    wow, incredibly, well, it had almost thought that most modders so goes.

    at the beginning i was full motivations, after I realized that this free-download-mentality, it is a constant of the time today... currently it lacks my on motivation to sacrifice my free time without a 'Return on investment' (ROI).  ^_^




  9. On 22.7.2016 at 7:42 PM, BioRoots said:

    @RaendyLeBeau Do you have any plans to add stuff to this mod or you are satisfy with it ? I love your mod.

    hi BioRoots,

    thnx mate, but I'm sorry.

    I have decided for now to devote my free-time other hobbies. I had invest a lot of effort and am pretty disappointed. i was expecting more donations, Unfortunately it came nothing. .. 



    although I must say that I definitely still off and create to 3D models, but not (yet) for KSP. ..

     due to the many details, the 3d-model is become quite extensive footprint ca.33 MB !! :cool:





    OK ! see all images od Dragon-CRS Model Study here  .. ( man why does the integration of Imgur albums no longer ..'ve obviously missed some info in forum  ^_^ )

    cheers !




  10. 3 hours ago, DuoDex said:

    Could I convince you to import this into KSP? It's pretty awesome already but I'd love to play with an Elite fighter with Newtonian physics


    is difficult, especially since I want to make still me outstanding mods (aiakos) done.

    but the real reason is (as now published in this thread) my displeasure over the conduct of ksp community.


    all people require that wish to bring and suggestions, and 99% constructive criticism - great that I enjoy that I find motivating. :D

    Then you publish your mods - weeks later several thousand downloads on - but today NOT a cent donated .. not 1 cent.

    That makes me think. and to rethink.  :o

    So I express it differently:
    Today it is a matter of course for mp3 songs downloads to pay some cents. Well - it finances the artist whose work and other future music projects,

    the land on the music platforms and offered for sale. -> a healthy circulatory system, it comes in money and it also comes a more valuable it out ..


    my question :

    - Why game mod developers (class of "artists") must that do everything for free - why is this "for-free" mentality normality. ?

    * have the game mod artists no life? no family :) ?

    * Live the mod developer for-free without having to pay rent ? 

    * And last of all - have we mod-developers the 'Einsteins-relativity-laws' broken and have unlimited time .. "free-time" for ever  ^_^an unlimited reservoir of time .. ?



    the answers is symple :  no


    because what is true for music artist - also has the same validity for other artists such game-mod artist, developers etc.

    perhaps you would have a separate thread for this topic Start - would take me wonder how other mod developers think about it?

    sorry all for the long text,  Of course this is just my opinion  - no offense - all good greetings and all the best

    cheers, Raendy



  11. On 19.6.2016 at 2:57 PM, Snark said:

    So please, just chill out.  There may be an update tomorrow.  Or maybe in a week.  Or maybe a year.  Or maybe never.

    completely agree !! ^_^


    On 19.6.2016 at 2:57 PM, Snark said:

    Mod authors put in lots of time and hard work, for free, to produce shiny toys that anyone who wants to can use, asking nothing in return.

    completely agree !! ^_^

    - ok, wants to take this opportunity not be polemical, but if you do not see the work behind a mod you will never understand this.

    unless someone donates that's exactly right. I had to learn

    - everyone pays without asking a few cents on a mp3 song - a real pity the same can not for mods done ... I can not understand to this day. - So this is the resultat of mod developers.

    - I at least do this so in the future - no credit - no further development

  12. congrats !!! 

    one of the best game-play Enhancements for ksp that I have seen so far.
    a great enrichment - for all who are like me 'on oldie'. win-commander -Privateer was one of the coolest games of the 80's - great idea for ksp.

    if I squad developer I would look at this mod precisely because it has a big potential for a real expansion of KSP.

    ok maybe I think a little further - but here I already see the welcome returning from classics game 'privateer' ... it's the talk of trade, credits, and by later dogfights - maybe classic missions will be added as privateer.

    -  should really like a nice implemented ksp-commander privateer version to play.
    cheers, raendy


    for all who are interested - here there is an open source implementation of privateer which was published a few years ago.

    here are a few pictures of the newly established classic Privateer.










    this is the solar system of the game 'privateer'







    here on of my prefered ships from wing-commander privateer -


    - and here my 3d implementation

    () here 3-d model view on sketchfab   https://sketchfab.com/models/5221d0801d8c447baf0b5dc663c57644






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