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Everything posted by Me1_base

  1. Hello, I have been away for a while for my study For Compatibility with MJ with out using FAR, plz try this version. https://github.com/tetraflon/B9-PWings-Modified/releases/tag/0.401b @hraban @ISO @dmav522 @Acvila
  2. Hello, i would like to join the one with FAR what should I do?
  3. Situation 1 : only B9PW installed >> success Situation 2 : installed both B9PW and MJ >> fail Situation 3 : installed FAR, MJ and B9PW >> success
  4. Because, CarnationRED's modification referenced FAR's dlls, and MJ have a function to detect, if it cannot find those dlls then MM prevent the game from loading, so... IDK what should I do. Maybe @CarnationRED have the clue.
  5. Dogfight with BDA ai with the same aircraft, i think it will be fun I mean one on one dogfight, only guns
  6. Noted that KSP is a light weighted SIM game instead of aerodynamic analysis tool. It will be too complicated if airfoil comes into play as the relationship of relative thickness and lift coefficient is not linear.
  7. FAR will handle the scale if detected. The mass of Pwings are set to 0 if FAR is installed. Currently the mass to lift ratio of Pwing in stock aero is the same as stock Delta Wing. If you compared a stock wing with an apparent size similar to a Pwing, the Pwing is heavier but also produce more lift. Currently there is no mass to strength ratio in the calculation.
  8. That's not how lift in ksp works afaik, ksp treat lift as a single force applied to CoL of the part rather than distributed along the chord.
  9. You can modify the equation to calculate mass in the source code under WingProcedural.cs and build it yourself. Tech node is out of my reach as i don't play careers or science mode.
  10. As @CarnationRED's modification add a dependence on FAR, the current solution to this problem is install FAR or remove MJ. @ISOthanks for identifying the problem. Would you please send a issue to @sarbianas I don't know what happened to my modification.
  11. Sorry I forget to bypass the limit check in that release, this should be fixed in the new version Mass of the wings are handled in the plugin scaled with how much lift the wing will produce.(not the case if FAR is installed) you cannot modify it unless you recompile by yourself. Stiffness of joints can be enhanced by installing KJR which as you said scales stiffness with mesh , adding struts also help. If you are insightful enough, you should find that change of aspect ratio of wings while retain the area unchanged will drastically alter the cost of wings, because high aspect ratio wings requires stronger materials.
  12. one problem, the handles will mess up the offsets of the wing, which makes it not accurately showed on windows, is there any solution?
  13. https://kerbalx.com/tetraflon/alpha-dogfight4 https://kerbalx.com/tetraflon/juno-master my entry
  14. For the cfg, i recommend to add more lines for leading edge type 2,3 ,trailing edge type 1,3, edge type 0,2 etc
  15. @linuxgurugamer Heard of your ambitious plan to add more texture to B9PW maybe @jrodriguez can help you out
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