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Everything posted by zpox357

  1. My Jeb heroically flew into a killer asteroid, successfully creating an small scratch across its gigantic surface. And no, there was no risk of it impacting Kerbin... He just felt like it I guess. That's Jeb for you
  2. Kerbal... Water Sports! Unfortunately due to the water physics, this things top speed is only 5m/s. Any faster and it takes to the sky and flies away...
  3. I don't have much time; it is late here so I will leave you with this: Hope you enjoy (and I hope this is the correct thread ) See you tomorrow Zpox357
  4. A new short video intro, featuring my flag (Link if the video is broken: )My flag encapsulates the simplistic beauty of vast outer space [or that I can't use image editing software]
  5. I have sent many probe missions to the outer and inner planets, and landed kerbals on most of them. However I am still unable to even get a SSTO off the ground... well, in one piece anyway
  6. I took this snapshot a while ago... This happened throughout the whole game
  7. I am terrible with save files! I create a save file one day, come back a few days later, forget what I did in the present one and start a fresh... so yeah, probably
  8. Dynamic surface features would be nice, such as Ice Jets firing out of the cracks on Eeloo, that could propel you upwards, or lava flows on Moho that would weaken the joints between parts.
  9. Gawper - build your average Jool worthy ship, land on Laythe, Gaze up at Jool looming over the Terrain in awe, and try some moon spotting. However, I also love building giant bases as well
  10. We all know what humans have over animals, but what we have over your typical sci-fi Super-being is closer to what I was getting at.
  11. According to Science-fiction movies, humans are reasonably dull. We are like the block of coal at the end of a Christmas stocking, or the most common collectible found in cheap blind bags. Just hanging around so that other lifeforms can whip out their electro-tentacles and laser eyes to mess around with us, such as in Pocket God or Saints Row III. Surely, we must have something over the rest of life in the universe. What super powers do humans have compared with other Sci-Fi aliens? Super-Heat resistance? Photographic memory? Opposable Thumbs? Post your ideas Zpox357
  12. Pocket Kerbal App. Now! (This would actualy be kind of cute )
  13. 254: Kerbals home life is left unexplained... maybe a "Sims like" sub-game, where you go to school, get a job and stuff? Anyone?
  14. Brrrr, that gave me the chills, great work!
  15. My entire 7 module Mun base just got flung into the black void by this bug. Excuse me while I vent my anger... FSSA!"£!%£$^$%^aSDHG@@@#DGDGFW! @!:"$!qAD! !!! Im ok now
  16. One of your probe missions must have been a terraforming one
  17. Pocket Plane, 100% stock The Pilot is having a great time, As you can see... Can also be dropped out of a larger aircraft. It can even be strapped to a space station for a horizontal landing escape pod!
  18. I love having Debris around, especially on the surface. It means that months later I can land at an old landing site and say "hey, that's the accent stage of my ........... That I sent up here ..........'s ago". It gives a save file evidence of a history. I saw someone make a thread a while ago about a trip round the mun. He visited lots of the abandoned (or manned) research stations, each one had its own story behind it. It was amazing And the clutter problem should be solved by map filtering.
  19. I think that kerbals are much more intelligent than the majority of the human race "Human Space Program, a game about silly (my bad, thanks for pointing that out llamatoes ) giants Being primitive beings, their interests include killing eachother, Reproducing and competing for social status. Your job as a Kerbal, is to pull "Earths" pathetic space program together and show them that there is a much bigger universe out there to explore You must do this preferably before they do something stupid and kill themselves off."
  20. Nice compact lander!, but I don't see any chutes. Is there a command pod in orbit?, or was it only a one way ticket
  21. Quantum strut connectors? Nope, the struts will attach to the closest part in front of them when turned on.
  22. I am a time traveler from the future!, I dont have much time. Beware the 11th of april, there is going to be a massive..............
  23. Have you tried the Quantum struts mod? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/quantum-strut/ Its like a toggle-able strut that works between vessels
  24. How about docking a ship together in Kerbin orbit. It doesn't have to be a large mothership, just a capsule, Lander and propulsion segment. Or you could get a single craft into orbit and re-fuel it?
  25. My computer is terrified of this comment But yeah, those pictures are incredible! Great work
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