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  1. I like the DLC. In 2 years of KSP, I've logged over 1000 hours. For my $40, that turns into 4 cents an hour. That isn't very much to give the devs who have worked for over half a decade on the game I love, so I am more than happy to give them money to keep doing that.
  2. Mine go like this: <crew capacity><SOI/planet abbreviation><delta-v, rounded down to nearest 100> So, my 3 Kerbal crew launcher to LKO, which has 2550 dV, is named 3LKO2500 A Mun lander might be named 1Mun3200 etc
  3. To ignore all arguments previously laid out in their entirety, why exactly is the concept of a sonic boom important? This is not a game with sufficient detail (transonic instability, etc) to warrant any "bonus" of a sonic boom. EXACTLY! There's no need for a sonic boom because in no way is going supersonic an achievement or accomplishment, nor is it scientifically significant, nor is it (significantly) more efficient, nor is it even important in the context of the game to the slightest amount.
  4. Well, I finally bothered to aquire Photoshop CC 2017, and for giggles I tossed in the screenshot I submitted here. A couple hours of messing with filters and airbrush turned out some.....interesting results. Stock image:http://imgur.com/8IALARG My Photochopped monstrosity: http://imgur.com/ZgIzNt5
  5. I've got kind of an odd request. Is it possible to acquire the mod for game verson 1.1.3? I'm replicating a youtube series I enjoy, and most of the mods aren't yet updated for 1.2.2. I looked on curse, and the only download is for 1.2.
  6. I'm going to buy the DLC because I've gotten more than my money's worth. In about a year and a half, I've gotten somewhere around 750 hours in KSP. If you account for the US$40 initial purchase price, KSP has cost me about a nickel an hour, which is beyond a good deal. SQUAD has done a fantastic job with this game, and I'll pay for DLC regardless of what can be achieved with mods. I've also got a question for some of the naysayers: If you postulate that no DLC will be better than mods, are you going to pay modmakers for their trouble? Many have Patreon or Paypal, and yet it seems as if an infinitesimal portion of users donate even a dollar or two. Most users can probably afford it, yet they aren't willing to support people who make things they like. Just an observation.
  7. Actually, I think this measures how liking cake correlates with being arrogant.
  8. I wasn't directly addressing you, but in my perusals, I've found entries in excess of 350 words. I think the confusion is in part due to the rules being in another thread, but still, it must be followed if this contest is going to have a proper meaning.
  9. I hate to be a party-pooper, but: "The article must have a title and be between 200 and 300 words in length" That's a direct quote from the rules. I don't mean to stifle creativity or anything, but my entry follows this rule, and I'd like it to be judged fairly.
  10. So from what I hear, Unity itself constrains the way multithreading works in KSP. So, basically, you want higher clock speed over more cores, because as it is, KSP can use only a single core per craft. Graphics input is minimal compared to the CPU requirement, so the card you have selected should be fine. So, the i3 should be pretty darn good as a KSP machine.
  11. Sweet build! For the Motherland!
  12. “Performed as Expected” By Otto Kerman Last week, Kerbal history was made, as one of our one proudly carried out the first failed EVA. Cern Kerman successfully exited his spacecraft, and failed spectacularly in his goal of carrying out a range of scientific tasks, including a test of new mobility technology, dubbed “the jetpack”. Kerbal Chronicles spoke to Cern shortly after landing. OTTO: So, Kerbonaut Kerman, you were unable to complete your assigned tasks? CERN: That…...ummmmm…….is correct. OTTO: Would you mind elaborating on that, erm, very eloquent response? CERN: Ummm…….sure. I was trying to……..attach myself to the PMD [Personal Mobility Device], and that sucker weren’t having none of it. I worked up quite a sweat, as you might imagine, since we didn’t have any damn drinks in the suits, and my visor just wouldn’t quit fogging up. OTTO: So it was at that point you aborted the planned EVA? CERN: Actually, no. I……..uhhhh……lollygagged for a while. I wrestled with that sumpoodle of a jetpack a while, then I just kinda sat. Funny, I was as calm as I ever been, and Kerbin’s whizzin’ by at a million miles an hour. The sight was……..amazing. OTTO: You weren’t afraid of, “rapture of the heavens”, which supposedly befell your comrade Ed? CERN: Hell, no. I don’t put stock in no doctor. They got more “opinions” than a fly’s got eyes. Anyhow, I just kinda…….(large snore)...........spaced out for a while. I guess I really got sucked in, ‘cause I didn’t hear Gene down in Control yelling for me to get back in. OTTO: I imagine that caused your crewmate a deal of anxiety. CERN: Damn straight (laughs). I guess it falls to Buzz Kerman to take the next shot. OTTO: Thank you for speaking with us.
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