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Everything posted by dangerhamster

  1. Wait until you land a ship on Duna and then realise you forgot to put the payload into the cargo bay......
  2. Without more information no-one can diagnose your problem. However here are a few guesses. Do you have the MJ part actually on the ship. Are you playing in career mode. Does the MJ icon show up on the side of the screen. Was it working before but has now stopped or is this the first time you have tried to use it. If you have other mods installed do they all work.
  3. The Mun Gryfon continues on it's merryish way to return to the base the long way. With training missions underway to facilitate expansion of the Minmus industrial complex it seemed a good time to address one of the items on the Gryfon rovers snag list, namely the por/nonexistant charge rate with a low Kerbol. The poor placement of resettable experiments had already been rectified on site. A couple of extending panels along with sundry utility supplies were stuffed into a container and grated onto the lander. en route to the projected landing site the crew were startled by another rogue boulder. Warily pressing on they caught sight of a weirder rock formation (although this one at least had the good taste to behave like a rock). Checking Kerbnet through the onboard Rovemate interface showed no anomalous signal, however the signal scanner when activated promptly showed strangeness in that direction. A memo to Probodobodyne is en route. Getting closer yielded some data and a big attaboy from Kerbin Whilst waiting for the lander they took the opportunity to claim it for Queen and Country. "Nice view but still no atmosphere" With something achieved it simply remained to grab the care package and rejig the rovers solar panels. And swap their Tavares tapes for some Gloria Gaynor. Their next waypoint is a basin 120km to the NW. When queried as to their total distance so far covered the terse reply was "We have a space program but nobody has invented the odometer, how the Dres do we know?"
  4. The beauty of this game is that the only person you are competing with is yourself. And the important thing is to enjoy it. Achieving things is a bonus. glorious failure is still glorious. Don't look at what someone else has done and think that's what you SHOULD be doing. Sure the forum is great for advice, inspiration and due to the nature of Kerbal consolation, but don't think of it as an e-peen measurement device. I really suck at planes despite being a qualified pilot and my EVA skills are NBG, this means that trying to carry off some of the things others do requires either really out of the box thinking or planning a mission in such a way as to not have to do some things. Oh and don't worry about going to Dres, it's just a rumour...
  5. It's little green guys in spaceships..... without them classic cinema and sci-fi would have suffered (not forgetting Dan Dare). Consider them a homage and question the intellectual abilities of anyone who disparages them.
  6. Haven't got the game running to look at the action groups, but a possible workaround is to have the right click box open and (and separated so it stays open) for the two points.
  7. Personally I bought from the store, only practical difference to Steam is the update process. Steam will auto update the game whereas the store version needs you to actively get the update from your account on the store.
  8. With Jeb showboating (and crashing a lot) in the airships Val hatched a cunning plan to regain control of the program....... One mug of Belgianmemorylossitsgotamonkonthebottlemustbegood later Jeb woke to find himself strapped down and landing in the first component of the projected Minmus industrial facility. Val's cunning plan then removed the go modules leaving Jeb stranded with a couple of prototype rovers and a pair of half crazed engineers. The next arrival was a pair of Deliverance class cargo transports carrying a miner and a metal recycling unit. The engineers picked up the new arrivals and pausing briefly to feed the two Deliverance to the Recycler jockeyed themselves into position and hooked up to the base core. The recycled scrap allowed them to build the first addition to the base, a storage tank for metal with built in ore-metal converter. Jeb is reported to be "mildly miffed" with his new role of hammering stakes in whilst Val has appropriated the training program as well as airship testing duties.
  9. Bill and Val have been derping around with the scout prototype currently known as Wallis, virtual cookie to anyone who gets the reference. Parked up and planning the next sortie they heard a strange howling noise...... Which turned out to be Jeb in the all electric version which he insists on calling the "Big Buzzer". Delete that browser history now... However his showboating coupled with a small miscalculation of the pitch response led to an undesirable air to ground interface. Followed much later by possibly one of the slowest crash landings in history. Parachutes? Who needs 'em.
  10. Currently this*. *No chickens were harmed in the making of this wallpaper. Honest.
  11. Oh noes, KSP dead? You heard him everybody stop playing right away....... Even if Squad vanished overnight the game would carry on, would say more but @wumpus just put it very eloquently.
  12. As a bit of light relief from crawling across Mun in a rover....... gliding across Kerbin in airships. After a few test hops Val took a transport prototype out, initially landing practice. Followed by a speed test out over the ocean. And yes the antenna broke after someone forgot to retract it. Slowing down over the island for another landing temptation took hold and after much backing and filling the behemoth was tucked away in one of the hangers. "I'm sure no-one will notice it's missing" Guilt took over and the duo returned to base, writing the incident up as testing wether steerable nose gear would be useful.
  13. Same as me Dino, although I usually refer to them as "mission flexible" rather than overbuilt.
  14. Something that occurred to me whilst looking at a mining rig. And apologies if this has been suggested before. Whilst craft have an energy budget/requirement the KSC has the benefit of Kerbins worst utility suppliers in that there are no running costs. Okay a one off payment upgrades a facility presumably increasing the energy requirement (especially R&D) but it remains a once only expense. How about each facility having an energy requirement that has to be met? Like comnet this would only be turned on if wanted. The requirement would scale up along with the building. Initially this could take the form of a bill that must be paid at a set interval, penalties for non payment could perhaps be reduced capability or some facilities unavailable until payment. On the flip side there could be researchable techs giving sub-upgrades such as solar power, improved building insulation or even a receiver for beamed power. These sub-upgrades would have to be paid for and in the case of beamed power orbital facilities built and deployed. This opens up the possibility of selling excess energy to the non space obsessed citizens of Kerbin (wherever they are).
  15. The Mun Gryfon reached the Polar region. after picking up a couple of sets of data they pondered the next move. The idea of reaching geographical most northernist vied with the gnarly terrain ahead and tales of craft eating beasties. And lost. Instead they turned west along the Highlands skirting the Polar Crater with vague ideas of looping back to base. In a bid to reassert control KSC sent them co-ordinates of a crater they liked the look of 100 km to their SW. Picking their way through some large lumpy bits they descended to more agreeable terrain and are now a mere 45km from their objective. The only event of any note was the discovery of what can only be a sign of recent glaciation. Unless magic balancing boulders are a thing. Opinion is divided......
  16. The Mun lab arrived pleasingly close to the aiming point along with a habitation module for extra crew which didn't and required a slow careful tootle to meet up. Once the rovers arrived all the Mun assets were now together. Current roster comprises 3 scientists and 2 engineers. Whilst the 2 scientists in the lab released their tray tables from the upright and locked position the other scientist and an engineer did a quick lap of the area in the Gryfon snapping up science from 4 biomes. With the data stashed and the lab crew chained to their stations the Gryfon promptly set out for the Pole They steadily worked their way north until nightfall when they lowered the pace to plodding. Existentialism set in with musings along the lines of "whats the Mun equivalent of air time?" "spacetime?" "so if we're going sideways we're bending spacetime?" An initial burst of excitement upon reaching the Polar Crater was tempered by the realisation that the crater has the same relation to the Pole as the World Series does to the World Cup. After picking their way down into the crater they halted for a respite and to conserve EC. The first glimmers of light saw them striking off north with the rolling terrain allowing them to unwind the taps somewhat. Able to make good progress spirits soared along with Kerbol. Not even a couple of 900 degree flat spins could dampen their enthusiasm as the degree readout flicked upwards and the seconds readout blurred...............
  17. A quick Google-Fu for "KSP 1.2 loading screen" produced most of them. Don't know about their size but as @cubinator says a screenshot would probably be the best way.
  18. With finances on a sounder footing thanks to asteroid detection contracts the rover testing could resume. The first important conclusion reached was that someone forgot to pack any screwdrivers........ #feelingstupidmajornoob. Luckily a tourist mission was accepted planned meaning a bumper box of screwdrivers could be delivered with minimum disruption. "And we put some Marmite sandwiches in as well" Rejigging the new Grifter/Grizzler hybrid (now known as the Gryfon)was a simple process. The transport wheels were retained on the chassis to be transported to Munbase and stashing against future needs. The run back to base proved the Grizzler heritage of being stable and able to maintain decent speed without resorting to magic glue SAS. With their data rate slowing the crew of the Kerbin lab were recovered by Val for eventual deployment with the Mun lab. As the only 2 star members of a limited roster If they think they are getting some nice R&R they will have a shock when they are stuffed into a ship and fired out of Kerbins SOI. By the time they return the Mun lab will have been prepped for launch (won't that be a nice surprise snh snh snh).
  19. Step four is get all the way to descent on Duna before realising. Ooops.
  20. Deployed rovers to Mun and Minmus as part of an ongoing testing program. Keeley seemed to prefer the Grifter over the Utility, despite the latter's extra seating. Plans to test a Grizzler/Grifter hybrid (wide wheelbase but with a proper cab) were put on hold when it was noticed funds were starting to evaporate. To secure a reliable albeit slow source of the old spendaroonies an asteroid detection probe was designed. In a fit of ambition a relay sat stage was added because, well, raisins. The behemoth used up most of the available budget and hopes were high that financial stability would not just be on the horizon but in orbit round Kerbol to boot. An unfortunate decision to leave the probe on the pad overnight to fiddle with other things proved to have consequences.... A slight "control authority problem" leading to an "unplanned air ground interface" combined with the lack of a "that never happened" button left the designer red faced and the budget emptier than a Scottish pay toilet. Ho hum. Unable to launch anything bigger than a firework there followed a painful round of waiting for rover contracts and the occasional science report from X. After several eons driving in circles enough was raised to launch the (redesigned) probe. which behaved this time and is now on station generating some lovely income.
  21. That's what I did, there are some cracking moments...
  22. Simply make friends with part commander. Does what it says on the tin, no muss no fuss.
  23. Set up a relay network around the Mun. 3 satellites were dropped off by the Satflinger mk1, the 3rd is stowed in a cargo bay behind the control module. Not bad for a first attempt, no maths were hurt or indeed involved. With one hurdle clambered over it was time to address wether the tried and tested Grizzler would function. One swift copy of my 1.05 save later......... Luckily the rover didn't imitate a pogo stick on steroids on loading as well. A couple of minutes with the trusty sonic screwdriver re-established structural normality. Driving proved "interesting" as the fear-no-terrain features of the Grizzler were defeated by a deadly flat surface. Screenshots were taken but are withheld to protect the public (and 'cos photobucket had a hissy fit). Suffice to say something fundamental is wrong with the design in the 1.2.1 environment. A visit to the Mun revealed the same problem but in this case the engineer in charge somehow forgot his screwdriver and is faced with a slow 10Km drive back to base. Whilst looking very very silly.
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