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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. I can no longer guarantee the survival of Ganymede's crew.
  2. So is the Fate still alive? Does it have armament?
  3. @Servo Havr you decided on a course of action. You could retake your turn or use the existing persist I posted.
  4. My original save, A Crippled Puck, has it fully intact. After I toggled only probe visibility, it wasn't there(the most recent save). Could you retake your turn and shoot the Destiny? It actually works in both of our favors, because Fate exists, and your missiles won't fail this time. Maybe Destiny will also die?
  5. @ServoThe Fate is still missing... Where did it go?
  6. Spending 25% more to get 25% more performance is reasonable to me.
  7. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3IvrPbGhZWFa214SGxUemZBRTg @Servo Ganymede is declawed, with only one missile from the Time. Time still has half firepower, Fate has been eaten by the Kraken, and Destiny has half firepower. Puck is unarmed, Ganymede is unarmed, and Oberon has 1 shipkiller left. All your ships also have their small arms.
  8. I stopped throwing kerbals onto these ships because its a suicide mission. My kerbals have something around a 33% survival rate when a ship is manned. I'll take my move soon. Also, the Fate is missing in that file. @Servo
  9. @Servo So, this turn was rather successful. In hindsight, I should have saved my lighter missiles to hit the Ganymede, which was only coated with wing armor as far as I can tell. However, Fate can still get more kills, so I feel that was a success as stated earlier.A crippled Puck.
  10. I've seen up to a 25% speed increase when encoding video and rendering, with just hyper threading. E3 1241 V3 vs 4690k was my comparison.
  11. Then please consider the Xeon. It is designed to run for a long period of time, and runs cooler than an i7. That works well for scientific work.
  12. Go for skylake refresh when it comes out.
  13. If he says he needs an i7, I assume he needs hyperthreading because it is the ONLY difference between an i5 and i7. He doesn't need a CPU upgrade without hyperthreading because that is negligible. He also mentioned needing an i7 for stuff other than gaming, where the Xeon hyperthreads will help. It would be great to know what else he does though; if he renders than that money saved is well spent on a new GPU.
  14. You will love the Core 3 Nanos when I get home. True tanks, but they sacrifice range.
  15. The Xeon will be supported, because it is compatible. All Xeon E3s will work with any motherboard allowing an i5 or i7. What do you have for a GPU now? If it is 750ti tier(or r7 370 tier) or above, you should be fine. The Xeons before haswell refresh(1240) are supported, and since the 4790 is too, the Xeon should have full support. http://www.cpu-upgrade.com/mb-ASUS/GRYPHON_Z87.html
  16. I don't think it was you. Do you want to set up again?
  17. I used that file anyways. I can't place any maneuver nodes for intercept, however. I have tried a restart already
  18. Already tried. For some reason thats not it.
  19. I would mention the xeon e3 1241v3 again. Effectively a 4770k.
  20. Ok, sure. Thanks. Do you have the original link? In that link, Miranda is already gutted.
  21. No, you have a link to the original persist. As in, you gave panzer that file to start. Thats the file with just your ships, all intact.
  22. So the same persist would or wouldn't be fine?
  23. If you need hyperthreading, go with a quad core Xeon E3. The e3 1241 v3 is like a 4770k, but it runs cooler and is cheaper.
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