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Everything posted by Alphasus

  1. Make your own adjustments. Be wary of wing clipping. If you allow it, specifically state that, please.
  2. Known for being a small youtuber, and making it to the Oscar B awards. Me.
  3. Very helpful user who creates some great content!(but i do miss war of the kerbs).
  4. Thank you. As that shows, small planes should be better. E.G. why B-2 bombers aren't stealth fighters, regardless of wing area. - - - Updated - - - By the way, the FA-33 may or may not return to the next tournament, depending on rules and balancing.
  5. Well since my ships are utterly terrible in armor terms(nothing more than .625m), I shouldn't have a problem with this. But the weapons are quite OP if a ship isn't armored well. Against a well armored ship, they should take a few hits. If not I can refit them.
  6. Oh the irony. I will have to go as you get back, in a way that abducts me 5 days a week.
  7. You have gotten much better at space battleships since I saw you start. That Monument even made it to spacecraft fridays! Nice job!
  8. Thanks for the info Spartwo! I will try that then.
  9. I get the elite dangerous music in the background. So epic!
  10. A great and kind user with many great posts and crafts. Specifically, great planes.
  11. Just finished my first lightweight ship. 40 tons, wing armored,and under 220 parts! Pictures soon. Maybe.
  12. Or go to the thread we have on the forums, here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25004-KSP-Unofficial-Official-Computer-Building-Buying-Megathread-%28All-Questions-Acceptable-%29/page236
  13. Is a desktop an option for you there? A one that you build instead? Because that has an APU instead of a dedicated graphics card.
  14. I would love to be able to play ksp on my pineapples. Sarcasm over.
  15. Like the tundra where it occurred, do you know the hyperedit co-ordinates?
  16. I made a hard mode and extra hard mode for this exact reason as well. A big enough missile will always do the trick, if you build them right. The challenge is to have a little missile that can do it.
  17. Then let's go. How many ships do you want to fight with? Actually, the avenir is now 141 tons, so yeah. you can take a few fighters if you want.
  18. Actually, yes. I can bring 2 of those per vindicator. The new missiles they have haven't failed yet, and they have 4.
  19. Ahh yes. Well, I think maybe we will see our cultist.
  20. I have a challenge for you... split this ship in half with a missile no larger than 1.25m and 7 tons. Hard mode: split it with a missile no larger than 1.25 m and 3 tons Extra-hard mode: split it with a .625 m missile under 1.5 tons. By split, I mean cut in half. The ship is here: http://www./download/osbsahczgsml0o4/Avenir-class_Cruiser.craft
  21. That sounds amazing in terms of fun. I will definitely take a look!
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