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More Boosters

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Everything posted by More Boosters

  1. Technically a flight engineer is also stationed in the cockpit, so they do get a place to sit.
  2. Hey guys, I would like to improve the efficiency of my interplanetary transfers after Bob Bill and Jeb got stuck in a solar orbit near Moho on return. I know about transfer windows and I have the Kerbal Alarm Clock, but I'm not sure what to actually do with them. I'd like to know how to calculate proper transfers, and maybe gravity assist planning too. I heard someone say that if you can get to Eve, you can go anywhere, well, I can get to Eve. Would be great if you could point me to a tutorial or give me a crash course yourself, thanks.
  3. Actually that's a full blown orbit just not a stable one. Good job!
  4. I went to Moho for the first time. Since the jaded pencil pushers and the greedy bigwigs over at Lithobrake Exploration Technologies cut corners and refused to add a fourth seat to their trademark Landing Can, Val was left out. Prospector I had to take off without her. After a pretty large second stage with a Twin-Boar was jettisoned, the quad nuclear engine took over. Jebediah insisted the orange variant carried more fuel so in it went despite the color contrast. The Nuclear Engine's 0.75 Jumbo worth of tanks were more than halfway through at the end of the ejection burn, so a large refueler costing almost as much as the initial vehicle had to be launched. SpaceY Technologies Corporation surely makes its own economy. The rendezvous happened inside Kerbin's SoI while Prospector I was on an escape trajectory. Tunguska cryo engine did a good job of catching up and then some. On the way to Moho the last bit of fuel left in the refueler was ran out so I decided it was time to let it go. The refueler clearly felt betrayed, destroying one of my radiator panels in the progress. I eventually landed on Moho with 2200 Delta-V yet. I don't know how I'll return but it will probably involve more than one ship.
  5. Regarding that, wouldn't a 2:1 ISRU/Drill ratio remove the problem?
  6. So I should hyperedit a stayputnik there, get the physics on and then hyperedit the thing back? And that wouldn't break the mission or the save?
  7. Wasting the fuel as in using it to get to Jool when I could store it away for missions that actually require it. As I said once I run this dry it will be lighter than a Command Pod, so why bother with the headache of hauling 74t with slow burns and a shaky Klaw?
  8. So about the beginning of my career I did something I never did before (for good reasons of my own) and took a rescue from Sun orbit contract. Needless to say, I was right before, and the contractor is stuck at a ridiculous altitude, with an orbit slightly larger than that of Plock from the outer planets mod. It would take me 52 years just to get to that altitude as I attempted today, and I'm simply not saving a stupid Kerbal if it's going to take so much effort. However canceling is an easy way out, so I was going to ask how I could move it to a more reasonable but still challenging orbit. I'm thinking somewhere close to the Sun would make sense as with the second rescue-from-Sun contract I have, which still has high delta-V requirements without the ridiculous travel time, so how would I go about teleporting Phoalla Kerman's ship to a low Sun orbit, perhaps with some inclination to further the challenge, without breaking the mission or the save? Thanks.
  9. Because that would be wasting the fuel. 3.8t is a very reasonable payload to Jool, a HECS core and the empty roid would be lighter than the 3 man command pod to put it in perspective. As chance would have it I have a pair of derelict Orange tanks that would take all the fuel around LKO waiting to be tugged anyway.
  10. Erm, what do you mean? The game explicitly states that 70.8 something out of the 74 something tons is ore, unless you're saying I can't mine all the ore in an asteroid? That would make no sense as I figure they would simply omit the un-minable ore in the UI.
  11. I have a question, what will a manned mission to Mars achieve that all the unmanned missions missed? I'm not saying it wouldn't achieve anything, I'm simply saying that I am not sure what. Would prove that we can, sure...
  12. Yes and I haven't personally mined any asteroids yet but I heard drills work on full efficiency (meaning you get a perfect ore deposit) on asteroids while planetary resources are inexhaustible but your drilling spot dictates your efficiency. Thanks! I was just afraid it would go poof if I were to deplete it. And the mass ratio is indeed great, 90% is normally a good ratio but with 95% a depleted asteroid is half the mass it would have been otherwise and 3.5t (5% of 70 something the asteroid was) to Jool is easy peasy.
  13. I've been getting the NaN kraken far more often since I downloaded Kerbal Alarm Clock, good thing I quicksave a lot.
  14. Hey, I currently have a C-class orbiting Kerbin and my mission is to take it to Jool. I'm doing my science on it and I will mine it once I unlock the parts but my question is, does mining an asteroid reduce its mass? The thing is 95% ore so I figure if I strip mine it, I can drive it to Jool far more easily; if it will end up with just 5% of its mass. And I'm also hoping it doesn't get destroyed or shrink? Thanks.
  15. Well, which part would you be contributing in then? I personally can model and I could learn how to texture down the road, though if you're just going to provide an idea...
  16. Oh you can escape Kerbin and go visit other planets but Kerbol is forever.
  17. I'm really enjoying the experiments I've done so far and a class C is waiting in a parking orbit to be sounded. Thanks and keep up the good work!
  18. Can someone point me towards the mod that has these? Thanks.
  19. I'm a little spooked by the save-breaking possibility... Anybody had it happen yet?
  20. While more options are always nice (especially when they're at the quality level of SpaceY, that was my first ever mod and I'm loving it, thanks a lot), the problem with 7.5m parts is that they would lift a 5m middle stage which doesn't exist in an efficiency-oriented form in the Space-Y parts pack. A solution might be to simply add more adapters, like 5m to x2/x3/x4 3.75m (this would of course oversize the 5m stack), 5m to x12 1.25 and maybe tweaks to the Moa clusters so they're a bit more efficient. Or if you're feeling really adventurous you could add a ginormous single 5m engine akin to the Rhino which pulls less than the Mammoth but is more efficient. I always loved that engine and the Space-Y lifters make it far less a hassle to use it in space.
  21. Is it safe to infer 7.5m parts may be to come? I mean all the current 5m parts in SpaceY are lifters and not really efficient for middile stage unless I am missing something.
  22. Near Future Spacecraft has a PPD-Whatever with 6 slots, and Necrobones was showing screenshots of a 4-man pod in one of his upcoming mods as I recall.
  23. Well I now see how things work here, so I'll update the OP with more details as I was advised to. Though my goal was more to just save myself the embarrassment of doing the talk but not doing the work if it comes down to that. Edit: You were pretty spot on with instantly transporting a ship across the solar system, but I guess that's already kind of a space travel trope.
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