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More Boosters

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Everything posted by More Boosters

  1. Just a question, does having Engineers on board scale both the ISRU and the Drill in the same ratio? And do multiple engineers stack or is the Drill/ISRU as fast as the highest leveled engineer onboard?
  2. Seriously though, can someone link me to a good rover design tutorial if one exists? Alternatively you can simply make a checklist for what a good rover should include.
  3. I second this notion, if you wanted fuel stations you can always bring in those lame class A's and then hop from one to another.
  4. I never said it was always true but thanks for the explanation anyway. ^^
  5. Hello, fans of this engine (there are fans for everything so there must be some fans for this) and others (including me), I would like to ask what this engine is good for if anything at all. It is radially mounted, but it has some problems, namely: 1. It comes in at the same time as the Terrier and the Poodle is just one node away; making it a rather unconventional choice for a vacuum engine. 2. Since it's radially mounted you must use symmetry of some sort; as such you'll always have more than one Thud and that's not good for Delta-V. What do you have to say about the Thud?
  6. I have an odd bug to report. It may be a KSP thing but it's a situation that would happen only in KAS. On two occasions, I was on EVA and I had quicksaved while Drill-o-Matic Mining Excavator(s) were on the floor own their own. When I quickloaded, there would be MASSIVE lag, on the order of like dilating 8 seconds to 1, while the drills would appear to be extended even though they were retracted before the quickload. Deleting them from the Tracking Station invariably removes the lag, and not having them in physics distance also excludes you from the lag.
  7. It's not explicitly stated in the rules so I'm assuming docking is allowed. With that in mind, is it safe to assume that you'd ask for the total mass and cost of the two vehicles?
  8. Well, I had science coming out of my ears thanks to Mobile Processing Labs, so I bought all the aircraft parts. What now?
  9. Why would you attempt a Sun rescue mission? Those take years and aren't worth it! I never miss a Minmus rescue however.
  10. Strafe controls are your friend! Get to a good orientation and 0 m/s (or close) relative to your target, then stop changing your orientation and start strafing. h - Forward n - Backward j - Left k - Down I - Up l - Right
  11. Well you can always set up large modules and then fire them with a well-designed lifter, quicker too. Add a fairing to reduce drag and bob's your uncle.
  12. Hey there. So I had this Solar Explorer, a medium-sized probe running on a single nuclear engine (at the uppermost stage obviously ^^) It went to Mun, Minmus and then Eve as was asked, but I initially had no intention of bothering with a return so I took the lazy way out for the Eve fly-by and spent extra Delta-V to keep myself from looking for a better node. (who goes to 80Mm Eve orbit with 1.8k Delta V really) But then I decided to do the return to Kerbin from Eve flyby mission, but the vessel had nothing that resembled heat shields nor did it have parachutes. I set it nicely to 43k periapsis to Kerbin, and it took a couple quickloads but I managed to aerocapture while losing only the Gigantors in turn. Rest of that is standard procedure; push your luck as much as you can with the aerocapture and then burn prograde at the Apoapsis with your tiny little Delta-V leftover to get in a stable orbit, shut off the batteries and wait for rescue. The rescue had to come in the form of a Klaw, which was the second time I used it. Quite a lot of interesting missions became available after unlocking it too. Anyway, I did the rendezvous and after a detach and re-attach I got myself squarely on the center of mass. Here's what I have to say about that experience: 1. I couldn't find any obvious controls for the free pivot; it would seem that it allows your target to dangle about freely which is something I can't think of a reason for. Unless it helps to maneuver when you're attached to an asteroid? 2. I had this really weird bug where if I tried to time-warp to a point, the game would say that it is time warping and make the countdown, but the probe soup doesn't move at all and your orbit becomes impossible to change; even activating your engines at full thrust will do nothing but just push the engine up a bit while the vehicle does not have any thrust applied to it at all. I solved this issue by time warping from the tracking station so it may have been an isolated incident. 3. I don't know how to transfer fuel from one tank to the other with the thing. 4. Don't drink and drive, don't warp and use Klaw. The time-warp experience, even the physics time warp experience (I read that alt does that but holding Alt doesn't force physics time warp for me in space) is nothing like the real thing. Steer clear, if you can at all with how ugly it can get if you don't nail the center of mass on a large target. 5. The thing is pretty cool. Now how do I set a Class-E Asteroid out of the Kerbolar SOI...
  13. Guys calm down, the 30 minute bit was about going to the south pole after flying to the north pole as well since he said that the two biomes are the same. Still, thanks for the related advice. ^^
  14. Poodle Engine! It's very compact and it's an excellent space engine... It's been a while since I last used the nuclear engine so I can't call it the best overall vacuum engine but it's great for landing and generally moving around. I also like LT-2 Landing Struts because they aren't LT-1 Landing Struts.
  15. Wow, thanks for saving 30 minutes of my life. That's ridiculous! And I'll definetely try setting up a flag landing system once I unlock rover wheels, thanks!
  16. Hey, so I've avoided the spaceplane half of the game for a good hundred hours before I decided I was getting into it. I play career mode exclusively so I had to devote some of my hard earned science points to a tree completely alien to me, and I did manage some nice flights within the atmosphere. Even landed on the north pole and was disappointed by how meager the science rewards were! I currently unlocked the 300 point node with the urbojet and the 160 point node with the Mk2 Bicoupler. So after our honeymoon, I realized... I had no practical applications for any of this. I can't make an SSTO and I can't see a reason to try and make one, as rockets seem to do everything well enough. KSC isn't even marked on the map so I had to do my first few landings by trying to memorize its position. So to cut to the chase, I see no obvious practical applications for spaceplanes or SSTOs of any kind and I fail to see why I can't just launch rockets. I'm playing on a customized Hard mode with the same income but with reverts and quicksaving, so maybe that trivializes the money aspect a bit, I don't know. Please help me make my investment not a dead one.
  17. I thought that was a good reason to use LV-909 still?
  18. Hello guys... I have precisely 885 m/s Delta-V on a vessel that is carrying Valentina, Bob and Bill, as I decided to keep my ace nearby. The lander is landed on Ike, but it doesn't seem like I can do much in the way of returning to Kerbin or even its SoI. Is this possible? Or do I need to arrange some sort of rescue mission? If yes, what route should I follow? The lander does not have a docking port and I would like to keep my science but if I can't get the lander airborne again, I have enough electric charge to transmit the stuff, ditch the lander and hop in the rescue craft. Let me know.
  19. Hey guys, I've been lurking for a time and I decided to sign up. I am positively surprised that this name wasn't taken before, but it's thanks to that that I was allowed to pick it so I am not complaining. So, here's what I'm going to ask, what I'm going to ask is which mods you guys find to be absolutely crucial for yourself and then those that you would recommend for me. And then maybe some tips and tricks if you're feeling like it. Some background: I've done multiple Minmus/Mun visits and returns but nothing interplanetary. I've never done any docking. I've never used a rover. I've never built any spaceplane and I suck at it... I think. I can't go anywhere without manuever nodes but they aren't always as precise as I would have liked them to be. Launched about a dozen satellites but couldn't be precise enough for a geostationary orbit outside of a a mission. (usually eyeballing it is enough for a mission I know that) I don't know how to go about launching a mission to Duna/Ike. I hate clutter but I liked SpaceY enough and found it to be stock-like enough so I use it as my only mod currently. Thanks for reading, and I'm looking forward to your advice!
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