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Everything posted by Hachiro

  1. Ayyy many thanks for that. It's not coming up on CKAN it seems so I'll nab that from the github.
  2. Is the APAS port completely removed from this current release? I'm not able to find it. The BDB one functions but it doesn't quite jive with the look of the Habtech stuff to my tastes, like the original one did. (Plus it's broken a fair few of my kitbash stuff like ferry-tankers/rescue craft)
  3. For sure! I've got a pad abort type craft set up to test this, it has the issue presenting. https://github.com/Koshehage/KSPCrafts Both versions are tested to show the issue, tweakscale and non.
  4. I was having this issue back in 1.11 as well, and it's definitely still an issue now. Quite unfortunate, I've been using the lepus rockets to simulate this and having one automatic module that doesn't require me to time the landing firing would be so much nicer.
  5. Hey all, so this is an issue I've had with FAR since I got it, really, but I can't figure out how to make the non-realchute parachutes work. Not just the stock ones, but ones that come with particular mods (hence why realchute isn't really a viable option for a lot of them, it'll completely break the build.) Anyone know how to do this? I'm not really sure how to add realchute modules to parachutes, if that's the only way to fix it.
  6. So I'm really excited about this mod, I've been using SRMs in... Creative ways to give my soyuz landing rockets. All this stuff is fantastic, but I have found that the retro module is... Buggy. Specifically, when it fires, it ends up with a constantly rising isp, so my capsule ends up careening into the air until I deactivate landing mode, or jettison the retro module altogether. Anyone else have this kind of issue?
  7. @peteletroll So undocking, quicksave quickloading, then redocking *seems* to have worked to clear the bad states on the other ports on the station while I've kept them in load distance, and it made it so the "locked" port was no longer stuck, I could back up from it and then go forward. Defocusing to the tracking station, then another craft, then back to the station seems to be okay so far, too... I think that might've done it, but I'll report back with anything if it's no longer working! Thank you!!
  8. Can confirm the craft is not stock, all the issues are cropping up with the Tantares (and, occasionally, HabTech) docking ports. I'll give the undock and quicksave trick a try, hopefully that fixes things. Will update when I can!
  9. Just to clarify, are you asking if I have the badstate error after time warping while maintaining focus on the craft, or if I focus the craft, exit/focus another one farther away, warp, then come back to the one with the issue? Edit: Something I forgot to mention. These "bad state" ports tend to end up with two undock buttons in the right click menu, and even if they undock, they tend to be "stuck" where the joint is flexible, but will not separate. Unfocusing, warping, and coming back will let it drift out enough with no issues, but keeping focus and warping so that it drifts out of collision will invariably cause the entire setup to explode and send things flying every which way out of control.
  10. So, apologies for dropping off this thread after that post. It was only happening with the Kane docking ports, and it seems to have stopped mostly on its own after the BDB update. I'm having a different issue, now, and that's with there being a persistent "bade state" error that'll pop up on several docking ports when I'm loading up my ISS build in orbit. No idea what this might be https://www.dropbox.com/s/k4rjk0ol2cwcu00/KSP.log?dl=0 <ksp.log
  11. Reinstalling the b9 and CRP and then grabbing those folders from the GitHub repository did work, thank you! Not sure what exactly happened but at least that'll narrow it down if others need troubleshooting I guess? :S
  12. It seems like b9 is trying to find a tank type that habtech should have, but doesn't, as far as I can tell. I tried grabbing the quest module cfg off the github and replacing it but still not working properly.
  13. Having a slight issue with b9, it's trying to find a tank "ht2_02" and failing to do so, and fatal error-ing. I've gone through the part repositories to try and find something with that sort of name, and I'm not really able to. Any possible insights? I had to manually install, everything else I've got is CKAN. (And CKAN won't see the .zip properly )(Side note, it seems that the spacedock .zip version has issues with "truss01_nrm.dds", I had to grab a copy off github directly and that cleared that up.) Edit: Error message directly
  14. @CobaltWolf The VS-11 Module is a 1.5m module, it looks like, with the correct mid-section, it'd fit just right with the design idea drawings/HST based look.(Cacteye solar panels for the look, not what I plan on using since they don't fit in the fairing)
  15. Dumb question, but the SCAN-23 "VS-11" module... Is that meant to be a KH-11 KENNEN in effect? If so, I'm having trouble making it "fit" on the KH-9 base, it's too small... And CactEye isn't scratching my hubble-alike itch, it's *massive*, barely fits in the shuttle bay let alone on a 34D.
  16. Has anyone had issues with the ports automatically rotating to 120 degrees, regardless of where you've actually docked them? Whenever I have a vessel load in, the ports are rotated to 120, and fresh docks have them rotate to 120 every single time. It's been wreaking havoc on my bdb skylab build, I can't get the airlock to align and the telescope mount refuses to stay rotated to the correct alignment. I've disabled rotation and it does nothing after reloading the vessel
  17. Can I just mention that the modding community here is awesome? Thank you, @TheShadow1138!
  18. Shadowworks and Tantares are a stockalike parts pack for the SLS/some ISS parts and Russian space program launchers and spacecraft. Tantares hasn't been updated since August, and ShadowWorks did just get updated but only for an animation fix on a non-crewable part, so I don't ~think~ that would have affected what's going on there. Like I said, the Tantares parts were the ones that caught me off first, so. I should also mention I am hardly versed in coding so MM is somewhat intimidating. There are the mods in question, as it were, though!
  19. That does make sense, though I am somewhat confused as to why it only just recently started doing this. Jeb wasn't launched on that module, I did transfer him *into* it. I'm going to try launching the ROS again, as I said there were a few adjustments I needed to make anyway, and see if I can get the tweakables working. Will update when it's together. Tantares is, at least as of 1.10's updates, being worked on, so hopefully it'll end up supported. It's one of my favourite mods! Update: Seems like no internal transfers are possible with the ShadowWorks or the Tantares modules at all even with all hatches opened, now, so I might have to either go in and tweak everything, or uninstall for now
  20. So I've just had an issue crop up... About a week ago I found that I couldn't transfer kerbals between parts on my ISS reproduction. Specifically, I've got Jeb trapped in Zvezda. I can't transfer him out of that single module, nor can I get him to EVA as it's saying all hatches are blocked. (Which I think is technically true, Tantares doesn't have hatches on the sides of those parts.) I've opened all the hatches between where I want to get him and the module, and still nothing... I'm resorting to a deorbit of the module so he can respawn, and I sort of want to rebuild the module regardless, but I've got sa screenshot of what I'm seeing here. The pod (and the black docking adapter) attached only has 3 kerbals, with room for 7 on board so it's definitely not full. TL;DR: Docking port hatches open, can't EVA, only move between parts within the single original module, Jeb's gonna try and survive a deorbit... thoughts on why?
  21. Thanks for looking into it!! I'll keep on that for now, hopefully can get some pretty shots for the time being
  22. <As found on load-in. Both panels had effectively identical readouts < Kept clicking retract panel until it stopped appearing <Clicked extend panel and let it fully extend. Other side behaves the same way.
  23. I'm on KSP 1.10.1, I am indeed using both of those mods as well. Replication is fairly simple, just swapping from then back to the station far enough away to unload it will cause the panels to be retracted, but the mount to be rotated into tracked position on reload. Mostly lately I've seen two or three retract buttons, and clicking them causes one extend and one retract button to pop up. Clicking the extend button almost always causes it to simply disappear, and going through all of the retracts until they hit 8 buttons, then re-extending them causes them all to disappear.
  24. Is there a known issue with the ITS solar panel arrays? They never remain visibly open after vessel unload/reload, and seem to have about eight separate panels that may or may not be controllable. Sometimes the extend/retract button duplicates itself, sometimes it disappears completely. I've never gotten them to visibly track the sun properly either, though they are generating power, at least. Edit: Showing what I mean by several panels glitched out
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