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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Titan. Infinite fuel and water, atmosphere suitable for aerobraking and muscle-powered atmospheric flight, awesome views of Saturn, low gravity and escape velocity (=SSTO), comfortable surface atmospheric pressure, safe distance from the Sun when it reaches red giant phase.
  2. Yea, that’s unfortunate. It arrived a year early. Next time it can be too small to be noticed or too big for the payload bay of Starship. And who knows how many years will pass before the next good opportunity.
  3. lol. Do you know what the difference is between fission and annihilation?
  4. So, in the end, the Earth proved that Mike Hughes is... flat.
  5. Rocketry enthusiast as well. RIP. At least it was quick.
  6. Clouds are likely to exist only in the demo. There are many other scenes where no clouds can be seen.
  7. Yeah, I have no problem with metallic hydrogen being in the game. In Kerbal universe it can be metastable, even if it isn't IRL. Jool system is also physically impossible, but it doesn't bother me at all, same here. Treat it like another "Liquid Fuel" - arbitrary resource that's kinda like a real rocket fuel, but doesn't represent any specific one.
  8. In addition to that, everything we know about KSP2 from ST interviews and youtuber events should go straight out the window as well. This new vision of KSP2 can be very different now.
  9. There are still people playing GW1!?
  10. For 100+ ppl colony something like "megapower" makes even more sense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TEM_(nuclear_propulsion) Maybe Rosatom can sell one TEM reactor to SpaceX, it'll fit perfectly for the job.
  11. Yea, they probably don't need more than 5-10 SH total.
  12. Conceptually it would dynamically tune the thrust limiter on multiple engines to roll/pitch/yaw the craft. Some mods do that.
  13. Even Rogozin is happy about it. Not often do we hear him complimenting SpaceX.
  14. Not-Orion on not-SLS? So... Crew Dragon on FH? But it doesn’t have the SM to brake and later return to Earth. It’ll need a SM, but then it might get as heavy as Orion. And SLS is the only rocket that can send Orion stack (25t total?) to TLI...
  15. Hmm, if a rocket can get man-rated from the start, then why did NASA make SpaceX launch F9 Block 5 seven times (think it was seven or so) without any modifications? Or does Blue need to do the same with NG?
  16. People seem to be excited about the Artemis and SLS. They should’ve invited a space nerd or two from this forum to their podcast...
  17. That’s why there’s 6 kerolox boosters. That’s why it’s better to build hydrolox stages near the launch site. Maybe. But losses due to atmospheric drag are very low anyway, compared to gravity losses.
  18. I wrote “Energia-style first stage”, and it referred to the new super heavy rocket, not Energia. Yenisei first stage (central core) = Energia second stage, Yenisei boosters = Energia first stages.
  19. Same, but it would be 10 times more badass if they had chosen Energia-style hydrolox first stage instead of kerolox.
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