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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Can sombody please explain this to me? I can't deploy the Tundra Hab module for some reason. It says that I need 8k MaterialKits to do it, even though I have enough of those on my station.
  2. It just adds some Kerbal months because of its crew capacity, while the 5x multiplier isn't applied. You can compare the hab time that's calculated in VAB to the actual hab time you get when you assemble the base, it's much lower than it should be. It's been reproduced, so it's definitely a real issue: https://github.com/BobPalmer/MKS/issues/1110
  3. @dboi88 Awesomeness! Also, I think that habitation parts with supplies/mulch storage need Module Resource Warehouse, so that nearby Ags could pull mulch from them. If only I knew how to make pull requests...
  4. I think the article doesn't mention one important point about scavenging. If some converter needs resource, that resource can only be taken from working warehouses, not just any part with this resource in storage. For example, an agroponics converter needs mulch. It can't pull mulch from nearby Ranger Hab modules, because they aren't warehouses. Even if both vessels have ISMs configured to store mulch, it won't be transferred from Hab to Ag module.
  5. By the way, the 5x multiplier is currently broken and doesnt affect anything. There is a github issue for that. So you probably don't want to use the "hab-common" option on it, until it's fixed.
  6. ...I've just realized that CKAN exists. Yeah, that statement was a bit too rash...
  7. If they could install the mod, they're definitely smart enough to read the guides Still, hiring costs need to be synchronized between the AC and KD somehow.
  8. Oh, I forgot that you need a Pioneer module to find lodes. Well, then he should just farm some science from the Mun to unlock the colony bits.
  9. Just do some contracts. Or you can mine and sell exotic resources, just like Roverdude did in one of his streams. 1. Mine a resource lode. 2. Send some containers and load the stuff into them with local logistics. 3. Send the freighter back to KSC. I usually make around 400k per trip.
  10. Sure, people can learn to live everywhere. But why would it make any difference if a station is orbiting Kerbin, Duna, Jool, or even Kerbol? If you are used to living in stations, it doesn't really matter which body your station is orbiting.
  11. Why didn't you put a separator between the airlock and the left karibou control module?
  12. Yeah, I don't think that kolonization bonuses should apply to space stations. It doesn't matter if a station is around Kerbin or Eeloo. They are just stations, with zero-g environment and tight quarters. It certainly shouldn't matter which body you're orbiting. How would it make any difference? The planet is kinda far below. Kolonizing Kerbol makes even less sense.
  13. Can Smelt-o-magic serve as an efficiency part for other Smelt-o-matics?
  14. I land the tundra modules VTOL-style. Then I drag them close to each other with a rover and weld them with construction ports. In the end I have a long tundra-sausage base with Karibou legs and some Ranger modules sticking from the sides here and there. Sorry, can't show it atm. Looks pretty ugly, but functional.
  15. In addition to not being shared between vessels, they don't seem to work properly. Kerbals consume more than they should with working recyclers.
  16. But there are invisible EC cables that distribute power, remember? It'd make sense if there were invisible air/water pipes as well.
  17. I wish recyclers were shared. It kinda defeats the purpose of disconnected bases if you still have to add powerful recyclers to every vessel. If I have a water purifier running, everyone should benefit from it, not just the kerbals that are stationed on the same vessel.
  18. Here is the new one: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46597246/LSBug.sfs And yes, both vessels have Kerbals in them. Resource sharing is fine - it's just that the Kerbal in one vessel doesn't benefit from the recyclers on another one.
  19. @RoverDude https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46597246/LSBug.sfs It has a MechJeb part. Everything else is stock+MKS. I can remove the Mechjeb thingy if needed. UPD: It only happens when I open the LS window while another vessel is being focused. How to reproduce: focus on the M1 base and open the LS window. UPD2: Also as you can see on the screenshot above, the engineer consumes 10.8 supplies per day, even though there are powerful recyclers on another vessel. Is this right?
  20. Still have this annoying "refuses to work - returned to duty" spam every time I open the LS window.
  21. It's been what, four MKS releases during the last 24 hours? Looks like that exponential efficiency bug hit Roverdude himself!
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