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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Please don't stop making this mod, it's great and unique, and works really well with other station- and base-building mods like MKS! And besides, this bug only affects large cargo bays, so I'll just use medium ones for now. Initial layout: Parts in the front: Parts in the middle: Parts in the back: Looks like it only affects parts that are placed in the front falf of the cargo bay. Craft file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46597246/test.craft
  2. @Nertea the cargo bay bug is back! It looks like the large cargo bays don't shield things properly:
  3. @Kobymaru link to the save file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46597246/persistent.sfs
  4. Of course it's unbalanced. You're not supposed to get the good stuff with just one part, that's not how MKS works
  5. @Kobymaru sure, when I get back home. It doesn't have many converters, mostly greenhouses, drills and Ranger smelters. I'll check if the framerate drops if I turn the converters off. P.S. It is also disconnected, and has several ISMs and Redi-packs communicating with each other via scavenging logistics. I'll see if turning the warehouses off helps.
  6. @RoverDude I have a slight problem with my Mun base. It doesn't have a lot of parts, but the framerate goes way down when I focus on it. But it gets much worse when I use timewarp, down to about 3 fps at maximum timewarp. The base itself consists only of MKS and stock parts and has some drills and converters running in the background. Is this normal?
  7. CKAN is being CKAN again. Try downloading manually, I haven't noticed any issues with Karibou parts or converters.
  8. They give bonuses to greenhouse and drills efficiency, or extend your habitation time. Yeah, but they also cost much less, only 10k per Kerbal.
  9. You can just grab the dev build, Nertea linked it on the previous page.
  10. Well, since there is MKS-Lite, there can probably be MKS-Xtreme, with radiation, melting reactors and kerbals dying of age and diseases.
  11. Which means you'll need 250% as much EC and cooling to run the drills. On the other hand, you are getting 250% as many resources
  12. It's a thing in MKS. Open the Kolonization tab, and you should see kolonization bonuses for different planetary bodies. https://github.com/BobPalmer/MKS/wiki/The-Kolonization-Dashboard
  13. @gamerscircle could be geology rating then. As @voicey99 said, it can really set your drills to turbo-mode, screwing your EC and cooling along the way.
  14. Did you have an engineer nearby? They do speed up the drills, along with EC usage. Also, Mun's geology rating affects drills, increasing their efficiency and EC consumption (if I remember correct).
  15. Yeah, that's what I meant. I wouldn't call MKS "integrated", it's the community that makes this integration.
  16. I don't think MKS is integrated with TAC. Are TAC configs official? Yes. You can delete any folder from there, and it'll still work fine. I deleted ART and sounding rockets, for example.
  17. Sorry, can't test it right now. Probably tomorrow.
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