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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound-A-Stellar-Odyssey I can't fix anything without proof. The mod works as it should. Requirements and installation in the link above.
  2. https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound-A-Stellar-Odyssey Try this or the clip
  3. Hi! thanks for the feedback! The floating rocks are sadly a kopernicus issue, turning the amount of scatters down in the settings menu helps reducing them. FPS drops can be caused by your RAM usage, but also by the game loading chunks of groundscatters. I made gu on an old 8 Gb RAM laptop and because i only used it for making the mod (i rarely play ksp), i do not know what amount of mods start making lag more obvious.
  4. I mean, you can manually take out the volumetrics etc ... I only make what looks good on my pc and share it.
  5. Might be the shadows? Idk all i did is keeping gu graphics rather simple. Idk if EVE textures are being loaded all the time or ondemand.
  6. New Duna: a mixture of features of Mars, Luna, Mun and handdrawn stuff. The idea was to make the 2 different hemispheres more obvious and add the famous martian landmarks.
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