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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. @Rocket Science42 If you enable gu's outerworlds you chose them above the other outerplanets. So the outerplanets will be moved to another location around another star.
  2. These are outer planets that will compatible with a stock 'revamp'. Making the kerbol system a little bit more interesting and in tune with the other exoplanets.
  3. You mean, the new homesystem being compatible with a 'real solar system'? Or that it'll resemble the real one?
  4. Upcoming new worlds in the kerbol system: Voon and its biggest moon: Purl. The name Purl was chosen as kerbals first thought this moon was a pearl around 'the necklace of Voon'.
  5. Thanks for the kind words everybody. Here's something i'll be focusing on when I'm back. * HomeSystem Revamp™.
  6. Just before I'm going on a GU - holiday, I uploaded an Alpha Centauri with a new Blalo (copyright 2021 ™️ ) https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound-A-Stellar-Odyssey/releases/tag/1.1
  7. Taking a break from KSP. The toxicity levels in this community are getting too high. If for any reason, I am no longer active on this forum, I request that this mod and its content shall remain untouched and dies in silence.
  8. First look at the new Luyten System. Naru Iwen Seir and its moons: Gumo and Kwolok Wisp and its moon: Ku
  9. Today marks the day where GU has officially 100 released worlds (excluding stars). Trappist-1: 7 Luhman 16: 8 Alien Worlds: 9 Alpha Centauri : 24 Epsilon Eridani: 19 Lich: 3 Tau Ceti: 15 Sirius: 15
  10. NEW: TRAPPIST-1 Trappist-1 system (new Eios - Trappist-1e) Visuals HOMESWITCH - Eios (Trappist-1e) Rational Resources support.
  11. Galaxies Unbound is now also on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/galaxiesunbound/
  12. Sorry the current set up of GU doesn't allow spacedock downloads, the version there was heavily dated. Also, asking something polite never hurt no body.
  13. UPDATE: ALIEN WORLDS NEW: Herculeon, a giant ocean planet and big brother of Atlas. NEW: Hetoo, a chlorine dominated world. NEW: Aethir, a cold desert world.
  14. NEW: STELLAR ADVENTURES Adds what was formerly known as 'local stars'. Galaxy option: move all stars into a galactic shape -> not compatible with homeswitches. 'The All' and 'The Orb'. Rational Resources support. NEW: LUHMAN 16 Completely new Luhman 16 system. Visuals. Rational Resources support. -> -> required: redownload _Core, _StellarAdventures.
  15. I'll need logs, both ksp and kop + screens of gamedata and the gu folder and more explanation of your gu set up. I'm absolutely no expert on this, but people join everyday on the server -> invite works. There is membership screening so idk if you are verified or not?
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