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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. If you've followed GU dev you'd know that the best parts of KSS will return but it seems you're not really well informed. There are also lots of other amazing mods that might suit your needs.
  2. Uhm no ... download nova kirbani button. I even wrote under it you need to click on it.
  3. The fix will be in the next kopernicus release so there is none atm.
  4. Yes https://galaxiesunbound.fandom.com/wiki/Galaxies_Unbound_Wiki
  5. @Aelipse Glad you like GU, but i'm affraid i can't help a lot. GU already uses OnDemand to load the textures (1.1 version). As for the the terraintextures, they're more detailed as the stock ones and might cause what you describe, not sure. The only thing i can advice is to lower you graphic settings in the settings menu and use OpenGL to play KSP.
  6. It's in the title above 1.7.x But better use the latest version for 1.7.3
  7. If you want vanilla levels, just remove the brightness curve inside the sun cfg. However it will not look great combined with sun's size.
  8. oh forgot about the the brightnesscurve ... that's not an easy one to explain tbh For that matter you better just activate scattererflares again, or live with a realistic sun flare.
  9. because they're eclipsed :p they turn solid black. If you timewarp they should fix themself.
  10. @Seere Those are eclipses out of sync because of the amount of planets / mods. Not really bugs. Your computer is probably struggling to keep track.
  11. it's a custom sunflare that looks a little more 'alive' than the stock one (doesn't rely on scatterer). so if you dont want that one, just remove the entire line.
  12. GU should not interfere with JNSQ and as stated inside the installationguide. GU hasn't been tested with a lot of mods because it should not be able to interact with them. However if you could DM me what the issues are, provided with evidence. I could try to solve it.
  13. around 6 months you need to edit the file (so open it and change something). look for this 'sunAU' and increase the number it has.
  14. https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Galaxies-Unbound/releases/tag/1.1
  15. Stars are realistically scaled and so are the flares. You can play with those numbers if you want but i'm not changing them for GU.
  16. Most people dont like kerbol as it isn't canon to stock. So i reverted kerbol back to sun.
  17. Patch 0.1 This Fixes: Various Typos Narath's plants and rocks not showing up. Alva's surface from high up looked weird. C1 and Um's surface. Blalo's atmospheric temperature and density (increased from 1.02 to 1.05 atm). Sunflares interfering with other mods. OnDemand not working properly. Stock EVE clouds not showing up. Sun is again Sun and not Kerbol Adds: Skybox (you need sigma - replacements for this - see installationguide) --- I'll soon check some visual bugs and fix those and drop them together with IC compat and homeswap. Meanwhile I disabled the scattererflares and use the GU ones. (because 1 is broken) IF you however want to turn it back on: 1. Go to GU/GU_Scatterer/config 2. Change - fullLensFlareReplacement = False - to - fullLensFlareReplacement = True -
  18. First patch is expected in the following days. Fixing minor issues from the first gameplays.
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