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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. Hi everyone. Because this mod has been abandoned and the devs haven't been around. I decided (together with my team), to take over Kerbal Galaxy . More news on dev and progress will follow soon. No worries, this mod won't be merged, but just revived.
  2. @Darkspace I just checked Naal. Everything's fine with the planet. Could you send your logs? I'd like to see what happened.
  3. Updated the installation guide. https://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Installation_Guide
  4. Small Update: Retextured Sulph (just as Narath, the previous version was rather boring) - New texture aims for a primordial world based on the element Sulfur. - If you want this version of Sulph. Re-download KSS_0.8.2_Nova Kirbani and Scatterer
  5. Few Updates + A new planet. - Retextured Narath (the old one looked dated) - Added Methus, a planet around Karkua. (Karkua System) -> All updated folders are now numbered
  6. you dont have to do anything besides opening the ZIPfile. and past the content of GameData into your KSP GameData folder. That's it ...
  7. Yeah that's on purpose. When Flarereplacer is installed, scatterer disables its own flares. Item:NEEDS[!FlareReplacer] = Kerbol This way i can keep the nebula's and use the flarereplacements.
  8. Fixed black holes and Installation X. Now stable orbits are possible without exploding. Also smoothened the atmosphere of Sulph and now its oceans will slowly overheat your crafts (acidic properties). Updates in: - KSS_0.8.2.1_Core - KSS_0.8.2.1_Kermes_Galaxy - KSS_0.8.2.1_Nova_Kirbani_System
  9. @enewmen install flarereplacer along with scatterer, for me it got my fps from 8-12 to 35-50 depending from the scene. It’s either EVE or Scatterer, but i figured the many scatterer sunflares cause major fps drops. That’s why i made flarereplacer compatible, it’s not exactly the same but they look really nice and dont impact fps. Nebula’s will remain visible.
  10. @enewmen could you list the kss systems you got installed? Kermes cluster? Nova kirbani? 0.8.2 latest version? Because i updated it 2 days ago. (18th) it’s probably caused because you got a dated core file from me. I uploaded a wrong kss_core. So just reinstalling kss should fix it.
  11. @ceaars i thought the mun problem was solved?! I’ll see what i can do to fix it. You could in the meantime lower Karkua’s gravity by going to KSS/Celestials -> core -> karkua, open the cfg and lower the gASL to 1000 instead of 3000+. This could help as karkua and the mun are somehow linked to the problem. @Darkspace yeah we need to look into the contracts. About an actual rogue planet. It would have no purpose tbh. Interstellar space is pitchblack in kss because otherwise it would illuminate the other systems at night. Oh what’s wrong with Mesmo? Why does the system need another gasgiant?
  12. I uploaded a fix for it a few hours ago (icons). But you can fix it yourself by removing this line: from the KSS_Icons cfg. (KSS/Configs/KSS_Icons.cfg For instantiator, as mentioned in the readme, you have to remove the example file from the Instantiator folder in Gamedata. I'm sorry but I'm not even going to start search through your logs with that amount of mods. clean install KSP with KSS and see if it works.
  13. @Apaseall still ... I'm left without something to help you out. I ask the screenshot for a reason.
  14. Updated the KSS_Core and Nova Kirbani Files, they contained wrong file paths. Also removed the KSS Icons file and moved it to the KSS_Core download as an optional feature. (sorry i messed up a little) - added icons for moons with liquids, neutron stars and white dwarfs. ------------------ @Apaseall Those logs contain nothing related to KSS, also KSS is not mentioned there so it seems like it's not installed. Again lots of errors related to InterstellarFuelswitch. I think it might be advised to make a clean KSP folder, install KSS first (run it, to see if it works and it should) and add other mods later.
  15. Released the KSS Icons + Fixed Nova Kirbani from not working. - adds KSS icons for asteroids, minor planets, planets, moons, gasgiants, ringed gasgiants, stars, exotic objects, eve like worlds, comets, .... (exotic bodies still need custom ones, and more will be added in the future) - Because it got added as an optional feature in KSS_Core, I added a special KSS_Icons file to the download list for those who had KSS_Core already. So you dont need to redownload KSS_Core. ** thx @JadeOfMaar for helping me out with this!
  16. @Apaseall would it be possible to screenshot your gamedata folder? Easiest way for me to see what's bugging KSS.
  17. @Apaseall Kerbol System folder = extension of the system Vanillaplanets = stock overhaul they're seperated because it's a seperate download. KSS works with Core (contains Vanillaplanets) only but from there you can add your own mix of systems.
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