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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. Yeah sure. Yes that’s a bug from kss 0.7.3 it’s fixed in 0.8 though. If you lower Karkua’s gravity it will be fixed. I do not longer fix 0.7.3 because 0.8 works on 1.3.1 too.
  2. @Darkspacei haven’t been home but i’m looking at it later today! From what i could read, there must be something wrong with your installation of scatterer and kss scatterer. To install it correctly you just download the latest version of scatterer and make sure the scatterer folder is in gamedata. afterwards you download kss_scatterer and make sure the kss_scatterer folder is in the kds folder. sidenote: if you installed the kermes galaxy and then removed it, it can cause this problem you have too. Removing a planet or moon can cause this too in some cases. But i’ll be checking out your logs later today! @Kontrole thx for your review! Based on it, I’ll be making a few changes to make stuff more clear!
  3. @Darkspace can you post your logs (zipped) and a screenshot of your Gamedata folder and KSS folder? the ground ksc bug is a reparenting thing and i’m currently looking for a fix. I think the daylight bug is caused by having scatterer and kss scatterer being messed up but i need your logs and screenshots to confirm this. I noticed duna’s scatterer is stock and not kss so i think kss scatterer is in the wrong folder/direction. That ‘s why they’re pointing at the Sun (the All) instead of Kerbol.
  4. As mentioned in the README and almost everywhere, you only need KSS_Basic to star using KSS. You can add other parts at choice. From the Github page:
  5. The Kormin System is now available.! -> 2 new worlds, Ves and Nae. -> Updated KSS_scatterer with the Kormin files. (so you need to redownload this one) -> Updated KSS_Extended_Kerbol_System with fixes and improvements. https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Kerbal-Star-Systems/releases/tag/0.8
  6. Updated the Kerolon System with the new textures for Rilna. - Also made a few fixes to the Kermes Cluster and KSS_Basic. https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Kerbal-Star-Systems/releases/tag/0.8
  7. Updated KSS_0.8_Scatterer, it now contains the Kerolon System Files.
  8. Visual issues like? Need prove ... Those errors dont occur when scatterer is not installed. Why they do occur, i have no idea but it doensn’t influence gameplay.
  9. It's caused by reparenting i guess ... still looking for a solution.
  10. I'm not too familiar with Github so I'm not really intending to do a lot with it except using it as a download platform. But would it have any more advantages besides giving me more work?
  11. So it turns out KSS is compatible with KSP 1.4.5. and kopernicus 1.4.5-2! To celebrate this MIRACLE, I added the new KSS skybox to the downloads. Enjoy! Link
  12. RELEASE NOVA KIRBANI SYSTEM 0.8 Test version / pre-release of KSS 0.8 - all other downloads got updates and fixes. So feel free to reinstall KSS. - when installing KSS Nova Kirbani System, don't forget to reinstall Scatterer and Clouds as well. (same when using basic and extended kerbol system.) - there should be optimization as well, you can access terrain details from the main menu. (KSS-low/default or high) enjoy
  13. Too many small changes, fixes that might or might not work, details, and bigger changes.
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