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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. What do you expect in the next big KSS update? -> Vote! CLICK HERE !
  2. You need to calculate some stuff + for the storyline i dont need more writers (KSS-team is full)
  3. What do you expect in the next big KSS update? -> Vote! CLICK HERE !
  4. You can delete all the systems in KSS/KopernicusFiles except from the Kerbol System and VanillaPlanets (dont delete stars!). Some stockbodies are moved to the outer planets so you need at least Vanilla and Kerbol to play kss.
  5. When you load kss for the first time it is possible that your game crashes. I'd advice to use kss basic for a first attempt and look if the game wrote the cache files in KSS/Cache -> Sometimes KSP crashes after the cache files for KSS are written. Afterwards this can't be an issue.
  6. Is Eve bright white in your game? Go to KSS/KopernicusFiles and delete everything but Stars, Vanillaplanets and Kerbol system. If there are still cfg's in the folder, dont delete them. You tried to add them? I've already experimented with it without any troubles. And in 0.7 every planet will have its own groundscattering.
  7. I saw you need to use the clouds fix to turn the colors right! Pretty screenshots btw!
  8. Its not a bug, i took the flares out because they look very unrealistic when you go further than Jool. The 'new' fancy flares are made with scatterer (visuals). + the stars are now scaled to realistic sizes (1/10th). Stock Kerbol is an oversized monster.
  9. With 0.6 you'll have this problem (I'll add a fix / alternate version with the next 0,6 patch). But meanwhile you can use the 0.5 version, which should work fine.
  10. Because I'm changing how the lightning works @Voodoo8648 & @JadeOfMaar One of the problems right now with Kerbalism and KSS is that all the radiation belts point to the All and I'm not able to change this until the dev from Kerbalism adds compatibility with star system mods. (I've asked it but I guess we'll have to wait for some time)
  11. @Voodoo8648 Thx for your honest opinion! But i can't hold back on changing stuff because it would mess up career. That's why I keep kss at an 0. version although it has the potential of 1. But you're right about those warnings and asking what others want so in the future I'll try to do this. About the new surface of kerbin, i thought changing kerbin would be a nice thing because i noticed people playing kss are more focused on everything but kerbin. They want to get as fast as possible to blalo for example. And because i always didn't like the stock kerbin, i changed it and i have great ideas to make it more interesting. BUT I'll going to take the new Kerbin out and use the texture for something else @smotheredrun If i got paid 1$ for each download of KSS. I would have a lot of money!
  12. The Plasma engine is still in a testing phase ... -> not finished It's not a buff, just my ridiciulously overpowered plasma engine
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