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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. @A_beholder Without logs to prove this is caused by kss. I can only assume you had a structural problem. I also advice you for future bugreports to add logs. (No logs = no bug/issue)
  2. Interesting I'm working on the resources right now and I'm going to use Karbonite and Karborundum as very rare resources found on only a few planets
  3. Just disable the kopernicus ring shadows. They were disabled in the settings i provided. Oh it seems GPP updated and i was too busy to notice. Why should i need karbonite? The helium thing is experimental ... I'm not yet a good part maker.
  4. true, but why dont they place the probe in a safe stable orbit like they'll do with Dawn? I think planets (and moons) have already been 'contaminating' each other for a long time (impactdebris, ...). But I'll miss the pretty pictures from Cassini!
  5. I saw a few days ago this video and it inspired me to make that screenshot (don't cry after watching) (NASA?) HAHAH I WISH!
  6. just a screenshot nothing edited. The only thing i did is changing SCREENSHOT_SUPERSIZE = 4
  7. I checked it but I dont think the downloadlink is broken? Maybe try from CurseForge? If not send me a PM and I'll help you out.
  8. Because when kerbol becomes again the central star i want a fixed soi? And the all orbiting with an infinite soi breaks the mod. It's the reason why i reparented kerbin.
  9. Did this in the beginning of kss and the problem with this solution is that the central star then has an soi = infinite. Changing this broke the mod completely. The cfg's have all been corrected in 0.5 so there is no longer old stuff in it. The weird thing is that i never have shifting orbits and never have all those bugs. I'm going to look into these problems tonight and see how i can solve it. But people have to remember I go full-time to uni and that I'm not a full time mod dev.
  10. The 2 stars on the left of The All, are Kerolon and Kelaris upside down right?
  11. @Mr Betelgeuse On the kopernicus thread there is a fix for the ringshaders bug. If you do research you'd know that gasgiants their auroras are mostly not in the visible spectrum. (Ever seen a picture that's not in infrared from jupiter or saturn?) Only Mirn has auroras because it orbits so close to its star. Can you give me a list in pm of the textures that look less sharp? I've planned some things but I'm not going to spoil it. See how to fix clouds at the DLlink
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