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Kyrt Malthorn

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Everything posted by Kyrt Malthorn

  1. Wait, you're actually devleoping means to apply gravity acceleration on IVA? O.O Okay, picture it. Combine this, Raster Prop Moniter (and mods that add stuff to it), and some form of first person EVA. Entire missions played through the kerbals' eyes. Would this not be... just... EPIC?
  2. I'm hoping I can get a Kerbin+Realism+VisualFX setup going. The dream list would probably look like... Eye (and ear) candy: EVE, Scatterer, CollisionFX, Kerbal Krash System, Rover Wheel Sounds Features: A Kerbin rescale (3.2 or 6.4), Engineering Tech Tree, Real Fuels / Stock Configs, Kerbal Construction Time, KIS, KAS, EPL, USI Life Support/permadeath mode. Parts: SpaceY, Planetary Base Systems, most Near Future packs, various Roverdude parts mods, Karbonite, more as I think of them... Maaaybe KSP Interstellar Extended. (Love the concpet and gameplay but its reactors don't really work the same way as Roverdude's).
  3. I would..... With my work schedule conflicting with my insatiable KSP obsession, I so would.
  4. May want this thread moved to the support forums. Did you install 1.0.5 in a new folder or stick it in the same place? Did you have any 1.01 mods?
  5. I deleted my hardmode game after a string of dumb design flaws. I normally feel I'm pretty good at KSP, but I'm just having hard luck these days. Forgot the solar panels, stranded some tourists. Forgot the parachutes, killed Bob, Bill, and six tourists. Added the parachutes and STILL killed eight tourists because there weren't ENOUGH parachutes. I simply don't have enough time anymore to give every creation a safety test flight (or two...) and actually expect to get anywhere in the game I haven't been before. I'm sad.
  6. When you look up at some fast-moving clouds and think, "I'm in time warp?" I play KSP with EVE installed, can you tell?
  7. That's a pretty awesome base! Looks part count intensive though....
  8. Losing kerbals makes me sad. I can't help but revert or quickload normally. In my hard games, I host funerals. Here Jeb and Val host the ceremonies and plant the flags commemorating Bill and Bob.
  9. What a day for my stock gameplay/hard mode career. Having scraped up enough to upgrade my research facilities so I could take surface samples, I thought it high time to do more than a fly-by - I set my sights on Minmus. Struggling against the VAB 30 part count limit, the Cardinal I rocket was developed. Early satellites showed large flat areas, so the development team felt comfortable making a rather rall lander. Mellin Kerman stepped up to the challenge. The Cardinal I takes to the skies. Mellin, being a scientist and very astute (and having read the news on the unfortunate fate of Uranda Kerman's survival story) radioed down to the KSC control tower asking for the design specs, specifically asking where the parachute controls were located. Mission control dug through the entire design's scrapbook and eventually cornered the designer. They came to the unfortunate conclusion that there were no parachutes on the Cardinal I reentry pod. A partial abort was called - the lander would not land at all, but Mellin Kerman was permitted to transfer to Minmus orbit, take science readings, complete a test contract for the lander engine slated to take place in Minmus orbit, and return home - landing and reentry were scrapped. Shortly, a well-proven Mercy III rocket was launched to rendezvous with the Cardinal I in orbit, and Mellin brought the science home. Test pilot Jebediah K., shortly after being evicted from the cockpit of Mellin Kerman's rescue/reentry craft. Matfurt Kerman, designer of both recent parachute-lacking reentry craft, had this to say: "For the last time, I'll [censored] remember the [censored] [censored] parachutes from now on!" While the program directors were quick to point out that so far no one had died in the recent parachute oversights, in hindsight, perhaps they spoke too soon. Also scheduled for launch was the Kladdor 1D rocket, an eight-seater "bigger than ever" rocket featuring state of the art computer guidance. In fact, designers were so sure of the guidance systems that they didn't even include a cockpit. Kladdor 1D, now known as the Kladdor 1 Disaster Project specialists Bill and Bob Kerman took along six tourists to visit the Mun for an unprecedented level of civilian access to space. Reports throughout the trip were hugely positive. However the rocket hit a snag partway through its mission: contact was lost just minutes after the rocket passed into the shadow of the Mun. Contact was reestablished shortly after they returned to sunlight on the other side, but they had already missed a Munar orbital insertion burn because the automated guidance was out. While solar powered, the onboard systems' batteries simply didn't have much capacity. With "plenty of spare fuel", they made a late insertion burn, and shortly burned again to return to Kerbin. Directors state no one foresaw their reentry would be on the night side of Kerbin. Without power, or guidance, the engine bus was never staged, the craft reentered Kerbin atmosphere at an unplanned angle, and the large red "Parachutes" button was revealed to be a visual placebo made from a plastic bottle cap, included for the peace of mind of the passengers. If any of the eight on board survived the fiery inferno in the upper atmosphere and 25 gee flips, there was no way to survive the 300m/s impact with the ground. The space program's memorial service for Bill and Bob will be held later this evening.
  10. I'm not usually much of a challenge seeker. But even so, the incredible successes of NASA, the Russians, and the bright future of other space programs inthe face of difficulty can be inspiring. The more I learn about the perils of space travel, the more impressive it gets. And it makes me want to be bold in my Kerbal career games, sometimes! I've seen a lot of ways to make things harder on onesself in pursuit of realism or raw challenge. I recently started a stock gameplay career on Hard mode. What about you? Tell us all about YOUR most daring, most teeth-grinding, most successful hard career! Or if you like taking it easy, just check out what we crazy people do to ourselves.
  11. Today I forgot the parachutes. I spent a half hour orbiting the Mun my first manned flight there, collecting EVA reports over various biomes. Perfect insertion back home. Only during reentry did I realize it. Stock gameplay, hard mode, no going back. Scientist Urana Kerman survived by abandoning the capsule and braking with her jetpack, but at the cost of all the science.
  12. One of my favorite band's personal tributes to Carl Sagan!
  13. Hey guys, guess what I just noticed! In this youtube video by David Butler, who does an excellent job explaining astronomy, quantum physics, and this series on Einstien's relativity, an image used at 9:10 was actually a KSP screenshot. I guess it's kindof hard to tell the differnce between an older computer model and a KSP recreation of a real probe? Hehe...
  14. Yes really, and nobody was hurt. I gotta say though, the crunched effects of my car doors after the impact was very convincing.... wait, real life usually is convincing. Insurance companies are real life too... KKS has definitely been fun to play with while I wait for estimates and such though! Seriously, this + collisionFX makes for some very dramatic scrapes. Bashed some airplane wings in rough landings and had to limp home while leaking fuel.
  15. Incentive to learn to perform reentry and land near KSC, yes! I have indeed wondered what it would be like building recovery vehicles, or at least crew recovery (and the fields of Kerbin will be littered with mk1 pods). I think I'm gonna need KAS.
  16. I am definitely loving this mod so far. DangIt was to much for me, but this.... this makes sense. "Why are we leaking fuel!?" - "Because Jeb ignored docking procedures and rammed the station again, that's why!" Also it's (probably) purely an ironic coincidence that I was involved in a real car crash the day the latest version released.... o.o
  17. As much as I love this mod, it's giving me a headache right now. I too am having kerbals to rescue spawn in command chairs, but my exact symptoms don't quite line up with what the others describe. Three, four times now it's happened and the kerbal has actually appeared in the chair in orbit, that's fine. The moment it's in range the command chair Takes Command and becomes my currently selected ship, period. (As described prior.) The first thing I notice is the chair is spinning like a crazy thing. Then shortly after I manage to click the Leave Seat button on a wildly oscillating rclick menu, I realize my rescue ship is hurtling away from me at over 2km/s. After a double take I look at the map screen and realize what really happened... BEFORE the close encounter: AFTER the close encounter: How the heck? There was no engine engition while I was away. Quickloaded to just after I made the close encounter and this happened again and again. I had to use infinite fuel cheat just to AVOID a close encounter.
  18. A friend inspired me to design the Korsair, after the real airplane. Flies pretty dang nice actually. Engine from Kerbal Aircraft Expansion, early career plane with Engineering Tech Tree. Loving it!
  19. Probus, I love this mod. Thank you for sharing the project with us all. I just made a new copy of KSP and ETT was the first thing on it, so I could have a look at the tech layout. Loved it, and all the empty nodes got me thinking, "Hmm, I bet I know what mod has some good parts for that... And for that! And that!!!" I'm now hip-deep in mods, perhaps too many even with OpenGL and Dynamic Texture Management. But I love it, and if it turns out to be unstable, I'll be on the edge of my seat for 1.1 w/ ETT and many more. (I think I love tinkering with the game as much as I love playing it...). Once again, thank you!
  20. If it's new places to go and things to do you're pining for, I believe "more planets" is on the do-not-ask-for list over in the gameplay development suggestions section. While it may be a long term goal, you might want to look into mods. ;)
  21. One of my first career mode games (on normal) I brought back a whopper of science from Minmus. It made me feel I had missed a huge chunk of potential gameplay because bringing back thousands of science unlocked dozens of tech nodes at once. From then on I've never played with more than 60% science returns, and that's being lenient. For funds, I usually increase contract rewards because I don't much care for grinding. (I'll do it for a true hard mode game but not if I'm chillin'.) On the other hand, I bump fund penalties to 150% - that way failing a mission I said I'd do sucks more. And facility upgrades actually feel like a big deal. Same with rep, I up the penalty a bit. But I leave the rep rewards at normal. Other than that? Permanent death and purchasing parts (after tech unlock) I turn those on, and leave quicksave/quickload on unless I'm doing a hard game. I like playing with life support when I experiment with it, but I haven't done a series career mode with it yet. Adore KIS/KAS and a number of other small mods but for now I'm playing stock and KER+beautification mods only. Started with 1.0.5's release, I just want to experience the core game properly before I bring mods into my current games. :)
  22. I'm playing 1.0.5 hard mode career! I don't have a lot of time to devote to it, but I have landed on the Mun and Minmus - manned & unmanned, and just starting to establish a rudimentary base on Minmus too. I do use Engineer Redux if you want to count that... I'm not some crazy guy like Scott Manly who can just slap a rocket together and know without looking about what it's capable of. And okay, I admit... I have EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements mod and Chatterer. But that is just beautification. In terms of parts and capabilities, it's stock. Edit / P.s. I have a flag cemetery north of KSC. For the ones who paid the ultimate price for science.
  23. In a single-player game, it's only cheating if the player considers it cheating. Player A may enjoy doing everything themselves with regard to flying rockets, and there's nothing wrong with that. Player B may find it tedious and/or simply not have enough time in the day to micromanage a space agency, so uses MJ, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's not like an MMO where autopilot from a 3rd party giving one player an unbalanced advantage over another IS cheating. It's single player, so whatever fits your play style is fine. :) I do not personally use mechjeb. Someday I might if I get tired of launching things, but I'm new enough to the game that, even though I feel like I have a handle on what I'm doing, I like the challenge. When I have a dozen space stations and shuttles and tankers running around and bases and infrastructure logistics, I might change my mind at some point. I clicked non mechjeb because I respect and relate to those who don't use it because they want it that way. (Knocked points for looking down on mechjeb users though. We're not superior, we're just just more interested in these particular aspects of the game than others.)
  24. If 2 years is a relative newcomer, I'm a total newbie, hehe. Amid all the raging forumgoers screaming "this isn't realistic", "that's to hard*", "such and such is impossible", and "you broke mah game", it's very refreshing to read sometime who's just as happy with the game's development and Squad's commitment as I am. I for one wanted to see The Martian in theaters, not Star Wars.... family did not agree. Sigh. Give me a realistic sci fi any day. (* isn't it amazing how often the things they complain about can be toggled in difficulty settings?)
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