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Darth Badie

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Everything posted by Darth Badie

  1. I know it's going to be a hard one
  2. Hello everyone, Here you have the link so you can start voting for your favourite crafts: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcfMgSW-9o7h_vdhQ-CqOjZu1C2SrVP_o2nf8BkGBswUYvMQ/viewform Good luck !
  3. Thanks for participating! We had a lot of fun looking at your creations. The poll will be posted tomorrow! Thanks
  4. No please I don't want you to get in trouble! hehehe it's the whole day cantab
  5. Hello everyone! Do you think one day more is enough or would you like to have more days to submit your entries ?
  6. Hello! Anyone here interested in helping us with Russian and Spanish? Please if you are PM me Thanks
  7. Hi Flord, You can submit multiple entries I'm waiting to see the results !
  8. Hello everyone, We want to jump start this new year’s community events with a new and amazing challenge! The challenge consists on building a craft that looks like food within the game. There are no restriction on the kind of food you want to represent, but take into account that originality will play a key part on choosing a winner. Visual Mods are allowed, but you’ll have to state which ones are you using. The crafts you create must also be functional and cheats are not allowed. The prize; Our friends of Shapeways want to show their love for this awesome community and they will be sending this amazing 3D printed Kerbal IVA Bundle to the winner! You will have until Wednesday 25th to share your entries on this forum via screenshots and/or gifs, then on Thursday 26th we’ll share a poll with the finalists, so you can vote for your favourite. The winner will be announced next Monday 30th! Let your creativity go wild and Bon Appétit o/
  9. Hey I think it's working now
  10. hahaha not at the moment @severedsolo
  11. Merry Christmas everyone! Thanks for your support this year!
  12. Thanks to our community we've been nominated for the Steam Awards Award Category: The Boom Boom Award Voting Start Time: Dec 30th 10am Pacific If you want to vote you can check the link: http://store.steampowered.com/news/26415/ Thanks everyone!
  13. Yes we are working on it @monstah
  14. Hi Bulldog88, First of all thanks for your support, as you know we have not much information to share right now, just let you know this is a priority for us and we are working really hard to give this big problem a solution. Thanks again
  15. Hello everyone, We have the winners of the contest Kerbals Around The World! Thanks for voting and participating! Special thanks to @maceemiller for sharing the idea with us and @yorshee for the amazing poster she created for the contest! 1st place - Kerbal at Huntsville's Space and Rocket Centre 2nd place - Kerbal at Parkes 3rd place - Snow Kerbal 4th place - Kerbal at Prejba Peak 5th place - Kerbal at Cape Canaveral We will get in contact with the winners soon!
  16. Hello everyone, We had such a great response with the Kerbals Around The World contest that we decided to create a Jeb Kerman’s account on Instagram @justjebthingsksp, in homage to a popular twitter hashtag that emerged after this year’s Twitchon! What's its purpose? We want the awesome KSP community to keep sharing Jeb's adventures around the world. Any post you share here will be posted in Jeb's account. People that are into social media channels need to use #JustJebThings and #Share, so that we can identify your pictures and post them. Let's have fun! You can follow us in the official KSP account: @kerbalspacep https://www.instagram.com/kerbalspacep/
  17. Hello everyone, We couldn't pick only 5 pictures, so we decide to let you pick the best pictures of all the ones we received. Remember we will only have 5 winners and with your votes you'll decide what will be the prize for each one: 1st place - A poster specially designed by Yorshee and signed by the KSP team in Mexico 2nd place - Plushie 3rd place - Plushie 4th and 5th place - Free copies of the game on PC Start voting! The polling will be closed this Friday (December 2nd) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbNX5NOGdT9uthnRfBjn6CLOvK_crKcdAbh4C4vcAdxIYTEQ/viewform?c=0&w=1
  18. Just to let you know the contest is over! Thanks for this awesome response, we hope you had fun as much as we did. We feel proud of our community
  19. Yes Sparkhead you can! Remember you have until November the 30th! Take some time this weekend to take pictures and participate
  20. Hey @Sheppard that sounds really cool! Thanks for sharing I'll share this information with the team!
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