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Everything posted by SpaceplaneAddict

  1. Gotcha, may I use the Stage Recovery mod? It lets you recover stages not within the physics range, very helpful.
  2. Wait, how are we supposed to circularize, or de orbit? The booster cant throttle.
  3. *waits in the cold damp corner people hate* *waits* *Opens laptop* this is a post. *Closes laptop after needless post* BTW: Nice work on keepin' this maintained @Endersmens!
  4. It's going fine, I'll be running..... distance...... tests, hopefully it'll be fully ready by next week (maximum) As to the name, you can always rename it and also, my I make the launch aircraft, erm...... rocket powered?
  5. Mm? Yes, I know. I'm at school currently, so you can expect a decently presented SCF near 7:00PM MST.
  6. Great way to start on the forums, @Alex J Derpert! You have the Spaceplane Freak's support!
  7. Flight Activities Officer, GO Whoops, lemme rephrase SpaceplaneAddict, Flight Activities Officer, GO!
  8. I have looked at the thread, and it appears I am the Flight Activities Officer! Cool, but I won have decent wifi for my KSP laptop ´till Friday. This OK, @Dman979? Also, being new to this, I have no idea how this works. Explanation?
  9. Whoops, OK, I'd just like the main job for Payload Operations. Gewd Internet: Within a week n a half, I promise Microphone: Perfect Mathz: It suffices for this stuff So yeah, I'd like you apply formally for the Job of Payload Operations Officer.
  10. Hai there! I'd like to get the main job for Payload Operations, and if not possible, I'd the the Recovery job!
  11. Mmm, that's cute. What engine did you use for the stage after the stap-on boosters?
  12. Don't worry you too I've noticed this majestic plane, and am actually testing it. I mean, I could've used my own Pixkaxe, but.... who doesn't love smashing brand new engineering into Vall?
  13. I think you can let 'em in, Mikki did make it look chubby and cute..... and @Rhomphaia made it mini as well.
  14. Lemme give this a shot........ where did I put my Xenon tanks........
  15. Vall. Flat lands, colourful terrain, and a perfect orbit. Sure, Tylo and Laythe hate Vall, but it's got a soft spot in me for being the kindest place in the Jool-System.
  16. Don't worry. I stress tested the Mk1 Capsule from an altitude of 5.5 million km, and it worked! Without a heat shield!
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