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Everything posted by BowWhalley

  1. Sorry to necro post. It would appear as though accounts can be deleted or atleast wiped, given that OP is now "Guest" and has no profile. I recall trying something like this form previously though was told essentially that because I don't live in the EU, I am not protected by GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation or "Right to be forgotten") and my account would not be deleted. I could change my name as it is personally revealing, though I'd feel much safer with deleting my account entirely if possible. As I live in Australia, am I un-eligible for account deletion?
  2. Was about to ask about re-fuel missions, then realised I can mine moon for fuel . THIS will be fun Edit: Turns out I can't mine unless I go on super ... but he didn't say anything about refueling
  3. I was able to do it a 2nd time on min-mus and surprisingly, docked instantly on contact. (I did it a 2nd time to record proof). I will upload the video as soon as I can properly edit the video at 4x original speed. 38m video is 563mb. I did a small test and rendered 18s and it came out at 1gb... still need to fiddle with editing settings, help is appreciated (after effects).
  4. To those wondering, yes I did take the picture of the moon myself.

    If you would like some of my photos, contact me.

  5. The challenge is stupidly difficult, but I was able to complete it with help from mechjeb. I ended up having my docking port sitting on top of the other one, and dragging it across with RCS. Images coming soon.
  6. I have done a very small scale test so far, It is possible though very hard to keep a stable hover when aligning. (I used No Mods, all 1.1 pre-release) [noparse]http://imgur.com/a/mhPy5[/noparse] Download to .craft if you want to get an idea of the challenge ahead: https://www.dropbox.com/s/72ip2owz5irhkfo/Launch%20and%20Re-Dock%20Test.craft?dl=0
  7. Launch, Orbit, De-Orbit, Dock (L.O.D.D for short) challenge. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Objective: Launch a spacecraft into orbit around Minmus, De-Orbit the spacecraft & dock it vertically with another craft on the ground. How you choose to go about this is up to you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rules of challenge: 1. No Cheats. 2. Mods are allowed, (check list of allowed mods for reference) 3. After launching the space craft, it my not touch the ground until it has docked. 4. Screenshot your progress as proof. 5. You may use multiple launches. 6. Quick-Saves are allowd 7. The craft you dock with MUST be landed. _______________________________________________________________ Rules of Submission: 1. Images &/or video (Evidence it happened). 2. List mods used (if any). 3. Total Part Count 4. Total Mission Time (With Proof) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Allowed Mods: 1. MechJeb 2. KOS (List will increase) (If you would like to use a mod that is not listed, leave a reply asking for it to be added) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Players who have beaten this challenge: 1. 2. 3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Shortest Times: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Extra Challenges: Challenge 1. Complete same challenge but on Moon Challenge 2. Re-enter through Kerbins atmosphere and perform it on kerbin. (Must still go to orbit) More challenges may come later...
  8. This... THIS will be interesting. I just did a challenge just like this but I had to stick below 100 altitude. I have a question though, may I use parachutes to safely slow down and land the plane? Also is there going to be a badge for this challenge, example if we get over 1000m/s or 2000m/s? Also... when you say it must all be in one stage, does this include staging to activate more engines? I cant wait to attempt this challenge tommorow.
  9. I have re-attempted this challenge to get a higher speed. I was not able to beat thumprazz's speed, but I was able to beat mine by over 100m/s. I may attempt this challenge again from scratch next time.
  10. 479 Videos. Properties is telling me the length is '13:37:08'. I do not know if that is hh/mm/ss or what though :P. GeForce GTX 960, and for the hell of it I'll give you the other specs CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz Memory: 16.00 GB Ram (15.93 GB usable) Current resolution: 1920 x 1080, 60Hz Driver Version: 359.00 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1
  11. These two images should really sum up this post. Ok so I have been recording videos of KSP and other random stuff to potentially upload to my YT channel... well I havent uploaded any of it so it all sits on my computer. Now I got this computer just over 2 months ago, and I have already filled up 1.7 TB on my 1.81 TB HHD. I am going to use OBS instead now, If anyone can recommend a greater recording software, please do so.
  12. Fair enough, though have you considered using KAS to put on struts in eva or are you trying to do this all stock?
  13. Look very interesting! Why not do separate launches and dock them in orbit though? This would save risking such a dangerous launch and save risking the poor Kerbal's lives :
  14. I did it! It was seriously hard to stay below 100ms though, I got past mach 1, this plane can fly to 900m/s but I couldnt do it below 100m/s. Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jkvbl1xyp00la2h/Dangerzone%20Speed%20Challenge.craft?dl=0
  15. wait, so where do I land, please expand on info for this challenge so I know what to do.
  16. I believe I may have just found it for you
  17. That is quite amazing, makes me wonder what designing a craft in KSP would be like with a Microsoft Hololens. To see it right in front of you, edit and placing parts. This makes me want to buy a Hololens... even though they're expensive and I spent all my money on a new computer.
  18. I have a question, I am not good at designing a rover that is fast, heavy and easy to turn, am I alowd to use someone else's rover and give credit?
  19. I cant wait to try this, I'll post my progress on this post :). First Attempt: Attempt 2 will be blogged soon. FINAL EDIT: I am no longer attempting this challenge, I have not done a challenge before and this one is probably not the best to start with. I am new to rovers ect so I have a fair bit to learn before I get into this challenge, I also am quite impatient so having slow rovers really isn't something I'd enjoy if I have to circumnavigate a planet/moon/other kerbol body.
  20. I might be lazy and do apollo 1. I would also love to see someone do the joint mission where Apollo 18 was replaced with the station and was a joint mission with russia.
  21. I'll be giving that a go too, If you render any from the game itself, what are some good mods for lighting ect?
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