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    Duna Explorer

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  1. This old thing had a working Viking lander in really good detail. Obviously very old and outdated these days, but might make a good starting point?
  2. I'm having some really serious problems with all the liquid engines and the two ullage solid motors have no engine stats, here's my log files and pictures. Anyone have any clue what's causing this? https://imgur.com/a/pJvrCmm https://www.mediafire.com/file/5vodsnr1omrla73/Player.log/file
  3. I want to remove all the scenery around the entire world and just use the parts in KK to place as I please. Like how the original KerbinSide was split into options so we could choose what we wanted and what we didn't want.
  4. I can't get it to show up at all for me https://imgur.com/a/rEbLwYA I installed everything right but nothing is showing up correctly in the game. What is going wrong here
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