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  1. On the radiator topic, can definitely confirm that it is NEAR future electrics that is causing this. Anybody have any ideas for a workaround? Looks like NEAR future electrics does some weird things with the wasteheat system.
  2. Hello! Quick question about reactors and radiators. When I am using a Molten Salt Reactor to produce around 2MW of power in conjunction with a thermal electric generator, then it seems that I need an insane amount of radiators for the reactors not to overheat. Initially I figured that maybe this is just the way it is, after all large amounts of heat need to be dissipated etc. But it seems that even using 16 large folding graphene radiators is not enough and the thermal electric generator eventually overheats and stops producing power. Is this normal for this mod? Could it be that I have some kind of conflict with NEAR future technologies, which I am also using? Anybody else have such an issue? Maybe this is normal, and I just need to unlock more efficient radiators for using the reactors.
  3. Having the same kind of issue. Kopernicus and Parallax seem to be up to date.
  4. Hmm.. nope, same behaviour with KSPIE reactors... Tried a molten salt and thermal generator combination (obviously massive overkill, but just for testing). Looks like ion engine still only draws 520W, a whopping 0,15% of the available power. Posted some screens here of 2 situations, 1 in space with the original NEAR MX0 reactor and the other one on the ground with KSPIE reactors. https://github.com/Joonatanr/Screenshots I have only gotten started with KSPIE lately, so no idea how other electrical engines might behave.
  5. In my current probe I am using the MX-0 'KerboPower' reactor from near future technologies. Maybe a compatibility issue there? Anyway when I open the interstellar control panel, then I see that there should be plenty of power - somewhere around 60KW. Total usage of power scales up when I increase thrust, so power utilisation is between 0-400W. I will make a screenshot once I get home later and figure out how to upload this to the forum.
  6. Ok, so I read the post a bit and discovered that the stock Ion engine gets overwritten by this mod. The thing is, that this seems to pretty much turn the Ion Engine completely useless. I have 60kW of power supply on a very small probe, basically just small reactor, control module, 1 tank of xenon gas and Dawn Engine. It seems that the engine draws 520W of power, so not all that much. At maximum thrust, I get 0.000022 kN of thrust ??! That is basically 1/50th of a Newton. I mean OK, maybe there are some upgrades that increase this etc... , but it seems that I am doing something wrong. I mean even real-life ion thrusters get around 0.5 Newtons of thrust Anyway when looking at the ion engine screen, I get a message : Max Thrust in Space : 0.002742Kn, so basically 2.7 Newtons, which is not all that much but it would at least be noticeable... Does anybody know why the ion engine behaves like this?
  7. Does this mod somehow break the stock Ion engines? Suddenly I see that these are no longer producing any thrust on small probes. Also it seems that the ion engines now need "megajoules" to work. Obviously the tiny probe cannot produce any megajoules, so I am guessing maybe this is the reason that the "Dawn" engines no longer function.
  8. Well they were gone for a while. Anyway I then tried messing around with some visual mods, installed Astronomer's Visual Pack, then uninstalled it and put back SVE... Suddenly clouds for OPM are there again . No idea how that worked, but I guess you don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Since I'm using lots of mods there's always a good chance I messed something up myself. For now everything works.
  9. Does anybody know what broke the OPM clouds with 1.5.1? Maybe if it is a simple fix, then it could be done manually in the local copy Looks like every time I start a career in KSP hoping to reach the outer planets, then by the time I advance far enough, something has already broken the visuals . I guess it's unavoidable when it comes to having a bazillion mods on top of each other. So in any case, if it's just a couple of lines to be changed in the config, then maybe it's not a big issue. But I don't know that much about how the configs work to start messing around myself....
  10. Ok, I am having a strange issue with the PAL magnetic manipulator. Looks like all the servos work besides the "wrist" ones. These are stuck it seems whatever I do. Does anybody know why this might happen? OK, when looking into github, it seems that this is a known issue with MKS #1336 fortunately the magnetic crane works as intended, so I guess I will use that instead
  11. This mod looks awesome! Does anybody know if there are any relevant configs for the outer planets mod that work with the Astronomer's visual pack? I think there were cloud configurations for the outer planets that worked for the old astronomer's visual pack and EVE, but I am guessing these will no longer work correctly.
  12. Same here! I am just hoping that this mod will not die. , because OPM does not feel the same without it. Right now it seems that OPM visual overhaul is the sort of "Cherry on top" that will make the rest of the game feel complete :).
  13. Hello! First of all, news of Kopernicus being updated was the best news of the week thus far Thank you for this awesome mod. Anyway, it seems that for me Kopernicus caused a really strange issue, that took a lot of time to notice. Actually I thought this was because of 1.2 update at first, but it seems that after installing new ver of Kopernicus, it is SIGNIFICANTLY HARDER to orbit. I mean it seems like the engines no longer have as much power as before. You need a 2-3x larger rocket to reach orbit. Now I really am not sure what is happening here, but it seems that maybe there are some non-physical forces at work. It seems that there is WAY too much drag at the very upper layers of the atmosphere especially and then it sharply cuts off in space. Uninstalled all my mods, except for Kopernicus : Issue was there. Removed Kopernicus : Rockets fly normal. It is easiest to notice the difference with a small two stage rocket with the 45 engine at the bottom and a terrier as second stage. Pretty much the most basic design : The change really becomes noticeable when doing this with and without Kopernicus. So is anybody else seeing this?
  14. This is honestly the best addition I could imagine to KSP at this point. OPM is such a high quality mod and I never play without it. It would make a lot of sense to integrate it into stock as it would save Squad lots of dev resources and give a huge effect in terms of gameplay. (Dozen more bodies to explore and all the work's basically done.) Also despite the fact that OPM is a great mod, it still suffers from the general problems that mods have. Definitely not blaming any mod devs here, just to be clear. But the thing with mods is that people develop them out of their free time and they only develop them as long as they have the motivation to perform what is essentially unpaid work. Eventually OPM might no longer be developed and KSP might be updated to a version that makes the mod incompatible. This means that a very large portion of the game will suddenly stop existing. This is for example what happened to Astronomer's Visual Pack, an absolutely amazing mod that at one point was ismply made obsolete by stock developments. It would be such a shame if this were to happen to OPM. So it seems to me there is good reason to integrate this into stock - as long as the mod devs are OK with at ofcourse.
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