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  1. 1.0.0 Changelog Angle Snap Added a hotkey (Left Ctrl or Left Ctrl+Shift) to cycle through snap modes. >Free>1º>5º>10º>15º(default)>20º>30º>45º>90º> Added a notification to tell the player what angle snap he's currently on Symmetry Modes Added a notification to tell the player what symmetry mode he's currently on Fixes Fixed symmetry modes not working on KSP2 0.1.4 Fixed custom size labels not working on KSP2 0.1.4
  2. Mesh based plumes have been giving me headaches, so i made them Volumetric, here's some beauty shots on the next update of LFO
  3. Progress update so I've been working on a mod that will do the same as KSP1's B9 Part Switch! Below, along with the new landing legs and the Kheap-01 Remodel, you can see Reiptor-12's, Reiptor-12 Vac's and Kheap-01 Vac's new collar options, that can be toggled on the OAB (just like B9PS). These are selected with a Dropdown on the Part's OAB.
  4. Yeah its the same as making any other engine, pretty easy! Not planned for any of my part mods as of yet tho
  5. 0.3.0 Changelog Fixed mirror symmetry exceptions Fixed exceptions on odd symmetry values Now you'll need to press **Left Control** to enter the LOABE Symmetry mode!
  6. I modded them, i did it before there were any announcements of them in game, once the developers release theirs, i'll probably just fill the gap with mine (Ie: theirs are Medium, i'll remove my mediums and only add large and small) or leave it as is, theres no problem with that i think, the part bloating in editor can be solver easly with something like Community Category Kit (which i'm also working on) https://wiki.spacewarp.org/wiki/Resources made by me its all the current resources in the game, even the ones not implemented Parts can pretty be done w/o the "competing standard mods". Those mods, as of now, are pretty much just for player enjoyment and have no real use to modders. As for tools, there's currently only 1 set, mostly developed by me, munix and Cheese. and for tuturials, theres a few tutorials, but also only 1 set.
  7. Yes, KSP2 Unity Tools made by Cheese, just set up your parts in unity, hit "Save JSON" and ur done
  8. 0.4.1 changelog Added MK2 RCS Block localization Fixed Typo on Mk2 Vtol ("Persina" -> "Pursina") Fixed the lights flashing on MapView Removed flares from engine's light sources Fixed audio not stoping when the game is paused
  9. 0.2.1 changelog fixed plumes not being created when loading a craft in flight mode. Basically i forgot to remove commented lines
  10. I can quite confidently say that it will be very rare the case where a game update breaks mods (depending on the mod obviously), but most of us use the game's provided Modules so parts and ui wont break with updates so theres no need to uninstall them
  11. I should also add that the mod WON'T be loaded if you have missing dependencies. And LFO 0.2.0 is a dependecy of the mod
  12. I second this, remember that KSP2 is a totally diffrent game, it might behave similarly, but the game was mostly refactored. This said, its easy to create parts in KSP2, If you have Unity knowledge you can do it with a few drag and drops. I can guide you through it if you wish.
  13. We already have that, its the BepInEx folder, it holds configs, modded game files, Dlls and everything else... Also config files will not need to be put into addressables, but these configs are not the same as the KSP1's, KSP1 part configs dont exist anymore. Parts are described via Jsons and you still need the prefab for a part to work. So again, the way that KSP1 created new parts no longer exists. You can't just copy a model, a texture and write a cfg and put it inside a GameData anymore, you need to put them into addressables.
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