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    Bottle Rocketeer
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    Mostly single-player games with the occasional MMO thrown in for variety. I work in Supply Chain (and occasionally get paid to teach it as well) so games that call for organizing logistics & supply chain processes are especially appealing.

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  1. Just wanted to say how much fun I'm having with this mod! Love the look and the rockets "feel" smooth across the power curve, allowing for very precise burns. I have yet to build a full-up space station with these parts exclusively but I have smaller craft off doing LDEF experiments or integrated with my stock craft to get a feel for their functionality. Thank you very much for the hard work on this!
  2. Wow! What a grand return to the series. No half-measures here...it's full bore, portal-generating, Kerbal-snatching, planet-eating fun. Thank you & welcome back, Parkaboy!
  3. (I have looked for this particular issue on this & other forum threads but cannot find it. Apologies if I am just bad at searching the forum). After the last two patches, checking settings on the KSC screen shows "default" where I had previously selected "simplified" mode. I change it back, restart KSP and the mod still shows "default". Am I missing a step? Reverting back to a previous version of Pathfinder keeps my desired settings but then I miss out on the fixes and updates. Any help is sincerely appreciated. Thank you very much for this mod and the hard work you do to keep it going! UPDATE - While researching another question, I found an entry on how to drill down through ESC - SETTINGS - DIFFICULTY and adjust the mod that way. Works great!
  4. IMO, of all the depictions of Kerbulan ruthlessness in this series, the smile on Val's face as she spams the agonizer at the end of Chapter 18 just topped the list. Stuff of nightmares right there!
  5. Thanks for all the hard work on this mod. Great functionality that looks cool in the process!
  6. Great story and your designs both show and evoke such inspiration! Thank you!
  7. Thank you very much for this mod! Just what I needed for those long polar resupply runs!
  8. Thank you for all the hard work to bring us this great story. I hope you feel better soon!
  9. I've not said thank you in a while so...thank you (again) for this mod and the updates! This is, IMO, the perfect balance between "fire & forget" missions and thirty cargo runs to Minmus just to set up the life support so my Kerbals won't starve to death on day 2. Well done!
  10. Thank you very much for this mod! I had two craft glued together by inoperable docking ports and was not looking forward to the persistence file fixes I found on the forums. Saw a mention of this tool, installed it, and bingo! Zeroed right in on the issue, fixed the ports in two clicks, and my space station is back in business. Thanks again!!!
  11. Sorry, meant to expand that before posting...I was asking if the jet on the deck of the carrier was the Kerbal (unarmed) version of the FJ-2/-3 Fury (Navy version of the F-86) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_FJ-2/-3_Fury Figured you might have run across one on two examples on your field trips.
  12. FJ-2/3 on the deck? Love the coffee cup in the last panel. Great interlude...thank you!
  13. Thank you for the latest installment. So glad to see this story continue...& very much worth the wait! As an aside, Moho exploration by anything short of a tiny probe & satellite pair atop a huge rocket continues to frustrate me. Kudos for the successful expedition!
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