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Everything posted by Torgo

  1. It's an option. You can choose to turn it off if you don't like it. It would be nice if it was a bit easier in existing games to turn it off, but it can still be done. For new games, you can turn it up or off at your choice. You also have the option to let contracts you don't want to take expire and be replaced, hopefully with better ones. I'm trying that route in a current game. It means I don't always have a load of new contracts that I'd want, which means being more judicious in checking for new contracts. Not everyone would like to play like that. Bully for them. I've turned the penalty off in my longer standing existing game. You may not like it as a game mechanic, which is fine. You can remove it from your game. Others may like it, or think a 1 point deduction isn't harsh enough. Also fine.
  2. You can adjust the rep penalty when starting a new game. If you're in a current game, find this line in your persistence file: RepLossDeclined = 1 And set it to: RepLossDeclined = 0
  3. I would love to see the change notes being made available in CKAN when there is an update available for a mod. Would probably require the modders to follow a set template for that to be parsed correctly, though.
  4. Would it be possible to keep a history of ships created in the VAB and SPH tabs, so that we could go back and choose to build another copy of a previously completed vessel? If I design a tourist launching cash machine, then use it, then pick up more tourist launch contracts, it would save a few seconds being able to select it from the KCT window at the space center rather than go back into the VAB, sort through saved ships and then select to build it. Thanks
  5. Are you doing this as a recreation of a specific mission, or just a generic Apollo style mission? Having done the same thing (but just by myself because everyone else was too sane) in Orbiter for an Apollo 11 anniversary, my advice is to grab a copy of an actual flight plan, and then pick out the milestones you are going to key on, then schedule your actual play time to get those milestones into optimal play times as best you can. When I did mine, I used the boring downtime parts for things like running errands or doing other things. I ate during the meal periods and slept during the sleep periods. I also watched a lot of movies. That's also not the craziest real-time adventure I've done. During one period of unemployment many years ago, I did a real-time around the world flight in a Cessna 108 in Microsoft Flight Simulator. I'd be interested in helping you out however you'd need if the play schedule is compatible with my work schedule.
  6. Torgo

    Inane Question

    Just add money! Why do you park on a driveway and drive on a parkway?
  7. Each time you start a new research node in R&D you get an upgrade point.
  8. How is the game play out of the box? Any game braking bugs that need fixing? I picked up 2070 and enjoyed it. I was ready to pre-order 2205 to get in on the beta, but then they pulled that offer, so I didn't pre-order.
  9. I'm getting this, sometimes, too. I end up hacking gravity then reverting. After the scene reloads I unhack gravity and everything is fine.
  10. Instead of debates, just put all the candidates down infront of a KSP session, and whoever gets to the Mun with the least expensive rocket wins. Creative thinking, problem solving and keeping a budget!
  11. Torgo


    My mom wanted me to become a doctor. Mastering their handwriting was as far as I got.
  12. Up next: "The 'True'* Kerbalwood Story" of what those tourists did while they were 'delayed' *several liberties with the truth have been taken, and people and events modified to make the story much less boring.
  13. I'd echo using the F-22 as the representative of '100 years later', if that's the point of the piece. There have been a lot of great fighters in between, too, but their time has passed.
  14. I loved the visuals and overall theme, but I'm not a fan of the rapid fire jump cuts. Maybe it's just because I'm a grumpy old man who remembers when MTV actually played good videos and music.
  15. The stutter was happening before a game was even loaded. It was apparent on the startup menu screen. I loaded up my suite of mods via CKAN on a copy of the fresh install, the stutter returned having never started a new game. I removed Planetshine, and the stutter also went away, which is weird, because I've had planetshine installed for quite a while before this started happening. I'm testing my saved game now to see if removing planetshine fixes it. (edit - no, removing planetshine wasn't enough. Still a distinct stutter on the menu screen. Next test is switching Hi Res EVE for Low Res EVE.)
  16. After about a week of playing on 64 bit Linux, I started to get this issue today. I made sure all my drivers are up to date, and even uninstalled a few mods, but the game pauses every couple of seconds for about a tenth of a second. It's not a PC issue, though, because I did a fresh install, no mods, in a different folder of the same machine, and it works flawlessly. So the issue is in a mod, someplace, but nailing it down is proving to be harder than I figured. I removed the mods I installed just before the issue started, but the issue remains. I'm going to end up just making another new install and start over. The game is unplayable in this state.
  17. I like your suggestions. My only change would be putting the thermometer as the first available instrument, with the goo container being something researched. My 4 year old can read a thermometer and tell you what the measurement means, but his only exposure to 'goo' is playdoh. It's fun to play with, but not too sciency yet! I'd also add something for long duration missions... you need to learn the effects of spaceflight in a long duration Kerbin orbit mission before setting off on a 2 week jaunt to Minmus. This could all be automated and run while on rails. Likewise, before setting off on a 2 year Duna mission, you'd need to research longer durations on a station in Kerbin orbit.
  18. I would love to have the option to have science seem more 'sciency', where the knowledge gained from research impacts your abilities or efficiency later in the game. An analog would be the mining system as is. You can send a drill and tank to the Mun, land it and mine ore. If you do the orbital and more localized scans, you can find the optimal spots to mine. As noted in a post upthread, imaging could mean that you start with really low-res images being available (as seen through telescope) and applied to bodies in the tracking station. As you send mapping probes, you can develop a higher resolution map and imagery. I'd love to see more practical experiments, like a laser measuring system requiring the setup of a reflector on the Mun that has to be set up within certain tolerances so the beam can hit it and reflect correctly. A lot of this is already served by mods, and maybe that's the better way to address it.
  19. I've done a 180 degree inclination reversal in orbit of Minmus with no problem, but have never tried it around the Mun.
  20. It depends on the bacteria. There will be a load of them, anyways, as the human body depends on a symbiotic relationship with many bacteria. Assuming you mean only 'bad' bacteria, then yes, it could be a problem if some bad bugs managed to tag along. If anything that was medication resistant was involved, even worse. Not even going to talk about virii.
  21. A system like Space Engineers uses would be a good way to do that. Mods can be added to specific save games from the menu. They can then be added (or removed) from the saved games when they are loaded. 1 mod download can be used (or not used) on all saves.
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