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Everything posted by Torgo

  1. All apologies... no, wait, that's Nirvana. Is this the real life? Webcomic fantasy? Dead in the next slide, Never make it to act three. Open your eyes, look up to the skies, and press 'Z' I'm just a red shirt, I get no sympathy because I'm easy come, easier go, stress is high, fuel bingo anyway the bits blow, doesn't really matter to me, to me. Wernher, just killed a kerb, Stuck him in an MK-1, pressed 'Z' and now he's done. Wernher, life had just begun, But now I've gone and launched it all away. Wernher, oooOOOoo Didn't mean to make him fly, If he's not back again this time tomorrow, launch again, and again, as if nothing really matters. Too late, my flight has come, A launch with no return No retros will I burn Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go, Gotta leave you all behind and reach the Mun. Wernher, oooOOOooo, I don't wanna fly, I sometimes wish I'd never been spawned at all. I see a little kerb stuffed into a can Parachutes! Parachutes! Did you attach a heat shield? Thrusters they are firing, very very frightening indeed! Jebediah (Jebediah) Jebediah (Jebediah) Jebediah won't you go. Gene says no oo oo oo oo oo I'm just a red shirt, nobody loves me. He's just a red shirt meant to die on page three make sure when you kill him he's just off screen. Easy come, easier go, will you make me go? Press Z Now (No! We will make you go) I won't go! Press Z Now (we will make you go) I won't go! Press Z Now (we will make you go) I won't go! We will make you go no no No No NO NO NO! Valentina, Valentina, Valentina I won't go Bill and Bob have a lander set aside for me, for ME, for MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! So you think you can launch me and make me go fly? So you think you can launch me and leave me to die? Oh, Wernher, can't do this to me Wernher, Just gonna get out, just gonna go EVA here. Nothing really matters Anyone can see I am just a red shirt. I am just a red shirt in act three! (breaking through the fourth wall!)
  2. The whole Eve rescue mission was an exercise in deceit, and not following the 'spirit' of an order (specifically, 'Get that ship off the pad'). The Kerbfleet Kerbs don't know violence, but it is apparent that they are very liberal with versions of what can be considered truth, especially when bending the truth a bit can produce a desirable outcome. I wouldn't be surprised if some Kerbulans saw through the deceit, but the 'right' ones would be so ingrained in their own agendas that they'd ignore the subtext to see and use exactly what they'd expect to see. The Kerbulans, in general, don't strike me as a species familiar with subtlety.
  3. So if the enemy has what they think is perfect access to our information, we need to foul our information. Perhaps Kenlie needs to find a patsy, spill the beans, and have that patsy start planning the full scale invasion of Kerbulus. The Kermulans would then have to waste time and resources planning to counter that invasion instead of trying to lock in our intrepid heroes. Of course, when said invasion never occurs, it will make some superior officers look bad, and their subordinates would wake up extra murdery one morning and make with the stabbies.
  4. Thanks for the clarification. Looking forward to working with the new version.
  5. If you update one copy of the file, will it automatically update the other? example: I create a lander, save it in \manned\mun, and then copy it over to \manned\minmus. I later realize that I forgot to include something, and update the copy in \manned\mun. Will the copy in \manned\minmus also receive the change automatically?
  6. Love what this mod adds to the game. Can't wait to see it in 1.1.2. Have you considered an aging system, where Kerbs would have a set range of 'peak' years, where they perform and recover normally, but then their performance, endurance and recovery times degrade, essentially forcing them into retirement or some kind of ground duty? The actual number of years is something that would need to be tested and balanced.
  7. I just popped in because I had the same thought after adding some new contracts and then having to check the list 3 times to find the one I kept missing. The other feature I'd like, but don't know how difficult it would be to implement, is to be able to assign contracts to multiple missions. For instance, if I get a 'build a Remote Tech comm network for Duna' contract, I'd love to be able to assign it to my Duna, Unmanned and Remote Tech missions. I review the list of contracts when I'm in the VAB. Makes it easier to get one craft to handle several related contracts. I get by not having it with a few extra mouse clicks and a couple minutes, so it's not the end of the world if it's not worth the time investment to add.
  8. One thing I noticed in using this is that it breaks Which is unfortunate. CraftHistory allows for tagging vessels to categorize them in different ways. It also keeps a version history, which is helpful for when updates turn out to be serious downgrades.
  9. Something I've noticed in the new version: The KCT Build List window doesn't stay active on the KSC screen like it used to in 1.05. Every time you go back to the screen, it needs to be re-opened. It does pop up if you hover your cursor over the icon on the KSP screen, but it may or may not stay active without a mouse click on the icon. I've experienced both. I tested this in a clean install made from a copy of KSP from my Steam app folder, and only the manual install of KCT is done. This is the 64 bit version of I can go into the various sections of KCT (VAB, SPH, Tech, etc) , and it remains active after closing them. I am not seeing any errors, and the program appears to be functioning perfectly. I did notice some weirdness in the log, though. Here's a link to it. I also have KCT installed in a very heavily modded install, and outside of the needing to re-open the window, it's running great. To duplicate - fresh install of KSP install KCT 1.1.3-pre4 from zip start KSP, start new game (happens with default or modified career settings) go through initial KCT setup (happens with default or modified settings), spend upgrade points At main KSP screen, click KCT icon to open Build List Build list opens as it should Enter any building (either via icon or clicking on building) Exit that building (performing actions or not performing actions has no affect on outcome) Back at main KSP screen, KCT Build List window is not active. This isn't the end of the world, just a couple of annoying extra mouse clicks and movements I would rather not make.
  10. We've seen the Kerbs fabricate stories before, like the whole "let's go rescue people from Eve" production, so I don't believe that Lisa's lie is a sign of corruption... but maybe it could be. The Eve production was predicated by the desire to rescue a friend, and involved not telling the whole truth and following the letters of an order, but not the meaning (get that ship off the pad). The motive for this lie is either to protect a friend, or to buy time to help her process the issue more, maybe both. Either way, it looks like Lisa is starting to head down a dark path.
  11. We, as humans know that, but do the Kerbs? I'm trying to see this strictly from their point of view, minimizing ethnocentrism as much as can be done. From Kuzzter's Kerbfleet Canon thread "...though it should be stressed that like all Kerbfleet kerbals, the concept of violence is completely unknown to them." I think we can be assume they have a concept of death, as General Order 2 dictates (paraphrasing) that no more Kerbs than necessary are to be put at risk on a mission. We have seen crash landings, but no deaths due to them. They also have a concept of right and wrong, as evidenced by the existence of the General Orders and a justice system. The concept of a hero shouldn't be totally foreign. We witnessed several of them banding together to pull off a heroic mission to rescue the Kerbs stranded on Eve. They understand danger, and I'll assume accidental injury and death and death from old age (though I don't think we've seen this addressed as canon). I think this is where I am. She understands exploding ships and danger, but explosions are accidents and danger is mitigate via planning. They aren't something one Kerb does to another. Even the board games are about cooperation, not competition. I'm not sure she (or any other Kerb who can't 'see' it like Kenlie does) could make the connection like he does. Kenlie 'sees' what happens, and we can presume by his reactions that he understands it, and his mind has become 'corrupted' because of it. Is reading about it enough to corrupt Lisa or other Kerbs as well? They seem pretty intelligent, so it's possible that after a few of them had discussions about it, they could work out what is really happening, but then what? Could you let these Kerbs back into the general population after their mission is over, now that their minds are also corrupted? If you're old enough to have seen The Gods Must Be Crazy, it touches on similar themes, where the accidental introduction of a Coke bottle causes a happy tribe of nomads to suffer anger and violence among themselves. The plot of the film involves ridding themselves of the evil, but could the community put that genie back in the bottle? I would love to hear your ideas on it, so long as it's not giving away important plot points or anything else you might be saving for us for down the road.
  12. The following is not a nitpick or suggestion or anything other than a question of Kerbal nature as compared to humans... If the Kerbfleet Kerbs have no concept of violence (outside of Kenlie who can actually see it in his visions) how would Lisa be able to process what she reads in Kenlie's story? I imagine it would be like a native English speaker picking up a book written in Latin. You'd recognize the alphabet, and maybe even a good deal of the words because they are shared between languages, but you wouldn't likely be able to get the right context because most of the words would just be random collections of letters to you. It might also be like trying to teach a toddler how to ice skate. The toddler is familiar with walking, but skating is putting new tools on your feet and negotiating a totally foreign (unless you're a Canadian ) surface. If you move your feet, you might move a little bit, but it's very easy to fall down. So here is Lisa picking up a story that deals with things she has never experienced, and culturally has no means to process the words into meaningful thoughts. She'll understand the spaceship parts, but not the violence. Unless Kenlie is doing the story in webcomic form, there are probably no images to help form the thoughts in her mind. She'll likely understand that she doesn't understand these things, and that they are contrary to normal Kerbal behavior and are not good. Is that enough, though, for her to act on what she's found? We know seeing the violence is having an effect on Kenlie. Will reading about it also affect Lisa, but to a lesser degree? I'd love to hear other peoples' thoughts on it.
  13. Yes, I think it used to be called 'No more science grind' or something similar, but it does return the full value of an experiment on the first try. I just edited the config file to rerunnable=false. That should fix it. A return of 2 from a launchpad test seems inline with other science results. Thanks @WildBillKerbin Edit: Turns out that my change didn't resolve the issue. I still got 72 science in one shot. Next up will be to try to edit other stuff.
  14. I use it. I like to have categories by celestial body and then manned/unmanned. I also have a tag for Rovers, Base and Station modules, so I have some craft with 4 or 5 categories. It wouldn't be the end of the world if that feature was removed, but then I'd need to figure out a different way to categorize things.
  15. Have the latest version from CKAN in 1.1, and the beep test returns 72 science from a launchpad test. Is there a setting to edit that reduces that number to something a bit less generous?
  16. KAC and KCT. Feels wrong to be able to do a career game and have a Kerb heading for the Mun on day 1.
  17. Not all mods make it to CKAN. Some people don't use CKAN. Some people may want to install a mod before it goes on CKAN.
  18. If only there was a place on these forums where people could take the ideas they come up with after getting inspired and write them out however they saw fit... that would be flipping brilliant. And don't think of it as competing with the several brilliant storytellers here. You're just adding your voice to the greatness that is this game, and I think anyone who does that is pretty cool.
  19. This seems to be working fine on 1.05 64 Bit, but doesn't load in 1.1 Great idea for a mod. Looking forward to playing with it.
  20. Bill just needs to edit the persistence file and all the problems would go away.
  21. Approach it like a contract. They give you the requirements, and it's up to you to develop the solution. This would also let you incorporate having to do the project on a limited budget. Just to throw an example out there: You have been tasked to put a space station in orbit of the Mun. It needs to have a science lab, communications, power generation and storage and be able to support 4 kerbals. Your budget is 75,000 funds up front and 225,000 funds upon completion for a total of 300,000. Now you'll have to design the station, along with the means to get it to its destination and stay within budget doing it. You'll have opportunity to explain your design choices and how they impact multiple facets of the project. Do you build it on the ground and launch in one piece in one launch, or do you do multiple launches? You could add mods like Kerbal Construction Time, Stage Recovery and even life support for added depth.
  22. Super Villain will take the opportunity to tell everyone in captivity his plan. Captives include children, who have the innate ability to see the holes in said plans. Children then foil villain's plan 007 Kerbal-style exploiting the holes in said plan. Thompberry would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids.
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