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Everything posted by Torgo

  1. It CAN land. Once. Won't be useful for much afterwards, though, outside of scrap metal. Would be interesting to see Admiral Shirley 'landing' it onto Kerbulan HQ after sending the rest of the crew safely back to Kerbin.
  2. We know the smooth-faced little green guys are going to win because Kuzzter is not George RR Martin (although he really could be and his frequent updates here could be causing the delays in publishing book #6). They know of death. Afterall, they are not immortal, and even have a sign on the wall counting the number of days since the last fatality. So technologically induced accidental death is not foreign. Someone deliberately causing a death is. The next story, no matter where the author decides to go (and I advocate for no particular place here), will have a good deal of content just in dealing with the Kerbals exposure to a non non-violent civilization and the longer lasting effects of cross-cultural contamination. The cat is out of the bag now. How do they go back to non-violence?
  3. Not everyone at Kerbfleet is naive when it comes to the darker side of things. After all, there is a refugee from that world with them. He may or may not be the only one, but you'd have to think at some point he briefed the powers that be about the existence of the Kerbulans and how they act. I also would not be surprised to learn that the peace and happiness ethos of Kerbin is a development that is not so old that it isn't part of their recorded history, much like how Vulcans in Star Trek have records of the time, about 2000 years previous, when their society was very violent and emotional. They didn't become all logical until the 'Great Awakening'. And the Romulans are an offshoot of the Vulcans from that time. They rejected the teachings of Surak and left the culture to form their own. So while most Kerbals really don't have a concept of violence, the few at the top of the command structure have to. After all, what is Gene intending to do after his epic zip? Go invite the bearded ones for koffee and to hug it out? And he's the one who communicated to the rest of them about how someone is trying to 'make them dead'. Surely, someone else higher than him also has some knowledge.
  4. As a goateed-American, I find myself rooting for the Kerbulans. Fight on, little green bearded comrades! Take those smooth-faced interlopers down! #VillainsAreReallyTheGoodGuys
  5. The truth will come out in a few years when Kerbileaks gets their hands on the data in the contract system servers.
  6. Chaff is deployed to distract an incoming missile with a more attractive target. Chaff is pretty much the opposite of bloaking. Chaff announces your presence with authority. If there's nothing, and then there's a ginormous cloud of chaff, your opponent probably figures there are strange things afoot at the Circle K. Bloaking is all about fooling the sensors. If they are looking for light, show them dark. If they are looking for pattern, show them background noise. If they are looking for heat, show them cold (like Arnold covering himself in cold mud when fighting the Predator). For a Kerbulan, though, I can see them going the opposite way to an extreme. We'll take out your radar, and you're going to know we're coming, but we don't care you know we're coming. The element of surprise is best left for those weak minded Kermans' birthday parties, teaching babies, storytelling and the Spanish Inquisition. (No, not linking that one. Do I look like google to you?)
  7. Are seances allowed on the forums? Necromancy certainly is frowned upon. I guess someone needs to gin up a KIS Ouija board so we can find out.
  8. Given that just a few posts above yours, the mod's creator wrote: And he's always been on top of things, I think it is a safe assumption barring another Carrington Event or asteroid impact, we'll see one soon (tm)
  9. We come in peace (shoot to kill). Thank you for bringing back fond memories of my radio days, playing Dr. Demento's show on the station every Sunday night using the LP's they sent out.
  10. If only the very first post in this thread would have had a link to github, that would have been brilliant.
  11. If it wasn't for Dickens, you authors would never read this!
  12. I wonder how many strips before Dilsby starts making Vallhenge replicas out of mashed potatoes, or whatever else might be at hand.
  13. Yes. You can manually install mods, and CKAN can install others. CKAN will only track available upgrades on mods you installed with CKAN. There used to be a migration tool which would allow you to convert manual installed mods to be covered by CKAN. It may still exist, but the version I had is broken. What I end up doing now is manually moving mods out of GameData, installing them via CKAN, then copying any configs back into the mod folder.
  14. If his experience was anything like mine... A) Being very thankful for the advent of digital photography, so that he didn't need to buy, transport and process about a billion rolls of film B) Wishing he had a 32 Terabyte memory card C) Spending days looking over all the pictures he did manage to cram onto the memory cards at hand D) Trying to figure out the order in which the subjects of those pictures become Kerbal ships E) Planning his return trip
  15. It still takes humans to create this content on an ongoing basis. Those humans generally like to be paid in a currency useful to them to pay their living expenses. Unless there is a money tree in the Squad break room, or perhaps some sort of goose that lays platinum eggs on a continual basis, Squad needs to acquire this money via commerce. At this point in the software's life cycle, new sales likely do not make the revenue needed to sustain support. At $40 US per copy, assuming a rent & utilities cost of $10,000 per month, you'd need to sell several hundred copies per month just to earn that (yes, the math is 10k/$40 = 250, but Squad doesn't keep all $40 from each sale). You haven't even touched on development costs at that rate. An option would be a massive marketing campaign to try to generate some new sales, but they are already likely near saturation. Pretty much everyone that is going to buy the game has bought the game. You might get a decent 1 time bump, but nothing to sustain development. If a company is no longer making a profit by producing or sustaining a product, they stop making or sustaining that product. That's how business works. Business that lose money go out of business. This isn't a game like Everquest or World of Warcraft where you can continue to develop and roll out new content to a massive player base on a regular basis. There isn't much new to offer outside of expanding the game world or adding new parts. As optional content, Squad could offer this to those who want to purchase it. Those that do not wish to purchase it do not lose any functionality in the game for which they've already paid. And chances are, the mods for what Squad would offer already exist for free, anyway. To me, if there is any kind of long term development in the works, that would mean the chances are better you'd see a KSP2, built on a better engine, with better performance and more features, sold as an entirely new product.
  16. There are a couple flavors to choose from... should one be in a position to actually have to choose between them! Though, technically, the Uzdar-Havy center isn't in DC, it's in Virginia just outside DC.
  17. Really? It's right here on this page... This IS a great story, and there are a whole bunch of us who want to see what happens next, but the author has told us, in his own words, that it will be a while. Best not to poke the author.
  18. I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I'm away at a poker tournament (conveniently scheduled around my cousin's wedding), and I'm in the middle of developing a presentation that my 5 year old and I will be giving later in the month on Astronomy for Kids, so that's sucked away most of my free time. At least I'm going to get to work some Kerbals into the presentation, since astronomy is a gateway drug to rocket science. By the end of this month, the aliens will finally interact with the natives.
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