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Everything posted by MagicFireCaster

  1. yep is the decoupler, if you can remove it the whole thing will work, if you have separators it would be better to use them instead of decouplers
  2. Mostly i build my crafts trying to balance between cost and functionality, since most contracts need to be done so i can get more funds than i spend is usally common for me to do it the cheaper way, depending on the task, i choose to send either probes or kerbals, also i always pack extra resources, sometimes they help to do more things, or just to compensate errors and so.
  3. Hey! I won't cover all of the explanations that were already done, but maybe i can give you a quick solution to your problem, since probably your problem is issues with your center of mass/lift, i would recommend you to try (if your ssto desing lets you do it) to move all or most your fuel resources near the nose of your plane, since all that weight in the back of your plane is making it inestable probably sending it to the front of your craft will help partially or totally with your stability issue after reentry.
  4. If your planes already fly i would recommend you to use this fly technique, use your jet engines (supersonic ones, whesley won't do) to get up to around 8000 meters or higher, then turn your plane to around 20 degrees or less, to get a lot of speed, around 1250 m/s or more. Be sure you're getting really high so your plane don't explode, if you're gaining heat to quickly turn your nose up around 25 degrees to gain more altitude, then when you stop gaining speed turn on your rocket engines and slowly turn your ship up around 40 degrees until you reach 70000 meters apoapsis, wait until you're around 1 minute from it and start to burn your engines again towards the horizon if your apoapsis gets higher wait until you're near it before you burn more fuel, repeat this steps until you get into orbit. Here is a video with an exampleof how to do it: Hope it helps!
  5. Yup i made a little mistake and my swivel got in a higher stage than i needed, with a terrier in there the flight could be better.
  6. Visit every planet, land kerbals on it and then be able to return in one trip, have several orbital stations and surface outpost and play with some asteroids
  7. Here is mine, if you have problem trying to get a big rocket into orbit you can always send 2 rockets and merge the ship on orbit using docking ports, sometimes it is even cheaper to do it than trying to get a huge ship up there on a bigger rocket.
  8. Maybe i'll start using it more, i made a small munar lander i sended to the mun north pole. Too bad i didn't pack enough fuel to get back, but with some tweaks it will make it next time
  9. Hey thanks a lot guys, i made it to duna and got home almost with no problems, also i got the big fuel tank orbiting as snark said. Mods can close the topic now.
  10. Capital work, and Beautiful craft, you did good sir
  11. Also next time you can use a cargo bay to protect you instruments during a re-entry to kerbin, or just put them in a place where they're not going to be affected by the atmospheric friction, like the upper part of your pod, also sometimes you collect so much data you just can't store it in a single pod (around 5 experiments max), so bringing back the experiments is the best option in those cases.
  12. Swivel is always a problem because it is in a "limbo" between Atmospheric and Vacuum efficiency but not one of those two, Swivel would be a good choice in middle stages when you're high enough, like when your small solid busters run out, also on places like duna with a thin atmosphere, since getting to an altitude were the engine will be optmal will take no time, it's pretty nice for medium landers and spaceplanes on places like that. If you ask me i've never used it, if i started a new career understanding is advantages i would use the swivel for optimal entrances to orbit.
  13. Got my miner to duna finally, also lowered the orbit of an asteroid a lot using electric engines, i took a lot of time.
  14. Hi guys, so lately i've been playing ksp scenarios, and i wanted to play the community ones (for stock crafts), so i wanted to know if there is a good updated (1.0.4 +) scenarios out there i could download, anything you could recommend me would be nice. Thanks a lot!
  15. Thanks, then i'm just going to make a fly by since i'm not prepared for moon encounters, maybe if i had landers. well that's all thanks for your help
  16. Cool project, i'm going to try to do some nice and cute stuff for dress so everyone can love it!
  17. Took some gravimetric scans on gilly with a small probe, with a bit of patience i was able to make three of them and get some good funds from it, also i redesinged my duna miner and now it's on its way to the red planet:
  18. Well the ship is already on its way to duna, so i think i will take the tip for another mission, and the transfer took all of the fuel from the 2 tanks and has almost all fuel on the big tank to i think i could use that extra fuel as an emergency supply as you said. On final question regarding other mision, i'm trying to fill the contract "Return from jool" and i need to know what is better, should i park my ship around it, or it would be better just to fly by and return to kerbin when possible?
  19. Ok i will make some corrections on the ship and fuse it again i will change the panels and try to remove the engines when i get into orbit Edit: Here, this is how it looks now:
  20. Well 2 of those engines are going to be discarded on the first burn to duna they're just for that. Also i used them on my first duna trip since i didn't know about aerobraking back then, they helped me to get into duna orbit the hard way I make i lot of mistakes (including saving after making them mainly when docking) sometimes that monopropellant isn't enough to cover them so i always pack a bit more that i'm going to need. Yup you told me about the airbrakes, but at least on kerbin they work when i need to entry a plane without exploding in mid air (they sure reduce a lot of speed) so i guess they would do on the duna aerobraking too. Where should i put the heat shield? And maybe i will need to move those panels. I made the lower stage of the lander so it's able to almost enter LKO by itself, since kerbin is the best place to make a test for an atmospheric lander Like 6, 4 on the lower stage and 2 on the last stage (which i'm going to repack to return to kerbin) and i've got 4 drogues 2 on each stage too Yup as i said i tried to mine on duna before
  21. I've made a lot of contracts in career mode, i have to say some of them are difficult now, in 1.0 trying those engines and all that stuff was was easier, it was a lot fun trying to do those right, i made a lot of ships for completing them. They're pretty nasty now but still fun and challenging, like trying to figure out the right angle to test an engine and still get back to home in one piece with limited budget and tech, now have almost all the tech i need but the contracts are pretty hard, i like to take some of them as a bonus to each trip to make it more insteresting or to test my skills. But if you like to play just for exploration and fun you're free to do as you like. Edit: as a new player i loved contracts, of course i wouldn't accept any of the ridiculous ones, or the ones who required me to have serious tech or skill, i learned handy things by completing them, also testing experimental parts gave them to me so i could use them for another contracts or milestones, now as an amateur i'm right now i know i can complete all of the contracts, but some may take time (to do them and get some money from them), also is very fun reading some of them and realising how stupid they are, but they make ksp what is it, a cartonish space simulator, and i love it, makes the game a lot funnier.
  22. Congrats! I'm going to try my first duna landing and return without cheating, i've already made it from ike but not from duna, also i'm going to mine , so wish me luck! also pretty craft you made
  23. Designed ships for a duna mining contract, and docked them on orbit, next step is refueling two of the tanks to have good fuel to make it back.
  24. Here is a screenshot of the actual ship, i just docked both of them, the large stage is going to get me to duna and hopefully with aerobraking there will be enough fuel to help me to get back to kerbin.
  25. Hi, i will try to aerobrake then, i packed some airbrakes in my ship just to be sure, is going to be big, i will leave the mining equipment on duna and then the rest of the ship when the fuel runs out, the las stage will be a mk1 pod with a fl-t400 fuel tank and a terrier, along with parachutes some science things and a docking port in case i need to refuel, the ship is going to look like this (the ship on top): Is it too big? i always use the lower stage of the ship fot inteplanetary trips, and the upper stage (other ship that got docked to it) to get back to kerbin or other things.
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