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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Hi all ... So I've been working on something and I thought I'd share Just a little taste ........
  2. Well it may be quite possible to add a story mode through a mod .... actually the foundation is already there and I've been working on just such a thing, perhaps we should chat as I need a story to go along with OrX Here's a little teaser video ...
  3. Perfect example of not reading the thread ... Literally, the post above you answers your question
  4. So you could install DCK and add a patch for the heat shields as I haven't added compatibility for the heat shields or fairings ... but I have almost every other stock part as well as the parts in around 18 or so mods already in DCK Take a look .... I could be easily convinced to write a config for the heat shields, never thought to add compatibility for them
  5. I've looked into this a fair bit and the reason this happens is that Unity, even though being a 64bit capable game engine, still has some of it's abilities stuck at 32bit performance ... Basically from what I have dug up it comes down to how large the scene is in memory, if it is above the 32bit threshold for the render pipeline (basically around 4 gigs of textures, models etc...) Unity will start to drop the memory allocation references for textures (basically forgetting where in memory the texture is ... texture is still there) This results in Unity reloading the texture since it doesn't have a memory location for it BUT the texture is still there in memory and being displayed on the part ... Unity then reloads the texture and places it on the part, however the part already has a texture so you end up with what looks like what you get when you clip a part into itself (strobe effect flipping between the same texture) This issue persists into Unity 2018.1 and has been around since Unity 5 Here's some reference if you would like to look into this further: https://forum.unity.com/threads/texture-problem-graphical-corruptions-need-help.395985/ Here's a couple posts on the matter:
  6. We call that place Krappy Tire up here in the Great White North
  7. Well seeing as BDAc v1.2.x only works in KSP v1.4 and above I would assume that once AA is updated it will work
  8. It was to everyone who may visit this thread ... I keep getting messages about putting it on ckan or adding functionality to remove other stuff Posting that clarifies my intentions
  9. Highlighted in red and underlined in case you missed it ... I do not intend on doing any work on it other than recompiling it
  10. Your second description is more along the lines of how the armor works ... Easy way of thinking about it is to replace the word 'Armor' with 'Structural Integrity'
  11. Armor isn't really armor in the sense of what the word means ... think of armor more like the structural integrity of the part
  12. There are many mods that are not on CKAN and CKAN also has it's problems A revamp of the addons section would be nice but the enormous amount of work that would entail isn't something I'd want to do let alone the moderators are volunteers and it would end up being a make work program for a job that doesnt pay
  13. Perhaps if one used good engineering and design principals the 'wet noodles' described wouldn't be so noodley
  14. So this issue is a problem with the Unity engine If you've been playing KSP for awhile you will remember that there used to be a 4gig limit on memory usage which was fixed with the x64 compatibility that was implemented ... well I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it appears that some processes have a 32 bit cap, even on a 64 bit build If a scene in Unity goes over 4gigs your pooch is gonna be screwed and there is pretty much nothing that can be done about it until Unity fixes their engine .... It is even in Unity 2018.1 with no known fix PRE only exacerbates this issue and the more mods you have installed the more prominent the texture glitching TL;DR - Unity is the cause of this problem and PRE only makes it more noticeable
  15. Under one ton to the mun SOI is totally doable ... copied @TheFlyingKerman's design just to see if it could be done Couldn't make it from the launchpad or the runway so I put the Juan Tun on top of the highest mountain in the area of the KSC and launched from there 0.995 tons without the launcher base ... this was fun Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/Juan-Tun
  16. So using hyper edit screws the pooch for your accuracy so why not use Vessel Mover instead .... this is what I did for my entry: 1- build a basic small rocket that has control and enough fuel to land on minmus 2- use the stock cheat menu to put the craft into minmus orbit 3- deorbit craft and land it on minmus 4- use the spawn craft feature in VM to spawn your arrow launcher 5- use VM to move the launcher to wherever you want it to be on mimus 6- line up your aim and place your launcher 7- profit Hope this helps
  17. KSP.log please ... upload this file located in your main KSP directory to dropbox or some other file sharing site and paste the link here in this thread so we can take a look
  18. If you really want to get technical about the spaghetti rockets being discussed in this thread then perhaps read the below linked PDF ... TL;DR is that rocket scientists actually design rockets to bend and flex Don't belive me, well here's my receipts: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19630006924.pdf Even the Archers Paradox somewhat can explain why the flex is needed (not the concept itself but a portion of what happens when you shoot) Think of a bow and arrow, shoot the arrow from the bow, at first the arrow is stationary, then the bow line is drawn back with the arrow and then you shoot ... the force you have just applied to the nuck of the arrow (the end that gets fitted to the bow string) has just placed a tremendous force on the arrow which causes it to bend around the bow shaft Now translate that same concept to a rocket, however add the fact that it isn't a sudden jolt of energy and that is that ... no, it a continuous jolt which causes massive vibrations, twisting and flexing If a large rocket was designed to be completely stiff then it would end up breaking apart not long after launch
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