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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. I agree ... Seems too many cooks in the kitchen for my tastes I'm down with the rally concept and think rally based challenges and circuit based challenges should remain separate ... I'm pretty sure that the real world racing leagues that are out there do not combine all of the types of racing beneath one roof Exactly
  2. I designed the Bad Beaver for your challenge which is the predecessor of Bill's Big Bad Beaver ... I had a blast attempting your track and even did the badass=true deal by jumping not only the first flag but the second one as well (I just couldn't finish the race) Been making my own lemonade for years
  3. ^^^ this A series of short tracks deserves it's own league if you ask me ... Dakar based challenges should be based on the Dakar concept and shouldn't be mixed with short track challenges IMO
  4. I wasn't trying to knock your idea, it's just that there are many of us who do not have the hand/eye coordination and would not be able to take part in those small track based challenges ... include it by all means, however that may be limiting others to just being spectators who would like to take part I for one loved Azimech's challenge and even tried to take part but my hands twitch and don't do what I tell 'em to all the time so I wasn't able to post a successful entry
  5. Your KSCRC challenge is good and all but it isn't a Dakar rally ... It's a series of tracks based around the KSC that has a set course The appeal of this challenge, for me at least, is the length of the stages and that you can take whatever route you want to between flags
  6. ^^^ This Not sure of how long, I said a week as an arbitrary figure, but run the course we have now then close it for entries and move on to the next ... this will end up building a racing circuit for all of us with new tracks being thought up as we go We can always go back and revisit a track later on down the line
  7. My suggestion is to run each stage for a week then close the rally for that course and start the next race on a different track ... There are so many places to set up a Dakar rally challenge that we will never run out of ideas on where to run a rally
  8. Now there is a question that should be answered .......
  9. I can assure you that the idea of weaponizing the B4-R and the Beaver has been brewing in the back of my mind I think that we at the BDAc Development Group could definitely garner some useful information from a weaponized version of this challenge
  10. I think this challenge has put some life back into KSP for many of us I can see this Dakar idea going all over the place, even so far as the other planets
  11. So I've discovered that the Beaver is amazingly fast and stable on the flats but takin the high road tends to lead to RUD's if I'm not careful ... top speed is well over 130m/s even when going uphill but landing insane jumps is the problem ... gonna have to slow down a bit on the highland stages methinks As for the electric support vehicle, the B4-R, top speed is around 46m/s on the flats and in the mid 30's going uphill ... and since she's carrying all the fuel needed to top up the Beaver, she is being a bit difficult when it comes to the high road Loving the challenge so far and I have managed to finish all the stages intact with them ... now to figure out balancing the fuel between the two so that I can make the B4-R lighter and less prone to going boom (she'll get faster as she dumps fuel into the Beaver) Bill's Big Bad Beaver Stage 1 time is sub 7 minutes ... speed is only useful when me gots flatish ground to drive over B4-R Stage 1 time is sub 15 minutes ... may have to take the low road with this one in later stages
  12. Yup ... been experiencing that quite a bit lately Stage 2 and 3 are just insane on the suspension when goin at a clip
  13. So what you're sayin is that default terrain detail seems to be more punishing than high?
  14. Thanx, I ended up just downloading Paint.net and edited the stock part .dds files ... I wanted a camo paint job and when I thought about it I figured I had no choice but to go with CADPat seeing as I am Canadian I made a KSP v1.2.2 install just for the Dakar so it doesn't matter if I edit the stock textures since this install is for the Dakar KSC Edition and the many Dakar races to follow ... Gonna VTOL my rides to the start of the KSC2/Pyramids edition
  15. So me gots a new paint job ... And those brain buckets are looking pretty shnazzy as well
  16. From what I understood from the conversation I had with @Triop is that powered flight is a no go If your wheels leave the ground for an apreciable amount of time then you are not allowed to have thrust applied to your vehicle ... whether you throttle down to 0 (paying attention to spool down time in the case of Juno's) or by using boost flap tech This what was said: You can find the conversation here in the comments of the video:
  17. Well I'm entering an electric powered buggy and a jet powered one that the only mod being used is roll cages rerolled ... not sure where that puts me in the categories
  18. So something I have discovered in regards to the decals .... seems that they produce a lot of drag So much so that my top speed on the flats with the Beaver goes from 140ish down to 115ish with the only difference being the placing of 2 decals in symetry on the vehicle
  19. Now that is a beast ... Love it One thing to be aware of though is that the Goliath has the same spooling issue as the Juno's ... Takes a bit for them to spool up as well as a bit to spool down I think you will need boost flaps to counter this since if you throttle down to 0 when you become airborne you will still be getting thrust from the Goliath for a few moments while in the air
  20. It is ... It is a whole lot of fun! ... read the above with tweety birds voice in the same manner as when he see's a puddy tat
  21. I did the helmet already, replacing the png ... what I meant was changing stock part textures (Mk0 Lf tank is dds)
  22. I was doing it the hard way by putting a container on my buggies that is attached by a decoupler and editing the helmet config so it would show up under the utilities tab On another note, made my own custom helmet skin ... now to figure out how to change the stock textures
  23. @SpannerMonkey(smce) - I love the brain bucket but how do I use it?
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