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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Just keep pointing at the wall .... your concern over stock vs modded is really a cry for attention You complain that a 'modded' challenge is inappropriate seeing as that there are those who only go modded yet you also complain in your post above that stock only challenges are an issue as well ... seems like you may want to look within yourself instead of placing blame, for whatever you are trying to get at, on the rest of the community
  2. Most of what I create is stock with few exceptions I do this because I like the challenge of making something I design with the game as it stands when working on my own personal challenges 147 satellites to LKO from a single launch in stock was one of my most impressive and the Dres love missions I did were epic (see spoiler below) As for what sort of craft gets the most attention, couldn't care less myself as this forum family that we are all a part of is diverse in their tastes and how they play the game ... we are all part of the KSP family so what does it matter that we all play in a different way?
  3. Careful ... using the SAS to point prograde will lead to head on collisions with the terrain at the speeds we are talking about here I started with using the prograde deal in my testing and once you go over 50m/s you set yourself up for RUD's as your vector tends to intersect the terrain at bad angles causing explosions The wheels can only take a certain intersect angle with the terrain at a given speed
  4. Likely this is the case, however using your engines while 'in flight' is against the rules of the challenge If your buggy is a meter or so off the ground I feel it would be acceptable, but if you launch into a decent size jump then using the jets to stabilize your trajectory would fall outside of the rules @Triop should be the one to make the decision on this though since he is the challenge host
  5. Thing is with turning off thrust on Junos is that when you go from max thrust to no thrust there is a spool down time just like there is a spool up time when going from 0 throttle to max You would be better off setting up a KoS script to control the extend and retract on the boost flaps
  6. Well Bill's Big Bad Beaver is all stock with the exception of Rollcages ReRolled which is currently Dev access only at the moment ... I've got 3 Juno's pushing a vehicle that weighs in at a little over 3.5 tons (any heavier and it has a RUD when landing) As for how the wheels are surviving ... well first I have found flat surfaces to drive over and I also make sure when I'm landing a jump that I am below 50m/s when the wheels touch the ground
  7. This exactly ... @Azimech came up with the boost flap concept in his race track challenge Watch the following and you will see how boost flaps work ... Pay attention to how the control surfaces block the thrust of the jet engines (the exhaust is not blocked but that is just a visual thing ... Juno's are the only engines that you can use this tech with)
  8. @Slam_Jones - Just so you are aware ... When you become airborne your jet engines must either be at 0 throttle or be blocked by boost flaps Using jet engines above 0 throttle without having the thrust blocked by boost flaps while in the air is considered flying under jet power Also try and reduce your damper and spring settings as this will help with your buggy bouncing off of surfaces ... The lower settings will absorb the impact rather than launching you into the air
  9. So I have decided to enter 2 buggies ..... The first one in the video is the CANUKWorks B4-R ... The second is Bill's Big Bad Beaver The B4-R is actually an electric powered refueling buggy that Jeb and Val will drive each stage with ahead of Bill so they can refuel him when he finishes ... I do not intend to swap out vehicles so once they leave the KSC they are on their own (Although I may swap out drivers after each stage)
  10. So I noticed something during testing .. I used jr docking ports on my refueling rig and on the front of my buggy to be used for refueling at each stage ... after refueling I decoupled and the mission time clock was reset to 0
  11. And damn, some of those 'because I can' parts are the goods ... straight up
  12. Well in that case you are paying homage to the Kraken which we all know is definitely a real thing
  13. Bah ... don't bring religion into this as this forum is a secular society Might I suggest you look into what Satanism is as well as the rest of the world religions so you can understand fully the absurdness that each one of said religions is based on Bronze age ideas in an advanced modern society
  14. Nothing is ever simple ... especially when it's involving KSP and the Forums As I have mentioned before, there are always going to be those who's main objective is to circumvent the rules (whether implied or static) .... not to mention those who just want to pick a challenge apart and stomp on the spirit of said challenge You all know who you are
  15. You forgot to add the pieces of the craft in question flying off in a satisfyingly destructive manner
  16. I agree wholeheartedly ... There have been many times that I have been required, due to my responsibilities when I was working, to attend meetings about meetings Starting to cook a recipe when you have 20 cooks and a few chef's in the kitchen always leads to disaster
  17. Definitely get in on this buddy ... It's a whole hell of a lot of fun And a motorcycle you say ... hmmm, might be possible in a stock entry Imma gonna investigate this
  18. There's another paper creation category to consider ... those who create paperwork when there is no need (red tape)
  19. Hmmm .... sounds like an interesting challenge
  20. What can go wrong will go wrong - Murphy's Law If you keep this in mind then your that much closer to keeping your Kerbals alive
  21. You can open the cheat menu in the VAB/SPH before you launch
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