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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. So if you are standing on the hood of a parked car and it starts moving will you stay where you are standing without something to hold on to? .... didn't think so Same goes for a Kerbal ... if he/she is standing on a craft not holding onto something and the craft starts moving the Kerbal is not going to stay in place That is the way of physics
  2. So I think that there needs to be a clarification in regards to using boost flaps to block the thrust of Juno's You can use elevons to block the thrust of a Juno but they will not block the particles or 'smoke' coming from them ... this means anyone using @Azimech's boost flap tech will always have smoke trails coming from the back of their craft while at max throttle, even when the flaps are closed and blocking the thrust Juno's are the only engine that you can do this with effectively and it allows you to keep your engines running at full tilt to avoid the dreaded spool up time while blocking the thrust when the flaps are closed See the following thread for more information:
  3. @Triop and Bill had a disagreement and Bill ended up with the short end of the stick However, you can ressurect him in the cfg file by finding his name and looking below it for 'Status' and change 'Missing' to 'Active'
  4. That was not a design failure, that was driver error Both 2 & 3 are insane (2 more so) ... watch out for sudden changes in topography as that is the hardest part to deal with
  5. When I get home later this evening I will answer this question
  6. Wow, I remember not so long ago when .... I'll just leave this here .....
  7. There have been well respected members of the community as well as moderators coming in here and all have been saying the same thing which boils down to this: Mod threads are for providing help to users, posting mod updates and discussing the mod in question Ground effect is not relevant to this mod nor any mod or even KSP itself since it is not coded into the game and it's one thing that the phrase 'there is a mod for that' does not apply ... this conversation deserves its own thread not only due to the interest in the subject, but also out of respect for ferram4 (intentionally not pinged) and FAR users everywhere Don't get me wrong, the discussion is an interesting read, however I agree with certain members of this community by saying give the subject a place of its own and leave the FAR thread to things directly related to FAR That is all ...
  8. And we all could learn about writing proper bug reports by taking his advice If someone offers a suggestion, it is just that, a suggestion ... you don't have to take it And by the way, his suggestion does have merrit
  9. From what I understand you can take any route you want between flags .... On that note, here's a quick aerial overview of the landscape (disregard the stupid flying)
  10. Nope, the best way is up and over ... Just gotta avoid landing weird
  11. Weighing in at 0.542 tons and consisting of 9 parts, I now present for your consideration, the CANUKWorks Somethin' For Nothin' Top Speed: 44.6 m/s I'll just leave this here .......
  12. I could do a video of the route by air for you ... give me an hour or so and I'll post a link
  13. If I film them all before the race starts then everyone will know my route and my time ... You can use any videos I post but I will not be uploading any complete runs for any stage until that stage has become active I get lots of air in Stage 2 but have found a good route ... landing the jumps proves to be a bit difficult at times though
  14. At these speeds there is no going down the other side of the hill since each hill launches you into the air
  15. Nope, going up a hill .... watch the video ... on the hill that leads up to the first jump in my video I hit 143 m/s
  16. Yup The angle of the ground when I landed the last jump caused the right front wheel to go kablooey ... I should have been a little more careful I used the small cage, Mk2 I believe ... Bill's Big Bad Beaver is a mean machine Top speed: 143 m/s - 514 km/h (going up a hill)
  17. @SpannerMonkey(smce) - Roll cage survived I'll just leave this here .......
  18. Nice ... Just an FYI though ... The discussion/showcase for the entry vehicles is here:
  19. 1- Download the Dakar2017.sfs save file form the link provided in the OP 2- Start KSP and start a new game called Dakar2017 ... after it loads, press escape to get the menu up 3- Go to your desktop and copy the Dakar2017.sfs save game to the save game folder that you just created which will be found in your KSP directory ... {your KSP install location}/savegames/Dakar2017 4- Go back into KSP, click on 'load save' and select Dakar2017 5- Start racing
  20. So the finish isn't at the end of the runway? ..., It was changed?
  21. Don't remove it ... Leave it there so people have to drive around it I'm taking it on it's left side and turning right towards the hills
  22. Sounds good to me ... pretty much what I was going to do (if I don't just record it instead ) Although I'm just gonna start from the runway which will add a few seconds or so, but I'll take the hit ... Same with at each stage, I will use vessel mover to spawn a new vehicle at each checkpoint so the time will be reset to 0 each leg of the race (I will take a hit of a few seconds at each time but I'm ok with that)
  23. @DarkOwl57 - Instead of using your phone why not use the F1 key to take a screenshot ... You will find the images taken this way in the screenshots folder in your KSP directory When you want to take a picture just press the F1 key on your keyboard
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